Hey FOSSers!
Over the last six months, I've been writing a book on net neutrality. It's
been super secret—until now! If you follow my blog, you've seen some
blogified exerpts from my first draft.
I'm hoping to publish it this summer, maybe towards the end of July. But
first, I need people to tell me if it sucks—and it might, so be honest.
That's what beta readers do!
If you're interested, give me a reply and I'll reach out directly. You'll
get a PDF of the latest revision and if you give me feedback, a final copy
of the book once it's done. It's a full-length nonfiction book at just over
30,000 words (about 125 printed book pages). I'm hoping for some feedback
over the next few weeks. If I get a huge response, I may not take everyone,
but we'll see when we get there.
For full disclosure, publishing arrangements are not final, but I'm hoping
to offer it DRM-free and with a creative commons license, though it likely
won't be free in price.