I've added a couple new targets to our Makefile.common for use by translators and repo managers:
make postat make postat-${LANG} (e.g.: make postat-pa)
These targets will give you information on the current statistics for all languages (or a specific language). These targets rely, of course, on the definition of ${OTHERS} in the Makefile. If you need to force a new ${LANG} because it's not defined in the Makefile yet, you can use the form:
OTHERS=${MYLANG} make -e postat-${MYLANG}
e.g.: OTHERS=xx make -e postat-xx
Output is clipped from the normal "msgfmt --stat" command to look like one of the following, where TT is translated, FF is fuzzy, and UU is untranslated:
xx: TT/ xx: TT/UU/ xx: TT/FF/UU
On Thu, 2007-04-05 at 19:42 -0400, Paul W. Frields wrote:
I've added a couple new targets to our Makefile.common for use by translators and repo managers:
You rock. It's a fact.
BTW, the Subject had me totally confused. I read it as a business metrics requirement thing. I obviously work too much. :)
- Karsten
Karsten Wade wrote:
On Thu, 2007-04-05 at 19:42 -0400, Paul W. Frields wrote:
I've added a couple new targets to our Makefile.common for use by translators and repo managers:
You rock. It's a fact.
BTW, the Subject had me totally confused. I read it as a business metrics requirement thing. I obviously work too much. :)
You are not alone.