Fabio Valentini wrote on 2021/02/14 4:29:
> Hi everybody,
> With a heavy heart, I have orphaned all my Ruby packages today.
> - rubygem-kramdown-parser-gfm (kramdown support for GitHub-flavored markdown)
> - rubygem-kramdown-syntax-coderay (coderay syntax highlighting support)
> - rubygem-rouge (jekyll dep, default syntax highlighter, "compatible"
> with pygments)
> - rubygem-ruby-progressbar
> - rubygem-stringex
Taken these (rubygem-kramdown depends on 4 of these, rubygem-nokogiri depends on
rubygem-ruby-progressbar). The packages I am maintaining is getting broader...
> There are some known issues with the packages:
> - Some of them are failing to build on Fedora 34 due to changes in
> Ruby 3.0 (jekyll, jekyll-feed, liquid, stringex, tomlrb).
Actually rubygem-stringex test failure is not due to ruby 3.0, but change in
RoR 6.1.x suite and I've fixed this. (I've not checked jekyll or so).
> Big thanks to everybody who helped me with maintaining my Ruby
> packages over the years.
> Fabio
Thank you for maintaining these packages till now.