The following proposal comes out of the discussion at this weeks Server SIG
Fedora Server will have:
* / (root) will be a minimum of 2 GiB and a maximum of 15 GiB
* SWAP will continue to be calculated automatically based on available RAM on
the system
* All unused space will be assigned to a volume group and available to be
assigned to new partitions or extend existing partitions.
* Anaconda will continue to handle the appropriate EFI and /boot settings
We also discussed during the meeting whether we should have a separate /var
partition by default, but the general sense was that we might be better served
by developing a mechanism to allow partitions to be split from existing mount
points, which would be more flexible going forward.
As we did not have quorum in the meeting by the point we got to this proposal,
I'm taking it to the list for discussion and votes.
For the record, the current behavior of the partitioning scheme is for / to be
given up to 50 GiB of space and then any remaining space after that is assigned
to a separate /home partition.
Hi folks! I want to talk about the Active Directory requirements in the
release criteria.
Since Fedora Server was created, we've had this in the criteria:
"It must be possible to join the system to a FreeIPA or Active
Directory domain at install time and post-install, and the system must
respect the identity, authentication and access control configuration
provided by the domain." various further requirements at Beta and Final.
For FreeIPA we have this testing entirely automated, it's no problem at
all. For Active Directory we...don't. At every release point this does
not get tested until very late. Often Stephen Gallagher has to test it
manually at the very last minute, which is an unfair burden on him.
When we *do* find problems, there is a mad scramble to fix them or at
least find workarounds, because we find them way too late.
We've looked into automating it and still kinda intend to do so, but
it's not really simple. There's a legal side to it - it's not clear
what the licensing requirements involved would be - and a technical
side to it - we'd need a way to reliably and quite quickly deploy an AD
domain controller using openQA automation, which is not a trivial job.
When I estimate the time that's going to take and consider what *else*
I (or anyone else) could do with that time, I'm not certain that
"automating AD testing" is the best use of it. To me it doesn't feel
like a really key feature of Fedora to the point that would justify the
work involved, or justify continuing to throw Stephen and others under
the last-minute-manual-testing bus. But I'm not sure!
What do others think? Do you use the AD client support of Fedora
Server? Do you think it's a key feature that we should keep as a
release-blocking requirement, or no?
Adam Williamson (he/him/his)
Fedora QA
Fedora Chat: | Mastodon:
Again, for everyone's convenience, a brief summary of our IRC meeting right here.
For greater details see meetbot
== Summary: ==…
== Full log: ==…
== Essentials ==
==== Flock 2023 ====
Date: Aug. 2 -4 in Cork Ireland
We will discuss a contribution and who plans to attend the event in person.
==== F39 Work Project: Fedora Server on (ARM) SBC ====
We agreed upon publishing a reference list according to the plan in issue -108.
W’ll collect what models are available in Server WG.
==== F39/40 Work Project: Fedora Server in a virtualized runtime environment ====
We agreed to perform the community survey as proposed in #110 .
Peter Boy
Timezone: CET (UTC+1) / CEST /UTC+2)
Fedora Server Edition Working Group member
Fedora Docs team contributor and board member
Java developer and enthusiast
The types of benchmarks that are available in this test suite are
listed here:
You can pick and choose which ones you wish to run.
General info on the test suite and it's capabilities are found here:
Download instructions are found here:
A sample article comparing RPi 400 to Orange Pi 5 can be found here:
While many of the tests referenced in the article apply mainly to
desktop performance, the database, compilation, web server, openSSL etc
should be applicable for servers.
On Thu, 2022-06-09 at 12:48 -0700, Adam Williamson wrote:
> Hi folks!
> More significantly, I'd also propose that we turn on gating on openQA
> results for Rawhide updates. This would mean Rawhide updates would be
> held from going 'stable' (and included in the next compose) until the
> gating openQA tests had run and passed. We may want to do this a bit
> after turning on the tests; perhaps Fedora 37 branch point would be a
> natural time to do it.
Hi again folks! A quick update here. Now the Rawhide update testing has
been running in production for over a year - and Kevin and I have been
"shadow gating" Rawhide for several months, untagging updates where
openQA tests indicate genuine bugs - I think it's time to go ahead and
enable gating for Rawhide updates. I've worked to make sure the tests
are reliable and failures are promptly investigated, and that Bodhi
provides accurate information on test and gating status. I've proposed
this as a FESCo ticket just to get some visibility and sign-off on the
thanks everyone!
Adam Williamson (he/him/his)
Fedora QA
Fedora Chat: | Mastodon:
Folks, as discussed on our last meeting I put a first draft on
It’s a first draft and not complete yet, of course.
When logged in to you can comment and edit the text.
Let’s discuss it on our next meeting.
And of course, any comment here on our mailing list is welcome!
Peter Boy
Timezone: CET (UTC+1) / CEST /UTC+2)
Fedora Server Edition Working Group member
Fedora Docs team contributor and board member
Java developer and enthusiast
> Am 05.06.2023 um 21:08 schrieb J Beard <jas_beard(a)>:
> Seems like a lot of us use Pi's. I have 1 that runs my GitLab and another 1 is my util server. I just grabbed a pi 4 4g and currently deciding on its use.
> Thanks,
> Jason
Given the current price tag of that device (at least in Germany) you must be a rich man. :-)
Sorry, really OT
Peter Boy
Timezone: CET (UTC+1) / CEST /UTC+2)
Fedora Server Edition Working Group member
Fedora Docs team contributor and board member
Java developer and enthusiast