Congratulations! You're reading the very first Minimization Objective [1] update.
== New Minimization Team ==
A new team is being formed, having 9 members already! Read the team page [2] for more information, including how to join.
Welcome, everyone!
== Communication channels ==
Following are the communication channels preferred to discuss anything Minimization:
* real-time discussions on #fedora-devel IRC on FreeNode * longer discussions in issues at pagure/minimization [3] — they support multiple threads/topics (issues), easy to link to and easy to reply to right from the link, anyone within Fedora can be easily pinged * some discussions might also happen here on the devel list * Bugzilla bug to track all actual packaging changes [4]
== Regular meeting ==
A new regular meeting is being put in place [5], likely Wednesday 15:00 GMT on one of the fedora IRC meeting channels.
== What's next ==
We have an action plan [6] indicating four main areas of interest:
1/ Prototyping simple tooling 2/ Ecosystems exploration 3/ Stacks analysis 4/ Content strategy
This page will be expanded with more specific actionable items.
Please let me know if you have any feedback or questions.
Cheers! Adam
[1] Objective: [2] Team: [3] Pagure issues: [4] Bugzilla tracker: [5] Meeting: [6] Action plan: