For everyone's convenience, a brief summary of our IRC meeting right here. A bit late, but hopefully not too late.
For greater details see meetbot
== Summary: == == Full log: ==
Topics discussed:
=== Follow up actions ===
DONE: pboy and sgallagh resolved the installation issue with virtualization (#80).
=== Fedora 36 tests ===
* <cooltshirtguy> takes over testing AD from <sgallagh> for the F36 test cycle
* <eseyman> still testing OpenLDAP
* <pboy> No issues found with libcirt / postgreSQL / java / Tomcat
* <jwhimpel> The migration to the "next generation" of ansible seems to be working fine.
* AGREED: WG will join the Upgrade test day Thursday, April 14.
=== Cockpit file-sharing update Change Proposal follow up ===
* Will close issue [#73] as completed and done
* <sgallagh> has it on his (long) backlog to add the Cockpit Application stuff to the file-sharing
* ACTION: We open a discussion thread about file-sharing update followup actions on mailing list (DONE:
=== Planning Fedora 37 ===
* AGREED: We will dedicate a topic about Change Proposal about withdrawel of bios boot for F37. * ACTION: We will open a discussion thread about comment about a specification for a Server Edition VM (DONE: )