On Tue, Sep 16, 2008 at 4:32 PM, "Sankarshan (সঙ্কর্ষণ)" sankarshan.mukhopadhyay@gmail.com wrote:
Thanks for the reasonably detailed response.
Asgeir Frimannsson wrote:
What we are about to develop is a new way of doing localisation
and workflow, more similar to what happens in many commercial tools than
we see in open source communities. I feel a bit 'uneasy' about pushing that onto the Tx roadmap at this stage, and also uneasy about developing such a 'workflow system' in Turbogears.
Since this mail was on Tx-devel, for a moment I assumed it alluded to enhancing or, extending the functionality of Tx.
Now that you mention that this is a separate effort, I guess the context is somewhat clear.
Feature-wise, it is much more interesting to compare with e.g. Idiom WorldServer and Lionbridge Freeway, which are commercial solutions in the
Yes, but what you write is a summary. The query I had was - is the result of the evaluation of the current state-of-the-nation projected on a future-proposed-state-of-the-nation available for read. A detail evaluation/assessment report that is.
This is knowledge we have acquired internally by members of our team over a long period of time, rather than a requirements-based systematic evaluation of these projects. I for one have e.g. been monitoring e.g. how Translate Toolkit as well as Gnome, KDE, Mozilla and OO.org L10N communities have evolved over the last 3-4 years. Seeing the increasing 'gap' between state-of-the art in this area and current practices, it was not a rocket-science decision (now that we finally have the resources to do something about it). But I fully see your point, a document or white-paper outlining this would be very useful, and something I will investigate if we could provide as the plans go further.
cheers, asgeir