Hi all,
FOSS@MAGIC is happy to announce The Future is Open mini-conference on
October 26th, 2019. We are looking for submissions by students, faculty,
and alums. The call for proposals (CFP) closes on August 2nd, 2019.
More info is published on the FOSS@MAGIC website:
Let us know if you have any additional questions or comments in this
GitHub issue:
Justin W. Flory
Pronouns: he/him/his
Hi folks! We are building a reading list of articles introducing open
source, project management, documentation, CI/CD, code health checks,
workflow, and community outreach.
We want to know what you're reading! Let us know if you have any
readings to suggest in Kent's thread here:
Or you can comment in the GitHub issue:
Justin W. Flory
Pronouns: he/him
Hi, this is a quick summary of me, SJ, and Kent's discussion this
morning for the next two weeks of LibreCorps work with UNICEF's open
source start-up cohorts.
=== Who we're working with
We are working with twelve different companies supported by the UNICEF
Innovation Fund (https://unicefinnovationfund.org) Six of them work
with blockchain and finish their funding round on 2019-12-31. The other
six work with VR / IoT and finish on 2020-04-30.
All of them are required to release critical components of their product
as open source to be considered successful. Many of them are getting
involved in open source for the first time.
=== Identify success criteria
We need an objective way to measure success of each team in
accomplishing open source community goals, as taken from the Fogel/Flory
plan. Starting with a base set of categories and determining pass/fail
criteria for each category is a good first step.
=== Create open source community rubric
Using the success criteria, build a "rubric" to score an open source
project on how well they implement various community goals. The idea is
each part of the rubric can be evaluated as an A, B, C, D, or F with
criteria to explain why a grade is given. This is partly inspired by the
Calloway Coefficient of Fail and "Producing Open Source Software" by
Karl Fogel.
=== Scheduling phone calls
We are trying to schedule 1x1 calls with each of the six blockchain
start-ups this week. This will help us understand how far along each of
them are in their open source strategy and where their greatest needs are.
Stay tuned on the GitHub issues for more detailed discussions.
Justin W. Flory
Pronouns: he/him
A happy note of congratulations to the many folks from the RIT FOSS
community who are part of the graduating Class of 2019! Please join me
in congratulating…
Ian Flournoy (@icflournoy)
Jason Carr (@jac3559)
Josh Bicking (@jibby)
Kyle Suero (@KST123ABC)
Louis Vichy (@lab/@louisgv)
Regina Locicero (@gen1e)
Solomon Rubin (@Serubin)
Stefan Aleksic (@cold_sauce)
Velizar Demirev
Wilfried Hounyo (@wilfriede/@wilfolus)
Best of luck to all of you, and don’t forget to check in every once in a
while. 🙂
Justin W. Flory
Pronouns: he/him