I may not be able to attend tomorrow; I'll actually be on my way to my old alma mater (RPI) to meet with some students in the Rensselaer Center for Open Source. Depending on traffic, I may not arrive and have internet access until after the meeting time. I'd like to request that someone else start the meeting in that case, as we do have topics that need discussing.
At minimum: * We have two candidates for Server WG seats, Major Hayden and Jon Stanley. We should vote on their admission to the team. As we have two open seats, I'm firmly +1 for both of them.
* Server/Cloud interaction. It has been suggested that the Fedora Server should become the "standard" Fedora image in public clouds, replacing the old Cloud image. This is because the Cloud SIG is moving towards focusing on Atomic, but it would be good to have something more traditional available as well for people to play with. This really needs an owner who isn't me...