I have been using Fedora for ages right from the first release. I am a C programmer since 1989. I know how to build RPM and Debian packages. I use the gnu autoconf, automake, libtool to build most of my work. I use vi and I use combination of RCS and git for version control. I am quite familiar with using many of the system calls. I strive to write portable code that compiles on linux and OSX. All my laptops, my mediacenter runs on Fedora and so I am familiar with Fedora for more than a decade. I want to contribute one of my major work - indimail-mta (a replacement for sendmail/postfix). indimail-mta has been built upon the original work by DJ Bernstein's qmail which was released to public domain in 2007 AFAIK.
qmail as released by DJB is not FHS compliant. Also over the years, many have contributed to the source code in form of patches. I have fixed these issues (minor IMHO) and I do have RPMs released in public domain with the help of opensuse build service. Just recently I have been fixing things to make qmail FHS compliant and I thought I could also start working towards making a small contribution to fedora. But I am a newbie as far as the wonderful behind-the-scene-packaging that happens on Fedora.
I have just created a fedora id and bugzilla id. Also I have been reading on how to contribute. I have so far read the following
I find the information overwhelming and I am not sure if I am reading the right documentation OR maybe it is my old dying grey cells. Any pointers on showing me the way would help me and I will try my best to meet the expectations and quality guidelines of the community. Also I am not sure if I can do this alone. So any help is welcome, especially from someone who loves qmail.
Thank you in advance
Regards Manvendra