On Mar 23, 2016 10:51 AM, "Wildsky Fann" poppin.wildsky@gmail.com wrote:
Hi all, I am Wildsky, a Computer Science and Information Engineering
undergraduate currently in thet third year at National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan. I am here because I want to contribute to fedora this summer. I think the idea of Hubs from GSoC idea list is great, it might help me or someone who is not familiar with fedora a lot. I use fedora in my daily life. I got a lot from fedora, so I want to give back. So I want to participate in Hubs project to start to contribute to fedora!
I usually contribute to open source community in Taiwan through building
websites, such as http://moztw.org http://fedora.linux.org.tw http://www.vim.tw ... I am familiar with HTML, CSS (SASS, Scss), JavaScript (JQuery, React.js, D3.js, ...), Node.js, Responsive Website Design ...
Here is my blog, GitHub, fedora user page, and fedora application page:
Welcome wildsky!
Be sure to touch base with the Fedora hubs mentors directly and get input on your proposal. I'll continue reviewing submissions in the GSoC system over the next 24 hours. In the meantime, be sure to join the various related IRC channels on freenode (#fedora-commops, #fedora-summer-coding, #fedora-hubs) and make yourself known to the other folks there.
Looking Forward, --RemyD.