Greetings and salutations Everyone,
As a long time reader and lurker, I've always enjoyed the quality and
succinctness of writing of Fedora Magazine. I've just not had the time
to actively contribute to Fedora Magazine until now. I would like to
introduce myself, my name is Michael Erwin. I've implemented,
administered and developed on every flavor *nix for over 40 years, and
as an OG, I do remember the original Linux post from Linus, as well as
the first RedHat release.
Over the years I've written several books on CGI, HTML, Java & database
technology, as well for Boardwatch & other magazines, not counting some
in my various other hobbies.
For the past 30 years I've specialized in high performance, clustering,
high availability, disaster recovery and security of database, middle
ware and cloud architectures.
While I am a certified OG, please don't hold that against me as I love
learning, sharing and teaching. The day we stop learning is the day we
"shutdown /l".
I plan to do a pitch or two in the upcoming months. Likely one of the
pitch topics that I currently see that is more than a little confusing
is installing and configuring PAM with a Challenge-Response logon in
Fedora, while not using remote authentication services. If that would
possibly be of interest to the editors.
Lastly, I wish to thank all of you in the Fedora Magazine community for
your hard work and writing excellence over the years.
Michael Erwin
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