Here is the latest Fedora OpenStack status report:
Historical archives are here:
Cheers, Pádraig.
(appended below for convenience)
= Distro News =
== 2012.1.1 stable release == Mark McLoughlin pushed out stable tree (Essex) [http://markmail.org/message/hbki7eweg4qb2o33 2012.1.1 releases]. You can drill down to the bugs and security fixes included there. All Essex packages were updated accordingly in Fedora 17 and EPEL 6
== sosreport integration == Gary Kotton wrote an [https://github.com/gkotton/sosreport/blob/openstack/sos/plugins/openstack.py OpenStack plugin for sosreport] to help in getting diagnostics for an OpenStack installation.
== augeas integration == Dan Prince wrote a [https://github.com/lutter/augeas/pull/6 python-paste Augeas lense] which allowing Augeas to [https://github.com/fedora-openstack/openstack-puppet/commit/ec483680fced8f29... manage nova and glance paste configs]
= Upstream News =
== OpenStack Grizzly ==
OpenStack G release is to be called "Grizzly" with the [http://www.openstack.org/blog/2012/06/openstack-summit-coming-october-15th-1... Grizzly design summit] being held in San Diego, CA, October 15-19.
== folsom milestone 2 released == The [https://lists.launchpad.net/openstack/msg14248.html folsom-2 development milestone] was released on July 5th, and you can drill down there to the bugs and blueprints targetted.
== Bug Squashing day == Following the last very successful Bug Squashing day another is scheduled for [http://wiki.openstack.org/BugDays/20120712BugSquashing Thursday July 12th]
== Red Hat contributions ==
Dan Prince is working on [https://github.com/dprince/glance/commits/swift_multi_tenant3 multi-tenant support for the Glance swift store]
There is too much to track in detail the OpenStack upstream activity of Red Hat developers, but here is a link showing the [http://goo.gl/aewXr latest Red Hat OpenStack upstream development]
= Red Hat summit =
* Russell Bryant co-presented about OpenShift on OpenStack * Derek Higgins and Russell Bryant led the successful OpenStack lab session * Mark McLoughlin presented on [http://rhsummit.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/mcloughlin_openstack_arch.pdf OpenStack Architecture & Developer Introduction] * Vin Sharma presented on designing a Trusted Cloud with OpenStack * Perry Myers presented on [http://rhsummit.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/myers_openstack_overview_iaas1.p... Introduction & Overview of OpenStack for IaaS Clouds] * Brian Stevens [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DDdiS6pvYJg#t=1136s talked about OpenStack] * A related article on [http://www.datamation.com/open-source/red-hats-openstack-plans-revealed.html details of Red Hat's plans for OpenStack]
= Community engagement =
== OpenStack community meetup, Boston == Bob Kukura spoke about "Preparing OpenStack Quantum for the Data Center" at an [http://www.meetup.com/Openstack-Boston/events/67737262/ OpenStack community meetup in Boston on June 21st]
== SouthEast LinuxFest, Charlotte, NC == [http://www.southeastlinuxfest.org/2012s/speakers.html#RussellBryant Russell Bryant] spoke about OpenStack on Fedora at the SouthEast LinuxFest
== EuroPython, Florence, Italy == Pádraig Brady presented on [https://ep2012.europython.eu/conference/talks/openstack-overview-operational... OpenStack Overview - Operational details of a large python project]
== OpenStack community meetup, London == Daniel Berrange will talk about libvirt usage wrt Nova + KVM/LXC at an [http://www.meetup.com/Openstack-London/events/55354582/ OpenStack community meetup in London on July 25th]
== OpenStack community meetup, Boston == Adam Young will talk about Openstack Keystone at an OpenStack community meetup in Boston at the end of July
== OSCON, Portland, OR == There are a large number of [http://www.openstack.org/blog/2012/07/lots-of-openstack-at-oscon-2012/ OpenStack talks at OSCON 2012] in July
= Related projects = Krishna Raman compiled instructions for setting up the [http://www.krishnaraman.net/openshift-origin-on-openstack/ OpenShift PaaS on OpenStack IaaS]
cloud-init for RHEL (derivatives) was [https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/cloud-init-0.6.3-0.7.bzr532.el6 released] and has received successful testing. Also progressing in parallel is a significant [https://code.launchpad.net/~cloud-init/cloud-init/rework cloud-init rework] (374 commits as of 27 June) focusing on Red Hat consumability.
Hi Padraig, all,
cloud-init for RHEL (derivatives) was [https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/cloud-init-0.6.3-0.7.bzr532.el6 released] and has received successful testing. Also progressing in parallel is a significant [https://code.launchpad.net/~cloud-init/cloud-init/rework cloud-init rework] (374 commits as of 27 June) focusing on Red Hat consumability.
This sounds very good, thanks to all who contributed.
Do you know it the cloud-init rework will include support for RHEL5? We would like to contribute to that, but we are not sure what the best way forward is.
It seems there are different ways to make cloud-init work under RHEL5:
- make it work w/ the system python24. - make it work w/ python26 from EPEL5
We have a preference for the second option (as it is more forward-looking), but there may be constraints we have not considered.
How do people feel about this?
tia, cheers, Jan
On 07/13/2012 09:28 AM, Jan van Eldik wrote:
Hi Padraig, all,
cloud-init for RHEL (derivatives) was [https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/cloud-init-0.6.3-0.7.bzr532.el6 released] and has received successful testing. Also progressing in parallel is a significant [https://code.launchpad.net/~cloud-init/cloud-init/rework cloud-init rework] (374 commits as of 27 June) focusing on Red Hat consumability.
This sounds very good, thanks to all who contributed.
Do you know it the cloud-init rework will include support for RHEL5? We would like to contribute to that, but we are not sure what the best way forward is.
It seems there are different ways to make cloud-init work under RHEL5:
- make it work w/ the system python24.
- make it work w/ python26 from EPEL5
We have a preference for the second option (as it is more forward-looking), but there may be constraints we have not considered.
How do people feel about this?
I didn't notice anything in the rework specific to python 2.4 I also notice that Amazon's variant specifies /usr/bin/python2.6 So I think at this stage python 2.6 is the earliest considered.
cheers, Pádraig.
On Fri, Jul 13, 2012 at 4:37 AM, Pádraig Brady P@draigbrady.com wrote:
On 07/13/2012 09:28 AM, Jan van Eldik wrote:
Do you know it the cloud-init rework will include support for RHEL5? We would like to contribute to that, but we are not sure what the best way forward is.
It seems there are different ways to make cloud-init work under RHEL5:
- make it work w/ the system python24.
- make it work w/ python26 from EPEL5
We have a preference for the second option (as it is more forward-looking), but there may be constraints we have not considered.
How do people feel about this?
I didn't notice anything in the rework specific to python 2.4 I also notice that Amazon's variant specifies /usr/bin/python2.6 So I think at this stage python 2.6 is the earliest considered.
As of the last time I looked, a patch set that makes cloud-init work with python 2.4 would be quite pervasive, not to mention that the last version of python-boto to work with 2.4 is quite old. EPEL already has a python 2.6 stack, so I agree with the rest of you: we might as well use it. ;-)
Thanks for feedback, python 2.6 it is :)
I think we should have something by next week.
cheers, Jan
On 07/13/2012 06:44 PM, Garrett Holmstrom wrote:
On Fri, Jul 13, 2012 at 4:37 AM, Pádraig BradyP@draigbrady.com wrote:
On 07/13/2012 09:28 AM, Jan van Eldik wrote:
Do you know it the cloud-init rework will include support for RHEL5? We would like to contribute to that, but we are not sure what the best way forward is.
It seems there are different ways to make cloud-init work under RHEL5:
- make it work w/ the system python24.
- make it work w/ python26 from EPEL5
We have a preference for the second option (as it is more forward-looking), but there may be constraints we have not considered.
How do people feel about this?
I didn't notice anything in the rework specific to python 2.4 I also notice that Amazon's variant specifies /usr/bin/python2.6 So I think at this stage python 2.6 is the earliest considered.
As of the last time I looked, a patch set that makes cloud-init work with python 2.4 would be quite pervasive, not to mention that the last version of python-boto to work with 2.4 is quite old. EPEL already has a python 2.6 stack, so I agree with the rest of you: we might as well use it. ;-) _______________________________________________ cloud mailing list cloud@lists.fedoraproject.org https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/cloud