Hi, Here is the situation. The task I'm digging need to be done in G4L which is a highly simplified Fedora system. The current G4L has no command like yum, rpm, etc, nor are a lot of files under /etc directory. Now I need to make G4L support multiple language, say zh-cn. I know it has something to do with i18n. Since I can't use yum to install the i18n. Could you be kind to tell me what exactly are the files that needed to be added to G4L to support zh-cn's display.
Any help will be highly appreciated!!!
甄凯 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2013年3月13日 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: 甄凯(ZhenKai) Homepage:http://www.renren.com/262729393 Email: zhenkaixd@126.com or 846227103@qq.com TEL: 15810729006(Beijing) Address: Room I-406, Central Building, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. 100084.
谢谢您的指点! 问题是这样的。
我目前实验室承担的一项开发任务是需要在G4L下完成的。 而G4L由于需要运行在内存空间,因此开发者对其进行了大幅裁减。仅保留了最基本的用于备份恢复安装功能的文件。诸如rpm、yum等大批命令都被裁掉了。而且,由于G4L比起Fedora用户群体要小,因此,开发者把i18n也才掉了。也就是说,G4L只支持英文。
甄凯 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2013年3月13日 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: 甄凯(ZhenKai) Homepage:http://www.renren.com/262729393 Email: zhenkaixd@126.com or 846227103@qq.com TEL: 15810729006(Beijing) Address: Room I-406, Central Building, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. 100084.
在 2013-03-13 16:39:23,"Christopher Meng" cickumqt@gmail.com 写道:
Hi, I strongly recommend you talking with Chinese users at chinese@lists.fedoraproject.org .
It's a user help not a general mail for this list.