In testing out creating/setting up remote droplets on digital
ocean/fed (centos), I realize that it should be secured as
much/tightly as possible. However, I also realize that if I screw
something up, I could have an instance that has issues. I'm not a sys
admin, and not trying to be one.
So, here's my question. If I'm going to be spinning up/down an
instance, could I simply disable selinux? For my scenario, I'll be
creating a base instance, with the required apps/processes, and then
using that base instance for any testing droplets I need to create, to
test my apps.
So, if I create an instance, spin it up, fire off my tests on the
instance, run everything for a few hours, and then shut it off, would
that be "reasonably safe/secure"?
My testing apps are a mix of python/php/perl/shell scripts, there's no
web stuff as of yet. Although, there will be dns/nfs/mysql
Thanks for thoughts..