On 07/03/2017 11:09 PM, Link Dupont wrote:
Perfect feedback. I'll give that a pass. Do you think there's too much time spent on setting up AWS? I was thinking about a slight restructuring of the article to focus more on duplicity, and leave most of the AWS stuff up to the user. Basically writing the article assuming that the user has their AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY already and just telling them to plug them in.
Hey Link,
This came up during the meeting today. We remembered that you wanted to wait until all three articles in the series were complete before you published them. However, in the release upgrade article…
…we briefly mention about taking backups, and point to a PkgDB link for deja-dup. What do you think about publishing the first one on Monday, and then cross-linking this in the upgrade instruction article? This might help give the series a long shelf-life since the upgrade article gets a lot of traffic for a couple months after an upgrade (so ideally, people might discover the whole backup series by looking up instructions on how to upgrade).
However, we wanted to check with you if you want to do this first. We could always go back later and edit the link to your series once all the drafts are up. What do you think?