On Thu, Apr 17, 2014 at 08:48:00PM +0200, Michael scherer wrote:
On Thu, Apr 17, 2014 at 10:19:02AM -0600, Kevin Fenzi wrote:
The first patch here looks fine to me... but the second one isn't going to work I don't think.
Those services use memcached, but they use our existing memcached03/04 instances that are still in puppet, not local memcached.
Not all. Nuancier seems to use localhost : http://infrastructure.fedoraproject.org/cgit/ansible.git/tree/roles/nuancier...
So does pkgdb : http://infrastructure.fedoraproject.org/cgit/ansible.git/tree/roles/pkgdb2/t...
( unless i missed something and pkgdb2 and nuancier run on a memcache server )
Nuancier and pkgdb2 could be moved, it's just a matter of adjusting the configuration file. pkgdb2 has memcache but iirc, it doesn't do much with it. I tried to speed up some of the API calls with it but it wasn't really a clear win, so I'm not sure it actually uses memcache at this time.