Rawtherapee currently ships two unversioned libs under %{_libdir} and I would like to fix that. Those two libs are only used by Rawtherapee, so I would like to move them under %{_libdir}/rawtherapee. Is it correct to use `-DLIBDIR=%{_libdir}/%{name}` in cmake parameters [1]? Is that all I need to do, or should I also create and ship a custom ld.so.conf.d file as stated in the Guidelines [2]?
[1] https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/rawtherapee/blob/master/f/rawtherapee.spe... [2] https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/packaging-guidelines/#alternatives-to-r...
On Wed, 02 Oct 2019 17:02:32 -0000 "Mattia Verga" mattia.verga@protonmail.com wrote:
Rawtherapee currently ships two unversioned libs under %{_libdir} and I would like to fix that. Those two libs are only used by Rawtherapee, so I would like to move them under % {_libdir}/rawtherapee. Is it correct to use `-DLIBDIR=%{_libdir}/% {name}` in cmake parameters [1]? Is that all I need to do, or should I also create and ship a custom ld.so.conf.d file as stated in the Guidelines [2]?
if Rawtherapee links with them, then often the buildsystem can be modified to build them as static libs instead
Upstream devs have decided to build those libs as static in the next release.
Thanks Mattia