Hello Friends, I don't know what more info you need. But if you really want this project to go forward then try to include the existing fonts in future releases of Linux and then wait for the XPSF format to complete so that we can use it for better presentation of Hindi fonts.
I think people here at NCST are also interested in this project so in that case we will also get the bitmaps of the glyphs of other Indian languages and thus it would be possible to make console fonts for those languages too.
Yours, Ashutosh Raghuwanshi.
I believe in "The Intellectual Intelligence". _____________________________________________________________
Website - http://pragya.cjb.net E-mail(Technical) - ashutosh@pragya.cjb.net (Official) - ashutosh@ncst.ernet.in (Just 4 Fun) - ashutosh_raghu@indiatimes.com Yahoo Messenger - a_human_been PGP Public Key - http://pragya.cjb.net/redir.html?pgp F-Print: A44E E225 836F B468 BB49 694E 014F 0852 C05E F2E4 _____________________________________________________________
-----Original Message----- From: Satish Mohan [mailto:smohan@redhat.com] Sent: 20 दिसम्बर 2004 17:28 To: Ashutosh Raghuwanshi Subject: [Fwd: [Fwd: [Fedora-i18n-list] Hindi console font.]]
hi ashutosh,
I would like to know mre about this project. how can we take it forward.
regards satish