On 09/16/2016 11:33 AM, Natalie Ardasevova wrote:
Hez guys,
what do you think about an article about Fedora activities in Google Summer of Code? That would sure give it a good ring?
Maybe talk to the mentors and students, ask them for their experience, what it gave them, etc?
I think there could be one version for the Magazine and another for the blog, the blog one being more technical and tagged with relevant groups.
What do you think? I would volunteer for writing this, with glad acceptance of anyone's help :)
Natalie Ardasevova nardasev@redhat.com Marketing Communications Specialist
Hi Natalie! Yes, I think an article covering Fedora's involvement with Google Summer of Code would be an *excellent* topic to cover. There are plenty of mentors and students from this cycle who I'm sure would be happy to provide some feedback.
Thumbs-up from me for having a Magazine and CommBlog edition. If you need any help or pointers, feel free to ask and I can drop some emails and links for mentors, students, and projects from this summer. I was one of the students for GSoC this year and would also be happy to help in any regard to that.