Following is the list of topics that will be discussed in the FESCo meeting Monday at 19:30UTC in on Matrix.
To convert UTC to your local time, take a look at
or run: date -d '2024-01-15 19:30 UTC'
Links to all issues to be discussed can be found at:
= This meeting is moving from IRC to on Matrix. =
= Discussed and Voted in the Ticket =
Title of issue DECISION (+X, Y, -Z)
#3123 Change: Unified Kernel Support Phase Two APPROVED (+6, 0, 0)
#3124 Permanent Update Policy Exception for certbot APPROVED (+7, 0, 0)
#3131 Change: Enable IPv4 Address Conflict Detection by default APPROVED (+8, 0, 0)
#3132 Change: Golang 1.22 APPROVED (+6, 0, 0)
#3133 Change: Haskell GHC 9.6 and Stackage LTS 22 APPROVED (+8, 0, 0)
#3134 Change: Rename/Change Firefox desktop file APPROVED (+7, 0, 0)
#3135 Change: Unify /usr/bin and /usr/sbin APPROVED (+6, 1, 0)
#3136 Change: Assign individual, stable MAC addresses for Wi-Fi connections APPROVED (+6, 1, 0)
#3138 Change: Update Kubernetes to v1.29 in Rawhide APPROVED (+5, 0, 0)
#3139 Change: LLVM 18 APPROVED (+6, 0, 0)
#3140 Change: Remove Python Mock Usage APPROVED (+8, 0, 0)
#3141 Change: SPDX License Phase 3 APPROVED (+7, 0, 0)
#3142 Change: Move /var/run selinux-policy entries to /run After a week: APPROVED (+8, 0, 0)
= New business =
#3137 Change: Build Fedora Cloud Edition Images Using Kiwi in Koji
= Open Floor =
For more complete details, please visit each individual issue. The report of the agenda items can be found at
If you would like to add something to this agenda, you can reply to this e-mail, file a new issue at, e-mail me directly, or bring it up at the end of the meeting, during the open floor topic. Note that added topics may be deferred until the following meeting.
===================================== # fesco =====================================
Meeting started by at 2024-01-15 19:30:47
Meeting summary --------------- * TOPIC: #3137 Change: Build Fedora Cloud Edition Images Using Kiwi in Koji (, 19:37:57) * AGREED: APPROVED (+7, 1, -0) (, 19:51:49) * TOPIC: Next week's chair (, 19:52:34) * ACTION: Josh Stone will chair next meeting (, 19:53:32) * TOPIC: Open Floor (, 19:54:13)
Meeting ended at 2024-01-15 20:22:01
Action items ------------ * Josh Stone will chair next meeting
People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * (55) * (39) * (26) * (20) * (11) * (10) * (8) * (6) * (4) * (4) * (2)
Full Meeting Log:
We still don't have approval for the toolchain updates that we need for the mass rebuild (notably Changes/GNUToolchainF40).
How do we resolve this? Do we delay the mass rebuild until we have FESCo approval? We can delay the GNU TLS descriptor change for x86-64 to Fedora 41, but doing that for the glibc 2.39 and GCC 14 updates would be awkward (and substantial extra work for glibc).
Thanks, Florian
On Tue, Jan 16, 2024 at 5:43 AM Florian Weimer wrote:
We still don't have approval for the toolchain updates that we need for the mass rebuild (notably Changes/GNUToolchainF40).
How do we resolve this? Do we delay the mass rebuild until we have FESCo approval? We can delay the GNU TLS descriptor change for x86-64 to Fedora 41, but doing that for the glibc 2.39 and GCC 14 updates would be awkward (and substantial extra work for glibc).
Aoife, can you please file a ticket for the Change on the fesco tracker and I'll sponsor it for fast-track. We need to get this sorted out because the work has already started.
Florian, in the future, please file these Changes as early as you know what you're going to be doing, because that maximizes the lead time. This is happening because the time window wound up overlapping because of when it was processed and published for discussion. Ordinarily, I think the ticket would be filed with FESCo today or tomorrow, but obviously it needs to be done now so we can get things in order.
-- 真実はいつも一つ!/ Always, there's only one truth!
On 16/01/2024 10:43, Florian Weimer wrote:
We still don't have approval for the toolchain updates that we need for the mass rebuild (notably Changes/GNUToolchainF40).
As far as I can see there isn't even a Fesco ticket for it?
The fields in for ticket numbers are just placeholders and there's nothing in the fesco issue tracker that I can see.