I have a problem on upgrading to f18 for the input method because of the new feature, the input source on GNOME 3.6. IBus is now managed under GNOME by that feature but there are no compatibilities between older IBus configuration and GNOME's. in addition to it, there are no IME nor the shortcut key by default for certain languages. also heard that we won't ship gnome-initial-setup in f18 (assuming that it's responsible to setup for them too). thus, those matters introduces IBus won't work until one set up on gnome-control-center, which is obviously an regression.
One positive idea to migrate the configuration is to use gsettings command line tool for initial boot and my questions is:
1) is there any possible issues if any script changes something through gsettings?
2) if not, where would it be better to do? in /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d ? or via XDG autostart?
3) or is there any better idea to address this issue?
TIA, -- Akira TAGOH
On Thu, 2012-09-27 at 17:19 +0900, Akira TAGOH wrote:
I have a problem on upgrading to f18 for the input method because of the new feature, the input source on GNOME 3.6. IBus is now managed under GNOME by that feature but there are no compatibilities between older IBus configuration and GNOME's. in addition to it, there are no IME nor the shortcut key by default for certain languages. also heard that we won't ship gnome-initial-setup in f18 (assuming that it's responsible to setup for them too).
We've pushed the initial-setup integration until f19, yes. I want to start looking into it soon in rawhide. But gnome-initial-setup doesn't have input sources configuration currently, anyway. It is something we need to add.
thus, those matters introduces IBus won't work until one set up on gnome-control-center, which is obviously an regression.
One positive idea to migrate the configuration is to use gsettings command line tool for initial boot and my questions is:
- is there any possible issues if any script changes
something through gsettings?
- if not, where would it be better to do? in
/etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d ? or via XDG autostart?
- or is there any better idea to address this issue?
I would be hesitant to put too much of hack back in place, when the initial-setup is almost there already. Scripts in /etc/X11/xinit are basically outside the session, and not a good solution; you'll have to struggle with not making them run in other desktops, etc etc. Any solution that involves writing settings at login is going to increase our already slow login time by forcing dconf to be launched.
If we absolutely need to have a solution that derives a default input source from the display language (which you still have to set up initially, anyway), I would suggest to do it inside the settings-daemon plugin, and only if we detect a 'pristine' system, ie no input sources configured at all.
Rui, Allan, what do you think ?