Greetings! Several of us have been discussing doing an NYC meetup over
spring break. In addition to students, we would also like to invite any
alums who would like to come (and discuss what they're involved in), even
if just meeting for tea/food, however, you're welcome to join us for more
than that :)
I happen to live in the tri-state area, so having reasonable accommodations
is an option. Since people are making their travel plans, I would ask that
you please respond as soon as (reasonably) possible to express interest
(you don't need to make a commitment yet, but we need numbers).
RITlug goes until 6pm on Friday, so the plan would be as follows:
- Saturday, March 10th: head out mid-morning. The drive is about 6
hours, so we would arrive mid/late-afternoon.
- Sunday, March 11th: go into NYC. The Sunday hours for the Met start at
10am, and from experience, it would be good to get up early and be there
before then. The anticipated time for when people will hit what my family
calls "museum overload" is about 12:30pm, at which time we will break for
food and enjoy a leisurely stroll through Central Park.
- If there is sufficient interest, we can also arrange something on
Monday, however, I know that is not an option for everyone.
- Tuesday (or Monday): people disperse for their normal break plans.
With regards to transportation and accommodations:
- Currently, we have a couple people who have cars and are willing to
drive there, but depending on how many people want to come we may need
additional drivers. Gas money would be split evenly between the people in
the car.
- Due to proximity to the NYC area, there are plenty of airports, as
well as access to Amtrak, at the end of the trip.
- I live about an hour and a half away from the city in Connecticut. We
have plenty of room for people, both in number and allowing each gender to
have their own space. The caveat is that in order to justify allowing
people in my house I need to know you in person (although many of you meet
this requirement from RITlug/FOSS hours, if this part concerns you just
find me).
Christian Martin (Phone)