My name is Kenny. I have been eyeing contributing to something open source for a long time. I have found after reading the wiki on how to contribute, I believe I would be able to best contribute to the Infrastructure group. I am currently in the US (UTC -5). I have been working on RHEL based servers in an enterprise environment since 2006, and I received my RHCE in 2010. Up until a few years ago I was on the Operations side doing break-fix work. I now work on the implementation side standing up servers and applications. My philosophy is this, if there is a problem was there a scriptable resolution? If so, script it. Have I been tasked with doing something that can be automated? If so, automate it. I have morphed into more of a DevOps type person in the past year or so.
I am hoping I can help in maintaining any of the servers that support the Fedora team. In addition to system administration I do a lot of programming, both for work and hobbies. I tend to spend a lot of my time in Java and PHP. I have scripting experience with Bash and Perl to cover the basics. Python is definitely a weak link of mine, however I have not hesitated taking it up. Being a self-starter I have already done some basic things with it to get the general syntax and style down.
So I basically want to be a behind the scenes nut and bolt guy. Making sure machines stay up or come back up when they have an issue. Helping making things smoother once settled in would be a top priority as well. My available time would be a roller coaster, but a minimum of 4-5 hours a week would not be an issue. I have been idle in IRC for at least 3-4 hours, and have only seen a SWAP alert come through. It just depends on the work schedule. For example tomorrow I will try to attend the weekly meeting, but I have a meeting at work that may run over not allowing me to make it.
The best troubleshooting is proactive thinking!
- Kenny
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