#6327: Missing ppc64le builds --------------------+------------------------ Reporter: ellert | Owner: rel-eng@… Type: task | Status: new Milestone: | Component: epel Keywords: | Blocked By: Blocking: | --------------------+------------------------ Hi!
I submitted an epel7 build to koji and it failed due to missing dependencies for ppc64le:
Is there a time schedule for completing the missing package builds? Is there a list somewhere of all the missing stuff and what the status is for them?
I tried to submit a scratch build for the missing package (globus-ftp- client-8.27-1) to see if there was something wrong with it. This also failed due to another missing package (globus-authz-3.11-1). I then submitted a scratch build of that package - which succeeded, so it looks like there isn't anything broken just missing builds.
Interestingly, there are ppc64le builds of older versions of the missing packages: globus-authz-3.10-2 and globus-ftp-client-8.25-1 - but not for the latest versions currently in epel. So the packages are missing the ppc64el build root. I didn't look through all the packages I maintain, so there might be more affected.