Hi there,
Another question. This time related to the installation of fedora coreos.
My current goal is to install a bare metal machine completely offline, meaning I would like to run:
> coreos-installer install /dev/nvme0n1 --image-file /mnt/insdev/fedora_coreos.raw.xz --ignition /mnt/insdev/ignition.ign
This works without a doubt when I manually pre-mount my installation device (live iso) like this:
> sudo mkdir /mnt/insdev
> sudo mount -t auto -v /dev/sdb1 /mnt/insdev
(And then the installer install command)
But in my scenario I would like to have this fully automated. Therefore I tried to execute the mkdir and mount command on the grub.cfg file level.
> linux /images/vmlinuz mitigations=auto,nosmt systemd.unified_cgroup_hierarchy=0 coreos.liveiso=fedora-coreos-31.20200113.3.1 rd.neednet=1 ip=dhcp ignition.firstboot ignition.platform.id=metal coreos.inst.ignition_url=/mnt/insdev/ignition.ign coreos.inst.install_dev=/dev/nvme0n1 coreos.inst.image_url=/mnt/insdev/fedora_coreos.raw.xz coreos.inst=yes coreos.inst.insecure
My assumption is that this mounting would be required to be run on the /vmlinuz. Is there any way to tell the kernel to mount this device automatically to my defined location, so I can achieve my goal?
In the end my installation process should look like this:
> Create iso (from official live iso)
> Add folder on usb stick
> Copy required install files in folder
> Boot from iso, which automatically triggers coreos install