Good evening,
Guido Günther detected and reported that replacing /tmp/zarafa-upgrade-lock by a symlink makes the zarafa-server process following that symlink and thus allows to overwrite arbitrary files in the filesystem (assuming that zarafa-server runs as root which is not case by default at Fedora/EPEL, but upstream default). One just needs write permissions in /tmp and wait until the zarafa-server is restarted. CVE-2015-3436 was assigned for this flaw.
Updated RPM packages of Zarafa with a backport of the patch (from Zarafa 7.2.1 beta 1) have been submitted to updates-testing for Fedora EPEL 5, 6 and 7, Fedora 20 and 21.
You should be able to update to Zarafa 7.1.12 (re-released) by using something like:
yum update --enablerepo=updates-testing 'zarafa*'
on all Fedora releases and for Fedora EPEL you should use the following:
yum update --enablerepo=epel-testing 'zarafa*'
After testing, please add positive or negative karma to the Zarafa packages in Bodhi:
And if you should find bugs or issues, please fill a bug report in Red Hat Bugzilla as described here:
Your feedback is very much appreciated.
Greetings, Robert