what's the current concept about wireguard on coreos?
as of now wireguard kernel module already included in fedora and the
base kernel on fedora coreos. how can one use it? and may be not just
this but other kernel module.
- what's the situation with the container base os? eg can i use
wireguard on coreos while the container based on ubuntu (since many or
even most container us it as a base os)?
- should i've to use the same fedora based base image and can't use any
other containers? i'm not able to load the kernel module if i use
different base image.
- should i've to preload (modprobe) the kernel module on the host or
should i leave it to wireguard-tools?
- which kind of network mode should i use?
- is it possible to use --net=host? for me it seems i can't.
- can i use a container which create, setup and manage the vpn network
while other container on the same host use it? or i've to add it to all
- can i somehow setup an overlay network with wireguard?
Levente "Si vis pacem para bellum!"