Dne 05. 05. 20 v 18:37 Fabio Valentini napsal(a):
So, in my experience, source-git might be a workable solution for packages with *big* downstream modifications.
Big +1. Been there, done that (with Tito).
In the rare occasion that I need to make downstream-only changes with patches, I usually just explode the upstream tarball, run "git init", then "git add .", "git commit -m import", apply my changes, and then do "git diff --patch > ../00-my-changes.patch" (if it's just one commit), or "git format-patch -o ../" if there are multiple commits, and then delete the exploded sources again.
When I am forced to do this, I quite often spend a lot of time at resolving conflicts. I can easily spend half of the day on it. While when I am working with source-git I spent like 30 seconds on whole release process.