I think I had read somehwere, or we just discussed it (?), that for tarballs carrying potential patent infringing bits it is not enough to build/package the other parts, but that also the src.rpm needs to be kept clean.
E.g. the upstream tarball needs to be unpacked, the patent encumbered bits removed/patched out and the result repackaged into a new tarball (for example into foo-1.2-patentfree.tar.gz)
Am I remembering correctly? Do we have something like a procedure in the wiki on creating these modified tarballs and commenting the specfile approriately (I couldn't find anything when searching for "patents", but there were perhaps too many hits ...).
If not shouldn't we come up with one? The procedure needs to be documented and be reproducable for reviewers to be able to confirm that the tarball "matches" upstream indeed, since they won't have any nice md5sum method to compare.