Dne 11. 11. 20 v 9:35 Vít Ondruch napsal(a):
Anyway, thinking about this boostrap project over night and thinking about this question, I think that my next step should be trying to use the miniruby after `make clean`, which should bring the tarball content closer to upstream repository. I'll see what more is needed to build Ruby and I might consider reporting my findings upstream. But I am afraid this will require more time then I can spend on this.
So here is the next step:
So it is doable. I am still undecided, if building miniruby is worth of the hassle. Building full Ruby could shorten these ~35 lines [1] into `make` line. The downside would be slightly longer build time. The upside would be probably bigger robustness. I'll try that as a next step.
[1]: https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/ruby/pull-request/72#_2__65-101