Hello all,
my Name is Joerg Stephan and work as a Sysadmin at an Research Facility
in Germany. I'am using Linux since RedHat 5.1 after a virus crashed my
"other" OS. Maybe because of my work i'am interested in server systems,
so i thought it could be a good idea to join the ServerSIG.
On IRC you can find me in the #fedora-server channel as johe or johe|
work (depends on where i'am :-).
So had a short conversation with sharkcz (Don i think) and he replaced
the Server_overview side so i could add packages to it. While taking a
look at the side i thought it would be a nice idea to change the
information on it a bit.
Cause this seems to be a team sport i just made a side
to have a discussion on this issue. Maybe on this side there could be
spread a bit more information. Installing instructions, known and not
fixed bugs could be refered on this side.
I'am currently settle up an virtual server at my home, so it should no
problem installing a fedora server and so updating the versions
displayed on the side.
So let the discussion begin :-)