Please do not reply directly to this email. All additional comments should be made in the comments box of this bug.
Summary: [abrt] fontforge-20110222-4.fc16: __GI_raise: Process /usr/bin/fontforge was killed by signal 6 (SIGABRT)
Summary: [abrt] fontforge-20110222-4.fc16: __GI_raise: Process /usr/bin/fontforge was killed by signal 6 (SIGABRT) Product: Fedora Version: 16 Platform: x86_64 OS/Version: Unspecified Status: NEW Status Whiteboard: abrt_hash:226d280da458c02dbf836374359e6d45beeb31ad Severity: unspecified Priority: unspecified Component: fontforge AssignedTo: ReportedBy: QAContact: CC:,, Classification: Fedora Story Points: --- Type: --- Regression: --- Mount Type: --- Documentation: ---
libreport version: 2.0.8 abrt_version: 2.0.7 backtrace_rating: 4 cmdline: fontforge Lobster.ttf crash_function: __GI_raise executable: /usr/bin/fontforge kernel: 3.1.5-1.fc16.x86_64 pid: 2361 pwd: /home/zero-one/.fonts reason: Process /usr/bin/fontforge was killed by signal 6 (SIGABRT) time: Fri 23 Dec 2011 04:57:53 PM EST uid: 1000 username: zero-one
backtrace: Text file, 53804 bytes dso_list: Text file, 5454 bytes maps: Text file, 46458 bytes
build_ids: :1c6a95451ee19617be5abea3d121f0226d21ddda :513b62aebf666f00864c6f1ebea4dc82b2bc5012 :3ed9e61c2b7e707ce244816335776afa2ad0307d :aa733447f84020c94a66814e501a36e248cbb43d :8b46e30ba91f3a655184141ea81f24005f100891 :e3c88cb9ea428bd61f4064dbd53acae2d396a1ec :87461d97d0ba0bd94e4d74ff0879190b67b326c5 :6ae19b07608683ea0d76f1406c6d50d5a2793ecc :d0c6e13f00a20952a72a945c929efb175fd760e3 :ab59942678bcdecb23756804dcd0aac63ccc1669 :30af62b93e2ab7dbaf39c52e346cd52101b4b590 :3d7445fcfec84df0bd46f12e5540d6ab6db2ec9d :f0d50e3af2dfee021a327fb85a993a2312a98145 :638db099ff5fb986d1a092629d1bb1dca5be4904 :e5429e0905bedecc534b057783916ba43e06a66e :44ece411beb2ef1acdb5eb2161666de41cc2f31d :2ff598542ad79916b2e8d621e1dfe2e03aca9e9f :8acc43df965b3c0a70dcfad11c0ade056bdb055b :b502249bcf2a4f465feeb8b9578c80cda6f4103d :c8a4e40c84c2f52e78c64d31efc0191c565a9049 :0f0c9eed63ed279ceb0aef109eff8bcbb351e4bb :25b834f4c4dc534708635ff1064e2fe02a366a62 :163b323da65b708418226eb5fa8b057c731d1475 :6ecc3efaedf849a17c30a67fe15b4dacca1bd981 :0911ea7c180d733724f89037b8e8a34e64024aec :8631fa022a75e4bfbd78f96ad368f88456e39cfe :c64ae11db2f40081de9a6983295b7e2105556695 :ab93f5a6105938b598a9eb4321bcfb9c244945d5 :48aea888319e1848137073c9cbde54a4c2a731c9 :1d1e7527a6b5fd829fe8c097bea4c62b2d0f2df9 :36c3026b958ed92321d0531a483442a9c5a957e9 :2f884a17559b8d3954348fdf2131980eac9a79f0 :1c2ccaf923ac61efd874e4ca82bf6612f4cb0c31 :b0eabf9093defbfdd0857ea3ed1a4563b743434e :4c842320387ff7f6f91b7842b223c16518be909f :e2e67b3ae2579e1667b73ad385f61552931024e9 :9d1209fc79304f03cc839de1c0036c61b48dfff8 :7994f114cf7189e482f2665fae8e351ed8bc05e3 :07470201df55a5254027d05fa4dc509b10f2986a :d460d68692c1b32346f469e0a9ab3933cf1f3d1c :dc729005f811417fddf05fe15b27c01257fed480 :e5d7ac2dfe435e205e491f7ce827563859fca4f4 :b7633dbfe4880a163b4059184cb20c37cfaf7521 :3e2404bd469800afd61eda83d0292a2165ef0db0 :c394c720f0727b738128393fbf26ebd355f42498 :54a066b1f8ae391050d51221778b39261283cf51 :930141e14bc90a585553dfbe2c6661806af11f06 :c8e7f118041a9f77e0dd673da11b5653be27b5a2 :c2d49d72ec1a1e68b39c3724693f83f44d80a259 :e02146cbd7b3747790cf4808baa58dc78c2e0042 :b0a2d0b4c09d819887ec7d711c8cf3977a074c4f :a518a8b1b5c3e80dee813df05e951d205d6ac48c :d203a42e4c417fbf0c6ab96ce6f7946ec8ac0435 :0949b493f01e0553822be3bd14def9dbe79b804f
comment: :Just randomly looking around directories in the Open Font dialog. :Was in /usr/share/fonts, after checking four or five subdirectories, but not opening anything.
environ: :XDG_VTNR=1 :XDG_SESSION_ID=2 :HOSTNAME=VeniVidiVici.HOME :IMSETTINGS_INTEGRATE_DESKTOP=yes :GPG_AGENT_INFO=/tmp/keyring-zRujzU/gpg:0:1 :TERM=xterm :SHELL=/bin/bash :HISTSIZE=1000 :XDG_SESSION_COOKIE=ff831396568380a65b4ba5f100000011-1324693688.856668-425829544 :GJS_DEBUG_OUTPUT=stderr :WINDOWID=41943045 :GNOME_KEYRING_CONTROL=/tmp/keyring-zRujzU :QTDIR=/usr/lib64/qt-3.3 :QTINC=/usr/lib64/qt-3.3/include :'GJS_DEBUG_TOPICS=JS ERROR;JS LOG' :IMSETTINGS_MODULE=none :USER=zero-one :LS_COLORS=rs=0:di=01;34:ln=01;36:mh=00:pi=40;33:so=01;35:do=01;35:bd=40;33;01:cd=40;33;01:or=40;31;01:mi=01;05;37;41:su=37;41:sg=30;43:ca=30;41:tw=30;42:ow=34;42:st=37;44:ex=01;32:*.tar=01;31:*.tgz=01;31:*.arj=01;31:*.taz=01;31:*.lzh=01;31:*.lzma=01;31:*.tlz=01;31:*.txz=01;31:*.zip=01;31:*.z=01;31:*.Z=01;31:*.dz=01;31:*.gz=01;31:*.lz=01;31:*.xz=01;31:*.bz2=01;31:*.tbz=01;31:*.tbz2=01;31:*.bz=01;31:*.tz=01;31:*.deb=01;31:*.rpm=01;31:*.jar=01;31:*.war=01;31:*.ear=01;31:*.sar=01;31:*.rar=01;31:*.ace=01;31:*.zoo=01;31:*.cpio=01;31:*.7z=01;31:*.rz=01;31:*.jpg=01;35:*.jpeg=01;35:*.gif=01;35:*.bmp=01;35:*.pbm=01;35:*.pgm=01;35:*.ppm=01;35:*.tga=01;35:*.xbm=01;35:*.xpm=01;35:*.tif=01;35:*.tiff=01;35:*.png=01;35:*.svg=01;35:*.svgz=01;35:*.mng=01;35:*.pcx=01;35:*.mov=01;35:*.mpg=01;35:*.mpeg=01;35:*.m2v=01;35:*.mkv=01;35:*.ogm=01;35:*.mp4=01;35:*.m4v=01;35:*.mp4v=01;35:*.vob=01;35:*.qt=01;35:*.nuv=01;35:*.wmv=01;35:*.asf=01;35:*.rm=01;35:*.rmvb=01;35:*.flc=01;35:*.avi=01;35:*.fli=01;! 35:*.flv=01;35:*.gl=01;35:*.dl=01;35:*.xcf=01;35:*.xwd=01;35:*.yuv=01;35:*.cgm=01;35:*.emf=01;35:*.axv=01;35:*.anx=01;35:*.ogv=01;35:*.ogx=01;35:*.aac=01;36:*.au=01;36:*.flac=01;36:*.mid=01;36:*.midi=01;36:*.mka=01;36:*.mp3=01;36:*.mpc=01;36:*.ogg=01;36:*.ra=01;36:*.wav=01;36:*.axa=01;36:*.oga=01;36:*.spx=01;36:*.xspf=01;36:*.pdf=00;33:*.ps=00;33:*.ps.gz=00;33:*.txt=00;33:*.patch=00;33:*.diff=00;33:*.log=00;33:*.tex=00;33:*.xls=00;33:*.xlsx=00;33:*.ppt=00;33:*.pptx=00;33:*.rtf=00;33:*.doc=00;33:*.docx=00;33:*.odt=00;33:*.ods=00;33:*.odp=00;33:*.xml=00;33:*.epub=00;33:*.abw=00;33:*.html=00;33:*.wpd=00;33: :SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/tmp/keyring-zRujzU/ssh :USERNAME=zero-one :SESSION_MANAGER=local/unix:@/tmp/.ICE-unix/1513,unix/unix:/tmp/.ICE-unix/1513 :PATH=/usr/lib64/qt-3.3/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/home/zero-one/code/android-sdk-linux_x86/tools:/home/zero-one/code/android-sdk-linux_x86/platform-tools:/home/zero-one/.local/bin:/home/zero-one/code/android-sdk-linux_x86/tools:/home/zero-one/code/android-sdk-linux_x86/platform-tools :MAIL=/var/spool/mail/zero-one :DESKTOP_SESSION=gnome :GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR=/home/zero-one/.local/share/glib-2.0/schemas/ :QT_IM_MODULE=xim :PWD=/home/zero-one/.fonts :XMODIFIERS=@im=none :GNOME_KEYRING_PID=1509 :LANG=en_CA.utf8 :KDE_IS_PRELINKED=1 :MODULEPATH=/usr/share/Modules/modulefiles:/etc/modulefiles :GDM_LANG=en_CA.utf8 :LOADEDMODULES= :KDEDIRS=/usr :GDMSESSION=gnome :HISTCONTROL=ignoredups :XDG_SEAT=seat0 :HOME=/home/zero-one :SHLVL=2 :GNOME_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID=this-is-deprecated :LOGNAME=zero-one :QTLIB=/usr/lib64/qt-3.3/lib :DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=unix:abstract=/tmp/dbus-xNGdIawEwq,guid=63f22d2712ab078eb4f10cdd00000034 :MODULESHOME=/usr/share/Modules :'LESSOPEN=||/usr/bin/ %s' :WINDOWPATH=1 :XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/zero-one :MTN_MERGE=meld :DISPLAY=:0 :COLORTERM=gnome-terminal :XAUTHORITY=/var/run/gdm/auth-for-zero-one-ayzEyJ/database :'module=() { eval `/usr/bin/modulecmd bash $*`\n}' :_=/usr/bin/fontforge :OLDPWD=/home/zero-one
var_log_messages: :Dec 22 17:23:34 VeniVidiVici yum[3674]: Installed: fontforge-20110222-4.fc16.x86_64 :Dec 22 17:29:01 VeniVidiVici kernel: [ 6681.618693] fontforge[3698] trap divide error ip:7ff290f0fd54 sp:7fffaed127e0 error:0 in[7ff290e68000+36f000] :Dec 22 17:29:02 VeniVidiVici abrt[3711]: Saved core dump of pid 3698 (/usr/bin/fontforge) to /var/spool/abrt/ccpp-2011-12-22-17:29:01-3698 (18186240 bytes) :Dec 22 17:41:40 VeniVidiVici kernel: [ 7440.652920] fontforge[3790] trap divide error ip:7fe59e65ed54 sp:7fff990867d0 error:0 in[7fe59e5b7000+36f000] :Dec 22 17:41:41 VeniVidiVici abrt[3815]: Saved core dump of pid 3790 (/usr/bin/fontforge) to /var/spool/abrt/ccpp-2011-12-22-17:41:40-3790 (16412672 bytes) :Dec 23 16:51:23 VeniVidiVici kernel: [ 1448.061763] fontforge[2317] trap divide error ip:3b3eca7d54 sp:7fff69f0efd0 error:0 in[3b3ec00000+36f000] :Dec 23 16:51:25 VeniVidiVici abrt[2319]: Saved core dump of pid 2317 (/usr/bin/fontforge) to /var/spool/abrt/ccpp-2011-12-23-16:51:23-2317 (16928768 bytes) :Dec 23 16:57:55 VeniVidiVici abrt[2367]: Saved core dump of pid 2361 (/usr/bin/fontforge) to /var/spool/abrt/ccpp-2011-12-23-16:57:53-2361 (28041216 bytes)
Please do not reply directly to this email. All additional comments should be made in the comments box of this bug.
Kevin Fenzi changed:
What |Removed |Added ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Status|NEW |ASSIGNED
--- Comment #4 from Kevin Fenzi 2011-12-24 15:25:03 EST --- Odd. Can you get this crash to happen again? Or was it a one time?
Please do not reply directly to this email. All additional comments should be made in the comments box of this bug.
--- Comment #5 from Elliott Sales de Andrade 2011-12-24 17:27:58 EST --- Yes, easily reproduceable, although it may be more like 9 subdirectories.
I tried browsing the same subdirectory in which it crashed the first time, but it did not crash again. I need to browse in and out of 9 subdirectories for it to crash.
Product: Fedora
--- Comment #6 from Fedora End Of Life --- This message is a reminder that Fedora 16 is nearing its end of life. Approximately 4 (four) weeks from now Fedora will stop maintaining and issuing updates for Fedora 16. It is Fedora's policy to close all bug reports from releases that are no longer maintained. At that time this bug will be closed as WONTFIX if it remains open with a Fedora 'version' of '16'.
Package Maintainer: If you wish for this bug to remain open because you plan to fix it in a currently maintained version, simply change the 'version' to a later Fedora version prior to Fedora 16's end of life.
Bug Reporter: Thank you for reporting this issue and we are sorry that we may not be able to fix it before Fedora 16 is end of life. If you would still like to see this bug fixed and are able to reproduce it against a later version of Fedora, you are encouraged to click on "Clone This Bug" and open it against that version of Fedora.
Although we aim to fix as many bugs as possible during every release's lifetime, sometimes those efforts are overtaken by events. Often a more recent Fedora release includes newer upstream software that fixes bugs or makes them obsolete.
The process we are following is described here:
Product: Fedora
Elliott Sales de Andrade changed:
What |Removed |Added ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version|16 |17
--- Comment #7 from Elliott Sales de Andrade --- Still crashes in fontforge-20120731b-1.fc17.
--- Comment #8 from Fedora End Of Life --- This message is a reminder that Fedora 17 is nearing its end of life. Approximately 4 (four) weeks from now Fedora will stop maintaining and issuing updates for Fedora 17. It is Fedora's policy to close all bug reports from releases that are no longer maintained. At that time this bug will be closed as WONTFIX if it remains open with a Fedora 'version' of '17'.
Package Maintainer: If you wish for this bug to remain open because you plan to fix it in a currently maintained version, simply change the 'version' to a later Fedora version prior to Fedora 17's end of life.
Bug Reporter: Thank you for reporting this issue and we are sorry that we may not be able to fix it before Fedora 17 is end of life. If you would still like to see this bug fixed and are able to reproduce it against a later version of Fedora, you are encouraged change the 'version' to a later Fedora version prior to Fedora 17's end of life.
Although we aim to fix as many bugs as possible during every release's lifetime, sometimes those efforts are overtaken by events. Often a more recent Fedora release includes newer upstream software that fixes bugs or makes them obsolete.
Fedora End Of Life changed:
What |Removed |Added ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Status|ASSIGNED |CLOSED Resolution|--- |WONTFIX Last Closed| |2013-08-01 13:24:23
--- Comment #9 from Fedora End Of Life --- Fedora 17 changed to end-of-life (EOL) status on 2013-07-30. Fedora 17 is no longer maintained, which means that it will not receive any further security or bug fix updates. As a result we are closing this bug.
If you can reproduce this bug against a currently maintained version of Fedora please feel free to reopen this bug against that version.
Thank you for reporting this bug and we are sorry it could not be fixed.
Elliott Sales de Andrade changed:
What |Removed |Added ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Status|CLOSED |ASSIGNED Version|17 |19 Resolution|WONTFIX |--- Keywords| |Reopened
--- Comment #10 from Elliott Sales de Andrade --- Still occurs with fontforge-20120731b-7.fc19.x86_64.
--- Comment #11 from Fedora End Of Life --- This message is a notice that Fedora 19 is now at end of life. Fedora has stopped maintaining and issuing updates for Fedora 19. It is Fedora's policy to close all bug reports from releases that are no longer maintained. Approximately 4 (four) weeks from now this bug will be closed as EOL if it remains open with a Fedora 'version' of '19'.
Package Maintainer: If you wish for this bug to remain open because you plan to fix it in a currently maintained version, simply change the 'version' to a later Fedora version.
Thank you for reporting this issue and we are sorry that we were not able to fix it before Fedora 19 is end of life. If you would still like to see this bug fixed and are able to reproduce it against a later version of Fedora, you are encouraged change the 'version' to a later Fedora version prior this bug is closed as described in the policy above.
Although we aim to fix as many bugs as possible during every release's lifetime, sometimes those efforts are overtaken by events. Often a more recent Fedora release includes newer upstream software that fixes bugs or makes them obsolete.
Elliott Sales de Andrade changed:
What |Removed |Added ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version|19 |21
--- Comment #12 from Elliott Sales de Andrade --- Still true.
--- Comment #13 from Fedora End Of Life --- This message is a reminder that Fedora 21 is nearing its end of life. Approximately 4 (four) weeks from now Fedora will stop maintaining and issuing updates for Fedora 21. It is Fedora's policy to close all bug reports from releases that are no longer maintained. At that time this bug will be closed as EOL if it remains open with a Fedora 'version' of '21'.
Package Maintainer: If you wish for this bug to remain open because you plan to fix it in a currently maintained version, simply change the 'version' to a later Fedora version.
Thank you for reporting this issue and we are sorry that we were not able to fix it before Fedora 21 is end of life. If you would still like to see this bug fixed and are able to reproduce it against a later version of Fedora, you are encouraged change the 'version' to a later Fedora version prior this bug is closed as described in the policy above.
Although we aim to fix as many bugs as possible during every release's lifetime, sometimes those efforts are overtaken by events. Often a more recent Fedora release includes newer upstream software that fixes bugs or makes them obsolete.
Elliott Sales de Andrade changed:
What |Removed |Added ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Status|ASSIGNED |CLOSED Resolution|--- |CURRENTRELEASE Last Closed|2013-08-01 13:24:23 |2015-11-04 16:05:06
--- Comment #14 from Elliott Sales de Andrade --- This no longer appears to be crashing in fontforge-20141230-2.fc22.x86_64.