The following Fedora 26 Security updates need testing: Age URL 159 docker-distribution-2.6.2-1.git48294d9.fc26 52 ldns-1.7.0-4.fc26 34 mongodb-3.4.10-1.fc26 30 qpid-cpp-1.37.0-1.fc26 18 heimdal-7.5.0-1.fc26 11 heketi-5.0.1-1.fc26 5 monit-5.25.1-1.fc26 2 xrdp-0.9.5-1.fc26 0 mupdf-1.12.0-1.fc26 0 nasm-2.13.02-1.fc26
The following Fedora 26 Critical Path updates have yet to be approved: Age URL 11 nfs-utils-2.2.1-3.rc2.fc26 11 cmake-3.10.1-4.fc26 redhat-rpm-config-63-2.fc26 1 libfm-1.2.5-4.gitD20171230.fc26 1 pcmanfm-1.2.5-3.fc26 0 vim-8.0.1427-1.fc26 0 perl-podlators-4.09-3.fc26 0 hwdata-0.308-1.fc26 0 pigz-2.4-1.fc26
The following builds have been pushed to Fedora 26 updates-testing
adapta-backgrounds- adapta-gtk-theme- dwgrep-0.3-4.fc26 fldigi-4.0.13-1.fc26 flrig-1.3.37-1.fc26 fsarchiver-0.8.3-1.fc26 hwdata-0.308-1.fc26 indi-aagcloudwatcher-1.6.0-1.fc26 indi-apogee-1.6.0-1.fc26 indi-eqmod-1.6.0-1.fc26 indi-gphoto-1.6.0-1.fc26 indi-sx-1.6.0-1.fc26 kstars-2.8.9-2.fc26 libabw-0.1.2-1.fc26 libe-book-0.1.3-1.fc26 libindi-1.6.0-1.fc26 libmspub-0.1.3-1.fc26 libqxp-0.0.1-1.fc26 mozilla-https-everywhere-2017.12.6-1.fc26 mozilla-noscript- nasm-2.13.02-1.fc26 ocaml-ptmap-2.0.3-1.fc26 otter-browser-0.9.94-0.1.rc4gitc2a56a0.fc26 perl-DBD-Firebird-1.31-1.fc26 perl-Digest-SHA-6.01-1.fc26 perl-Perl-Critic-Pulp-96-1.fc26 perl-PerlIO-eol-0.17-1.fc26 perl-Time-HiRes-1.9750-1.fc26 perl-podlators-4.09-3.fc26 pigz-2.4-1.fc26 python-distro-1.2.0-1.fc26 python-peewee-2.10.2-1.fc26 vim-8.0.1427-1.fc26 whois-5.2.20-1.fc26 xmedcon-0.14.1-1.fc26
Details about builds:
================================================================================ adapta-backgrounds- (FEDORA-2018-5615d5d30d) A wallpaper collection for adapta-project -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
* Initial rpm release -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References:
[ 1 ] Bug #1529705 - Review Request: adapta-backgrounds - A wallpaper collection for adapta-project --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ adapta-gtk-theme- (FEDORA-2018-d3e94e1930) An adaptive Gtk+ theme based on Material Design Guidelines -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
* Initial rpm release -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References:
[ 1 ] Bug #1529593 - Review Request: adapta-gtk-theme - An adaptive Gtk+ theme based on Material Design Guidelines --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ dwgrep-0.3-4.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-7676342c77) A tool for querying Dwarf (debuginfo) graphs -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
Rebase to 0.3. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ fldigi-4.0.13-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-d8bddaca6a) Digital modem program for Linux -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
Changes to fldigi: = Version 4.0.13 Language Translation Added po translation files to support Greek Updated Polish translation file cw t/r - doc update Correct error in handling t/r OFF in CW modem Updated documentation Spectrum Analyzer Change initial center freq and range based on current waterfall tracking frequency and modem bandwidth. left click on waterfall transfers modifies center frequency and frequency scaling TS990 tune feedback Prevent Tx/Rx state feedback from changing from Tune to Tx. OS X CW Changes to reduce cpu load during CW transmit FSQ/IFKP clear tx panel Clear tx panel when T/R returns to RX deadman Add an idle deadman timeout Image transmit Fix broken IFKP avatar transmit add macro tag to insert avatar <AVATAR> add ^a text tag to insert avatar add ^i text tag to insert image - ^i[pathname_to_file] external text file tags for avatar / image - @^a - @^i[pathname_to_file] flrig race Fix race condition on OS X when initiating PTT via xmlrpc client to flrig CW Sweepstakes Add support code for CW sweepstakes logging - update N3FJP logging i/o CW no tx char, correct no tx character behavior Tab behavior is different than all other modem types: - Tab pauses transmit, then resumes sending when new text is entered. - Ctrl-tab pause transmit, moves the insert text to just after last character transmitted. Another (ctrl-)tab goes back to the end of the buffer and resumes sending. timeops another solution to the clock-get_time problem Changes to flrig: = Version 1.3.37 TS990 / xmlrpc server mods Various changes to TS990 backend Changes to xml server interface to avoid out- of-bounds errors when referencing rig tables. IC7200 filter width Correct AM width table Rotate log Add aging system to debug_log.txt files - history: debug_log.txt.1 ... debug_log.txt.5 - last exec: debug_log.txt Get PTT Implement for xcvrs that support PTT query Comm timeout Add warning dialog if serial i/o time outs occur more than a 5 consecutive times. IC7200/7300 notch modify read notch to only alter returned notch value if changed at xcvr Remove xmlrpc client remove xmlrpc client interface to fldigi flrig is used only as an xmlrpc server to fldigi/flwkey, etc. TS990 changes updates to TS990 backend and support code update to MinGW/Msys build UI service paradigm Change to slider - implement for IC718, IC7200, IC7300 Removed queue processing for flrig panel controls - changed to individual/immediate xcvr cat i/o Corrected 7200/7300 set/get methods Added vfo reference adjust for IC7200 and IC7300 IC718 Corrected set/get noise reduction value - change UI to 0...15 range IC7200 added CW keyer controls corrected get/set noise reduction value - changed UI to 0...15 range Extras drop down panel All extra's tabs always visible Correct small UI access to tabbed controls Change UI to disable vice hide controls start-stop Moved initialization and restore of xcvr values to separate thread OS X race conditions Correct race condition when switching modes via xmlrpc server Correct race condition during xmlrpc PTT changes PTT xmlrpc get return state of PTT boolean vice the state of the UI PTT control Value by VFO remember and use all INITVALS by vfo A/B correct widget x,y positions on wide UI UI wide power button Correct x,y positioning of power button on wide user interface Comp Level Add read/set/restore compression level - IC7200, IC7300 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References:
[ 1 ] Bug #1529812 - flrig-1.3.37 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1529809 - fldigi-4.0.13 is available --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ flrig-1.3.37-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-d8bddaca6a) Transceiver control program -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
Changes to fldigi: = Version 4.0.13 Language Translation Added po translation files to support Greek Updated Polish translation file cw t/r - doc update Correct error in handling t/r OFF in CW modem Updated documentation Spectrum Analyzer Change initial center freq and range based on current waterfall tracking frequency and modem bandwidth. left click on waterfall transfers modifies center frequency and frequency scaling TS990 tune feedback Prevent Tx/Rx state feedback from changing from Tune to Tx. OS X CW Changes to reduce cpu load during CW transmit FSQ/IFKP clear tx panel Clear tx panel when T/R returns to RX deadman Add an idle deadman timeout Image transmit Fix broken IFKP avatar transmit add macro tag to insert avatar <AVATAR> add ^a text tag to insert avatar add ^i text tag to insert image - ^i[pathname_to_file] external text file tags for avatar / image - @^a - @^i[pathname_to_file] flrig race Fix race condition on OS X when initiating PTT via xmlrpc client to flrig CW Sweepstakes Add support code for CW sweepstakes logging - update N3FJP logging i/o CW no tx char, correct no tx character behavior Tab behavior is different than all other modem types: - Tab pauses transmit, then resumes sending when new text is entered. - Ctrl-tab pause transmit, moves the insert text to just after last character transmitted. Another (ctrl-)tab goes back to the end of the buffer and resumes sending. timeops another solution to the clock-get_time problem Changes to flrig: = Version 1.3.37 TS990 / xmlrpc server mods Various changes to TS990 backend Changes to xml server interface to avoid out- of-bounds errors when referencing rig tables. IC7200 filter width Correct AM width table Rotate log Add aging system to debug_log.txt files - history: debug_log.txt.1 ... debug_log.txt.5 - last exec: debug_log.txt Get PTT Implement for xcvrs that support PTT query Comm timeout Add warning dialog if serial i/o time outs occur more than a 5 consecutive times. IC7200/7300 notch modify read notch to only alter returned notch value if changed at xcvr Remove xmlrpc client remove xmlrpc client interface to fldigi flrig is used only as an xmlrpc server to fldigi/flwkey, etc. TS990 changes updates to TS990 backend and support code update to MinGW/Msys build UI service paradigm Change to slider - implement for IC718, IC7200, IC7300 Removed queue processing for flrig panel controls - changed to individual/immediate xcvr cat i/o Corrected 7200/7300 set/get methods Added vfo reference adjust for IC7200 and IC7300 IC718 Corrected set/get noise reduction value - change UI to 0...15 range IC7200 added CW keyer controls corrected get/set noise reduction value - changed UI to 0...15 range Extras drop down panel All extra's tabs always visible Correct small UI access to tabbed controls Change UI to disable vice hide controls start-stop Moved initialization and restore of xcvr values to separate thread OS X race conditions Correct race condition when switching modes via xmlrpc server Correct race condition during xmlrpc PTT changes PTT xmlrpc get return state of PTT boolean vice the state of the UI PTT control Value by VFO remember and use all INITVALS by vfo A/B correct widget x,y positions on wide UI UI wide power button Correct x,y positioning of power button on wide user interface Comp Level Add read/set/restore compression level - IC7200, IC7300 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References:
[ 1 ] Bug #1529812 - flrig-1.3.37 is available [ 2 ] Bug #1529809 - fldigi-4.0.13 is available --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ fsarchiver-0.8.3-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-17cfcdcb9d) Safe and flexible file-system backup/deployment tool -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
New upstream release, adds lz4 support -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References:
[ 1 ] Bug #1485419 - Please update to 0.8.3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ hwdata-0.308-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-bbccba1a19) Hardware identification and configuration data -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
Updated pci, usb and vendor ids. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ indi-aagcloudwatcher-1.6.0-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-d8ab7b43c5) INDI driver for the AAG Cloud Watcher -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
Update to INDI 1.6.0, containing several bugfixes and improvements, but also new supported devices: + Added 10Micron Mount support. + Added spectrum support and libDSPAU. + Added NexDome support. + Added Pyxis Rotator support. + Added Pegasus Focuser support. + Added MBox Weather box support. + Added SnapCap dust cap and flat panel support. + Added Sesto-Senso focuser support. + Added USB_DewPoint support. + Added GPS-NMEA sources support. + Added Gemini Telescope Design Integra85 Focusing Rotator WIP support. + Added Lunatico's Armadillo and Platypus support. + IOptron fixes and improvements. + More NextstarEvo improvements. + Dedicated Guider Simulator. + EQMod Horizon fixes. + Skywatcher Alt-Az Mount & Syncscan fixes and improvements including guide support. + StarSense support in Celestron Driver. + Improvements to mount parking & unparking. + New experimental Astrophysics Driver. + Support for Losmandy UDP protocol. + Fixed Dome slaving slew and tracking. + Added Radio Antenna Simulator. + New INDI Rotator Interface. + UDEV rule to disable automount of DSLR cameras. + Sky Quality Meter simulator. + Improvements to INDI GPS drivers. + TCFS Fixes. + SkySensorPC2000 fixes. + Fixed WatchDog behavior in case of unavailable dome. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ indi-apogee-1.6.0-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-d8ab7b43c5) The INDI driver for Apogee Alta (U & E) line of CCDs -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
Update to INDI 1.6.0, containing several bugfixes and improvements, but also new supported devices: + Added 10Micron Mount support. + Added spectrum support and libDSPAU. + Added NexDome support. + Added Pyxis Rotator support. + Added Pegasus Focuser support. + Added MBox Weather box support. + Added SnapCap dust cap and flat panel support. + Added Sesto-Senso focuser support. + Added USB_DewPoint support. + Added GPS-NMEA sources support. + Added Gemini Telescope Design Integra85 Focusing Rotator WIP support. + Added Lunatico's Armadillo and Platypus support. + IOptron fixes and improvements. + More NextstarEvo improvements. + Dedicated Guider Simulator. + EQMod Horizon fixes. + Skywatcher Alt-Az Mount & Syncscan fixes and improvements including guide support. + StarSense support in Celestron Driver. + Improvements to mount parking & unparking. + New experimental Astrophysics Driver. + Support for Losmandy UDP protocol. + Fixed Dome slaving slew and tracking. + Added Radio Antenna Simulator. + New INDI Rotator Interface. + UDEV rule to disable automount of DSLR cameras. + Sky Quality Meter simulator. + Improvements to INDI GPS drivers. + TCFS Fixes. + SkySensorPC2000 fixes. + Fixed WatchDog behavior in case of unavailable dome. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ indi-eqmod-1.6.0-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-d8ab7b43c5) INDI driver providing support for SkyWatcher Protocol -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
Update to INDI 1.6.0, containing several bugfixes and improvements, but also new supported devices: + Added 10Micron Mount support. + Added spectrum support and libDSPAU. + Added NexDome support. + Added Pyxis Rotator support. + Added Pegasus Focuser support. + Added MBox Weather box support. + Added SnapCap dust cap and flat panel support. + Added Sesto-Senso focuser support. + Added USB_DewPoint support. + Added GPS-NMEA sources support. + Added Gemini Telescope Design Integra85 Focusing Rotator WIP support. + Added Lunatico's Armadillo and Platypus support. + IOptron fixes and improvements. + More NextstarEvo improvements. + Dedicated Guider Simulator. + EQMod Horizon fixes. + Skywatcher Alt-Az Mount & Syncscan fixes and improvements including guide support. + StarSense support in Celestron Driver. + Improvements to mount parking & unparking. + New experimental Astrophysics Driver. + Support for Losmandy UDP protocol. + Fixed Dome slaving slew and tracking. + Added Radio Antenna Simulator. + New INDI Rotator Interface. + UDEV rule to disable automount of DSLR cameras. + Sky Quality Meter simulator. + Improvements to INDI GPS drivers. + TCFS Fixes. + SkySensorPC2000 fixes. + Fixed WatchDog behavior in case of unavailable dome. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ indi-gphoto-1.6.0-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-d8ab7b43c5) INDI driver providing support for gPhoto -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
Update to INDI 1.6.0, containing several bugfixes and improvements, but also new supported devices: + Added 10Micron Mount support. + Added spectrum support and libDSPAU. + Added NexDome support. + Added Pyxis Rotator support. + Added Pegasus Focuser support. + Added MBox Weather box support. + Added SnapCap dust cap and flat panel support. + Added Sesto-Senso focuser support. + Added USB_DewPoint support. + Added GPS-NMEA sources support. + Added Gemini Telescope Design Integra85 Focusing Rotator WIP support. + Added Lunatico's Armadillo and Platypus support. + IOptron fixes and improvements. + More NextstarEvo improvements. + Dedicated Guider Simulator. + EQMod Horizon fixes. + Skywatcher Alt-Az Mount & Syncscan fixes and improvements including guide support. + StarSense support in Celestron Driver. + Improvements to mount parking & unparking. + New experimental Astrophysics Driver. + Support for Losmandy UDP protocol. + Fixed Dome slaving slew and tracking. + Added Radio Antenna Simulator. + New INDI Rotator Interface. + UDEV rule to disable automount of DSLR cameras. + Sky Quality Meter simulator. + Improvements to INDI GPS drivers. + TCFS Fixes. + SkySensorPC2000 fixes. + Fixed WatchDog behavior in case of unavailable dome. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ indi-sx-1.6.0-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-d8ab7b43c5) INDI driver providing support for Starlight Xpress devices -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
Update to INDI 1.6.0, containing several bugfixes and improvements, but also new supported devices: + Added 10Micron Mount support. + Added spectrum support and libDSPAU. + Added NexDome support. + Added Pyxis Rotator support. + Added Pegasus Focuser support. + Added MBox Weather box support. + Added SnapCap dust cap and flat panel support. + Added Sesto-Senso focuser support. + Added USB_DewPoint support. + Added GPS-NMEA sources support. + Added Gemini Telescope Design Integra85 Focusing Rotator WIP support. + Added Lunatico's Armadillo and Platypus support. + IOptron fixes and improvements. + More NextstarEvo improvements. + Dedicated Guider Simulator. + EQMod Horizon fixes. + Skywatcher Alt-Az Mount & Syncscan fixes and improvements including guide support. + StarSense support in Celestron Driver. + Improvements to mount parking & unparking. + New experimental Astrophysics Driver. + Support for Losmandy UDP protocol. + Fixed Dome slaving slew and tracking. + Added Radio Antenna Simulator. + New INDI Rotator Interface. + UDEV rule to disable automount of DSLR cameras. + Sky Quality Meter simulator. + Improvements to INDI GPS drivers. + TCFS Fixes. + SkySensorPC2000 fixes. + Fixed WatchDog behavior in case of unavailable dome. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ kstars-2.8.9-2.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-d8ab7b43c5) Desktop Planetarium -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
Update to INDI 1.6.0, containing several bugfixes and improvements, but also new supported devices: + Added 10Micron Mount support. + Added spectrum support and libDSPAU. + Added NexDome support. + Added Pyxis Rotator support. + Added Pegasus Focuser support. + Added MBox Weather box support. + Added SnapCap dust cap and flat panel support. + Added Sesto-Senso focuser support. + Added USB_DewPoint support. + Added GPS-NMEA sources support. + Added Gemini Telescope Design Integra85 Focusing Rotator WIP support. + Added Lunatico's Armadillo and Platypus support. + IOptron fixes and improvements. + More NextstarEvo improvements. + Dedicated Guider Simulator. + EQMod Horizon fixes. + Skywatcher Alt-Az Mount & Syncscan fixes and improvements including guide support. + StarSense support in Celestron Driver. + Improvements to mount parking & unparking. + New experimental Astrophysics Driver. + Support for Losmandy UDP protocol. + Fixed Dome slaving slew and tracking. + Added Radio Antenna Simulator. + New INDI Rotator Interface. + UDEV rule to disable automount of DSLR cameras. + Sky Quality Meter simulator. + Improvements to INDI GPS drivers. + TCFS Fixes. + SkySensorPC2000 fixes. + Fixed WatchDog behavior in case of unavailable dome. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ libabw-0.1.2-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-ff471f4834) A library for import of AbiWord files -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
new upstream release --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ libe-book-0.1.3-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-969c4690ec) A library for import of reflowable e-book formats -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
new upstream release --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ libindi-1.6.0-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-d8ab7b43c5) Instrument Neutral Distributed Interface -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
Update to INDI 1.6.0, containing several bugfixes and improvements, but also new supported devices: + Added 10Micron Mount support. + Added spectrum support and libDSPAU. + Added NexDome support. + Added Pyxis Rotator support. + Added Pegasus Focuser support. + Added MBox Weather box support. + Added SnapCap dust cap and flat panel support. + Added Sesto-Senso focuser support. + Added USB_DewPoint support. + Added GPS-NMEA sources support. + Added Gemini Telescope Design Integra85 Focusing Rotator WIP support. + Added Lunatico's Armadillo and Platypus support. + IOptron fixes and improvements. + More NextstarEvo improvements. + Dedicated Guider Simulator. + EQMod Horizon fixes. + Skywatcher Alt-Az Mount & Syncscan fixes and improvements including guide support. + StarSense support in Celestron Driver. + Improvements to mount parking & unparking. + New experimental Astrophysics Driver. + Support for Losmandy UDP protocol. + Fixed Dome slaving slew and tracking. + Added Radio Antenna Simulator. + New INDI Rotator Interface. + UDEV rule to disable automount of DSLR cameras. + Sky Quality Meter simulator. + Improvements to INDI GPS drivers. + TCFS Fixes. + SkySensorPC2000 fixes. + Fixed WatchDog behavior in case of unavailable dome. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ libmspub-0.1.3-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-6eb45536ba) A library for import of Microsoft Publisher documents -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
new upstream release --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ libqxp-0.0.1-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-ab33467dbb) Library for import of QuarkXPress documents -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
new upstream release --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ mozilla-https-everywhere-2017.12.6-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-41224c1f60) HTTPS enforcement extension for Mozilla Firefox -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
- EPEL users: Going back to XUL. Please provide feedback on whether it works or not. - Update rulesets, remove unnecessary files. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ mozilla-noscript- (FEDORA-2018-61ca8319cc) JavaScript white list extension for Mozilla Firefox -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
**NOTE** All packaged Firefox add-ons are affected by Firefox bug fedora#1508827 . A workaround is provided in the bug report. Please do not give negative karma just because of that bug. v ============================================================= * Individual temporary / permanent TRUSTED preset buttons * Removed customizability of DEFAULT, TRUSTED and UNTRUSTED preset from the popup (reported as a major source of confusion) while keeping it in the Options tab * Better display on mobile devices in portrait mode * Fixed focus bug on mobile devices * Fixed confirmation prompt when loading Site Info for the first time being ignored * Fixed import feature failing on some full JSON "Classic" export files (thanks Floe for reporting) * Fixed policy serialization bug causing temporary TRUSTED sites to be listed in the UNTRUSTED array as well (thanks pal1000 for reporting) * Fixed action icon being disabled on Options tabs and not re-enabled when navigating away in the same tab (thanks geek99 for reporting) v ============================================================= * Reduced UI sizes in desktop version * Work-around for Firefox bug preventing the Export button from working on non-Windows platforms -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References:
[ 1 ] Bug #1528835 - mozilla-noscript- is available --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ nasm-2.13.02-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-48569250d1) A portable x86 assembler which uses Intel-like syntax -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
Security fix for CVE-2017-17810 CVE-2017-17811 CVE-2017-17812 CVE-2017-17813 CVE-2017-17814 CVE-2017-17815 CVE-2017-17816 CVE-2017-17817 CVE-2017-17818 CVE-2017-17819 CVE-2017-17820 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References:
[ 1 ] Bug #1529312 - CVE-2017-17810 nasm: Segfault via mishandled macro calls in asm/preproc.c [ 2 ] Bug #1529317 - CVE-2017-17811 nasm: Heap-based buffer overflow in paste_tokens function in asm/preproc.c [ 3 ] Bug #1529319 - CVE-2017-17812 nasm: Heap-based buffer over-read in detoken function in asm/preproc.c [ 4 ] Bug #1529326 - CVE-2017-17813 nasm: use-after-free in pp_list_one_macro function in asm/preproc.c [ 5 ] Bug #1529327 - CVE-2017-17814 nasm: use-after-free in do_directive function in asm/preproc.c [ 6 ] Bug #1529328 - CVE-2017-17815 nasm: Illegal address access in is_mmacro function in asm/preproc.c [ 7 ] Bug #1529330 - CVE-2017-17816 nasm: Use-after-free in pp_getline function in asm/preproc.c [ 8 ] Bug #1529331 - CVE-2017-17817 nasm: Use-after-free in pp_verror function in asm/preproc.c [ 9 ] Bug #1529332 - CVE-2017-17818 nasm: Heap-based buffer over-read in paste_tokens function in asm/preproc.c [ 10 ] Bug #1529334 - CVE-2017-17819 nasm: Illegal address access in find_cc function in asm/preproc.c [ 11 ] Bug #1529335 - CVE-2017-17820 nasm: Use-after-free in pp_list_one_macro function in asm/preproc.c --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ ocaml-ptmap-2.0.3-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-caa183957b) Maps over integers implemented as Patricia trees -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
Maps over integers implemented as Patricia trees -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References:
[ 1 ] Bug #1528561 - Review Request: ocaml-ptmap - Maps over integers implemented as Patricia trees --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ otter-browser-0.9.94-0.1.rc4gitc2a56a0.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-70df4c588d) Web browser controlled by the user, not vice-versa -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
Update to 0.9.94-0.1.rc4gitc2a56a0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ perl-DBD-Firebird-1.31-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-20881f9699) A Firebird interface for perl -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
DBD::Firebird 1.31 [2017-12-05] =============================== * Re-release with all tests (some were missing in MANIFEST in 1.30) DBD::Firebird 1.30 [2017-12-05] =============================== * remove artificial hard-coded limit of 1_000_000 bytes when fetching BLOB data DBD::Firebird 1.29 [2017-12-02] =============================== * add /usr/local to the list of possible firebird homes [RT#123723] * blob_type needs to be signed to be assigned/compared to -1 * bpb parameter to isc_open_blob2 is a pointer * drop unused column character set definition DBD::Firebird 1.28 [2017-12-01] =============================== * Update MANIFEST to include newly added tests * add missing items in 1.27 changes * correctly check for Test::CheckDeps presense DBD::Firebird 1.27 [2017-12-01] =============================== * finish: do not check uninitialised status vector * If statement type is isc_info_sql_stmt_exec_procedure, isc_dsql_free_statement is not called and there is no point checking the status vector for errors. An error there may be from a previous call, or just plain garbage * Fixes -- test failure on i386, and, and RT#110979 * add 000-check-dependencies.t * Makefile.PL: move test dependencies in TEST_REQUIRES * fix typo in 1.26 Changes * POD: wrap some overly long lines * add support for a 'timeout=$secs' parameter [RT#119764] * bump years of copyright * put fb_api_ver in XS and make it available to both embedded and regular driver * more constants for client version (major/minor/full version string) DBD::Firebird 1.26 [2017-11-12] =============================== * TestFirebirdEmbedded: use a temporary directory for firebird locks and database storage (RT#123623) * fix typo in FirebirdEmbedded * detect Firebird API version even when paths are supplied via environment DBD::Firebird 1.25 [2017-10-01] =============================== * Add tests for values between 0 and ����1 to bigdecimal[_read].t * dbd_st_fetch: fix conversion of numerics between -1 and 0 * add a variant of t/92_bigdecimal_read.t using numeric(18,10) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References:
[ 1 ] Bug #1522691 - Upgrade perl-DBD-Firebird to 1.31 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ perl-Digest-SHA-6.01-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-96025d102e) Perl extension for SHA-1/224/256/384/512 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
This release adds --ignore-missing and --strict options to shasum tool. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References:
[ 1 ] Bug #1528963 - perl-Digest-SHA-6.01 is available --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ perl-Perl-Critic-Pulp-96-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-23f55ab94f) Some add-on perlcritic policies -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
This releases fixes accepting non-ASCII characters in strings in ProhibitUnknownBackslash policy. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References:
[ 1 ] Bug #1528834 - perl-Perl-Critic-Pulp-96 is available --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ perl-PerlIO-eol-0.17-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-486f72486f) PerlIO layer for normalizing line endings -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
This release improves documentation. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References:
[ 1 ] Bug #1529184 - perl-PerlIO-eol-0.17 is available --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ perl-Time-HiRes-1.9750-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-6dd4c10c85) High resolution alarm, sleep, gettimeofday, interval timers -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
This release corrects source metadata. We deliver it only to provide up-to-date version string. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References:
[ 1 ] Bug #1528842 - perl-Time-HiRes-1.9750 is available --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ perl-podlators-4.09-3.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-8bdedce282) Format POD source into various output formats -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
This release fixes pod2man and pod2text error messages when standard input is empty. It also fixes layers detection on output file handle. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ pigz-2.4-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-af9c086f87) Parallel implementation of gzip -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
New upstream release -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References:
[ 1 ] Bug #1529280 - pigz-2.4 is available --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ python-distro-1.2.0-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-d0802a8d1c) Linux Distribution - a Linux OS platform information API -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
rebase to 1.2.0 version -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References:
[ 1 ] Bug #1438200 - python-distro-1.2.0 is available --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ python-peewee-2.10.2-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-cdcad007c0) A small, expressive orm -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
Update to 2.10.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References:
[ 1 ] Bug #1508428 - python-peewee-2.10.2 is available --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ vim-8.0.1427-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-7d441dc153) The VIM editor -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
The newest upstream commit --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ whois-5.2.20-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-7f1c0afc4b) Improved WHOIS client -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
This release updates records for ai., al., bs., gh., gr., kw., ls., mr., ph., sb.,, and vn. domains. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References:
[ 1 ] Bug #1529286 - whois-5.2.20 is available --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ xmedcon-0.14.1-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2018-0fcced9e0d) A medical image conversion utility and library -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
Update to latest upstream release -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References:
[ 1 ] Bug #1299911 - update 0.14.1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------