#1227: Hosting footer
Reporter: mmcgrath | Owner: webmaster
Type: enhancement | Status: new
Priority: major | Milestone: Fedora 11
Component: Webmaster | Version: Production
Severity: Normal | Keywords:
This is something we've talked about many times but it's not quite
implemented yet. I'd like to put footers at the bottom of our pages that
reference a hosting provider. For an example see:
We can't build it directly into the templates because different places
have different hosting. What I'd like to do is have our templates import
a js script (or something). Then we can deploy a custom js script to each
host that has the relevant information.
If you're interested put a proof of concept together on your fedorapeople
Ticket URL: <https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/1227>
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Fedora Infrastructure Project for Bugs, feature requests and access to our source code.
17:00 < ricky> #startmeeting Fedora Websites
17:00 < onekopaka> k
17:00 < zodbot> Meeting started Fri Jul 31 17:00:05 2009 UTC. The chair is ricky. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
17:00 < zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
17:00 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-websites to: (Meeting topic: Fedora Websites)
17:00 < ricky> #topic Who's here?
17:00 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-websites to: Who's here? (Meeting topic: Fedora Websites)
17:00 * nb
17:00 * stickster
17:00 * onekopaka
17:00 * ricky
17:00 -!- mizmo [n=duffy@nat/redhat/x-xjvducmcqyezityp] has quit "Sláinte Mhath!"
17:00 * hiemanshu is here
17:00 < ricky> ianweller_away, mchua, any-interested-advisory-board-people: ping
17:01 < hiemanshu> onekopaka: nb ?
17:01 < onekopaka> ricky: ianweller_away sent mail to the list saying he's gone.
17:01 < ricky> onekopaka: Oh, which list
17:01 < onekopaka> ricky: mizmo is also not here (hence her quiting the irc room)
17:01 < onekopaka> ricky: f-w-l
17:01 * hiemanshu dint get any
17:02 < ricky> All right then.
17:02 < ricky> #topic get-fedora redesign
17:02 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-websites to: get-fedora redesign (Meeting topic: Fedora Websites)
17:02 < ricky> #link https://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-advisory-board/2009-July/msg00088.ht… <- stickster's email about that
17:02 * hiemanshu doesnt like what mizmo did to the mockup
17:02 < onekopaka> #link http://fedorapeople.org/groups/designteam/Projects/fedoraproject.org/get.fp…
17:03 < ricky> So mizmo posted a unfinished mockup today - I think we should hold back the comments until it's actually done, since it could still be changing a lot as she works on it
17:03 < hiemanshu> onekopaka: that mockup in my idea is _BAD_
17:03 < hiemanshu> ricky: where are the other options? x86_64
17:03 < stickster> Critiques of in-progress works can be helpful
17:03 < hiemanshu> mainly thats what we spoke of
17:03 < stickster> hiemanshu: Can you be a bit more specific please?
17:03 < onekopaka> hiemanshu: I know, I figured that you would say that.
17:04 < ricky> stickster: Well, I'm saying this based on what mizmo said last meeting about not wanting to post her unfinished mockup
17:04 < stickster> ricky: OK, understandable
17:04 < hiemanshu> stickster: the main reason we wanted a new look because we wanted people to be able to find pages easy
17:04 < stickster> I think the thing to remember about this design is that it's going to be in accordance with the requirements that are being developed on FAB
17:04 < ricky> So did everybody see the stickster's email?
17:05 < stickster> Board meeting notes from yesterday are also good reading
17:05 * onekopaka looks at taht now.
17:05 < hiemanshu> ricky: not really, will read it after the meeting
17:05 < onekopaka> that*
17:05 < stickster> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Meeting:Board_meeting_2009-07-30
17:05 < ricky> Basically, there was some disagreement about the target audience requirements for the page in the past, which led to the page being messy with our attempts to please everybody
17:05 < onekopaka> links = pain when using irssi
17:05 -!- caillon [n=caillon(a)c-98-248-36-51.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #fedora-websites
17:06 < ricky> So the board has made the call of exactly who this page will be targetted at, so that there will be no question about those requirements
17:06 < stickster> There's a thread on FAB about this now, as a matter of fact.
17:06 < hiemanshu> ricky: is there a meeting log?
17:06 < ricky> Of course, how that gets implemented and for example, how the page targetted at people that know what they want is presented is still up to us
17:07 < ricky> hiemanshu: It wasn't an IRC meeting, so there's no log, but there are minutes posted on fedora-advisory-board
17:07 < onekopaka> ricky: a phone meeting?
17:07 < ricky> #link https://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-advisory-board/2009-July/msg00090.ht… board meeting minutes
17:07 < hiemanshu> ricky: hmmm, i wanted to read it out so i can have a proper idea what people really think
17:08 < ricky> hiemanshu: The summary of what a lot of people think is that the original design of the get-fedora page got derailed by trying to please everybody
17:08 * hiemanshu agrees
17:08 < onekopaka> especially with KDE.
17:08 < stickster> ricky: And in addition, we don't have a good enough presentation for the many custom spins that are done every cycle.
17:08 < ricky> For example the random inconsistent buttons on the left side that links to different arches/desktop environments
17:09 < ricky> Ah, yes - one big part that I left out is a redesign of spins.fedoraproject.org
17:09 < hiemanshu> ricky: a cleaner look like what other Distros have (Gentoo & Debian) would be better
17:09 < stickster> The Board wants two redesigns to happen. One will be a clear route to a single default spin that is the landing place for people who are new to Fedora or Linux in general.
17:09 < stickster> The second is a better showcase for all spins regardless of origin
17:09 < ricky> hiemanshu: Heh, I've looked at Debian's in the past, and unless they've changed, I don't want our download experience to be like that :-)
17:09 < onekopaka> DEBIAN!!
17:10 < ricky> So there's get-fedora and spins.fedoraproject.org
17:10 < onekopaka> debian's is bad.
17:10 < hiemanshu> ricky: well we shows the archs and show options like the get-fedora-all page
17:10 < onekopaka> hiemanshu: no it doesn't.
17:10 < ricky> The requirements for get-fedora are basically to be friendly to the types of people listed in stickster's email
17:10 < stickster> Design has to be informed by knowing whom a page is intended to serve.
17:10 < hiemanshu> ricky: well most people love it NEAT and CLEAN
17:10 < onekopaka> hiemanshu: http://www.debian.org/distrib/
17:10 < stickster> By defining the audience it will be easier to produce an effective design.
17:11 < onekopaka> hiemanshu: says nothing about archs, KDE, Xfce, or anything like that.
17:11 < ricky> The requirement for spins.fedoraproject.org is that it targets people who basically knows what a spin is and why they'd want to use one - does that sound right, stickster?
17:11 < caillon> yes
17:11 < stickster> ricky: We still have to bring more detail to that, but yes, that's the general idea
17:11 < hiemanshu> onekopaka: i mean by the ARCHs option, on the DVD FTP page
17:11 < ricky> Oh cool, thanks for making this, caillon
17:11 < onekopaka> hiemanshu: that's an FTP directory listing, which we have too.
17:12 < ricky> One interesting part of spins.fedoraproject.org is that we want to allow the spins creators to be able to modify descriptions, etc. of their own spin's pages (while sticking to the websites schedule of course)
17:12 < hiemanshu> onekopaka: havent seen it much
17:13 < ricky> So we'd like to have the spins.fp.o redesign ready for F12
17:13 < onekopaka> hiemanshu: you just go to download.fedoraproject.org..
17:13 * hiemanshu will try a mockup
17:13 < ricky> It might not be 100% complete in terms of the process for spins creators to enter their info, but I'd like it to be complete from the user-facing side
17:14 < hiemanshu> ricky: for Spin creators i have an idea though
17:14 < onekopaka> hiemanshu: you said before that you can't do a mockup to save your life.
17:14 < stickster> ricky: I think we'd definitely be able to accommodate custom content even at the outset -- although it might be a more centralized process of getting that onto the page
17:14 < hiemanshu> onekopaka: i said i cant, but i have been learning GIMP lately
17:14 < stickster> Later we might try for more decentralized administration
17:14 < ricky> stickster: Yeah, at worst, the process would be getting everybody into the web group and having them commit directly to fedora-web.git (while being aware of string freeze dates, etc.0
17:15 < stickster> ricky: Right.
17:15 < hiemanshu> ricky: but you can make custom gits as well
17:15 < ricky> For F12, this will probably be done as something in the style of what we have in the git repo
17:15 < hiemanshu> ricky: its might be a little messy but secure
17:16 < ricky> For F13 and beyond, we could look at whether something like zikula would fulfill our needs of being easy to edit/translate by spins creators better
17:16 < onekopaka> hmm.
17:16 < stickster> Anyway, I think the main points to understand from the Websites team perspective are: 1. The requirements will be developed openly by the Board on the FAB list. 2. The requirements will form the basis for the designs the Board will consider and approve. 3. We are sincerely trying for a F12 rollout if possible.
17:16 < stickster> and
17:17 < stickster> 4. The plan is that the Websites team will serve as the implementation point, as is the case currently.
17:17 < onekopaka> mmkay.
17:18 * hiemanshu is always ready to help
17:18 < ricky> stickster: implementation = design + HTML/CSS/etc. for fitting the goals set by the board, right?
17:18 < caillon> though the board has a set of general requirements already, and i think paul's post covers that as do the minutes. we're looking for questions from e.g. the websites team to help fill in the gaps
17:19 < ricky> OK, so just to get some tasks out there:
17:19 < hiemanshu> caillon: best way to contact he board?
17:19 < caillon> fedora-advisory-board@
17:19 < stickster> The Board has specifically asked mizmo and ricky to lead, respectively, the visual design and the code generation/maintenance
17:19 < stickster> ricky: ^ Is that clear enough?
17:19 < ricky> #action subscribe to fedora-advisory-board and contribute to the discussion about the target audience of get-fedora and spins.fp.o
17:19 < ricky> stickster: Yup, thanks
17:20 < ricky> #link https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/fedora-advisory-board is the subscription page
17:20 < stickster> ricky: Thanks
17:21 * hiemanshu just subscribed
17:21 < ricky> The idea is for the discussions to take place for a week or two there, before stuff is finalized, and we can start looking at how well each mockup satisifies those goals
17:21 < ricky> So does anybody from the board/websites have any questions/comments on this?
17:22 < caillon> hiemanshu, also, worth noting is there is a public IRC board meeting next thursday, Q&A are welcome there
17:22 < onekopaka> #info Public IRC FAB meeting next thursday, Q&A welcome
17:22 < ricky> #link http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Board/IRC
17:22 < hiemanshu> caillon: i am not here next thursday, have an operation on wednesday so i will not be able to make it
17:23 < ricky> hiemanshu: Good luck, hope you get will soon :-)
17:23 < hiemanshu> ricky: do we have many mockups ready for the board to choose or take one and polish it?
17:23 < ricky> **well
17:23 < hiemanshu> ricky: thank you :)
17:23 < ricky> hiemanshu: I know mizmo has some mockups for get-fedora and spins.fp.o that she might clean up to make sure they meet the new requirements
17:23 < ricky> Everybody's welcome to join in with the mockups of course
17:24 < hiemanshu> ricky: i could try one
17:24 < stickster> I'll find those spins mockups, hang on
17:24 * hiemanshu waits
17:25 < stickster> Well, these are older ones
17:25 < stickster> I think they were based on the idea of including a spin generator on the site. We are deliberately *not* including that in the scope of this redesign. It could be added later.
17:25 < hiemanshu> stickster: we could take THOSE and polish them to the new needs
17:26 < stickster> http://fedorapeople.org/groups/designteam/Projects/Fedora%20Spins/Wireframe…
17:26 < stickster> http://fedorapeople.org/groups/designteam/Projects/Fedora%20Spins/Wireframe…
17:26 < stickster> I think those were in the originally designed group of mockups
17:27 * ricky likes the idea of a visual explanation of what a spin is :-)
17:27 * hiemanshu nods
17:27 < stickster> The first is more of a central site, a portal which is nicer than a big FTP list of .iso files
17:27 -!- caillon [n=caillon(a)c-98-248-36-51.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has quit Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)
17:27 * hiemanshu hates the Tracker idea though
17:27 < stickster> The second is a per-spin page, where each spin owner/SIG could describe how awesome its spin is.
17:27 < ricky> As a side note, there's a spin that already has its own page based on another design: http://chitlesh.fedorapeople.org/FEL/
17:28 < ricky> Anyway, just dumping a bunch of previous work out here that design people can hopefully draw some good ideas from :-)
17:28 < ricky> For example, one question is - how much space for information, etc. should be given to each spin?
17:29 < hiemanshu> ricky: could we have a web & design joint meeting?
17:29 < hiemanshu> Since they are both closely related and we would know more people who can help us
17:29 < ricky> Sure, although mizmo is the main design person that has been doing most of the web mockups :-)
17:29 < stickster> ricky: I think those details are well worth parsing out with the various designers. Details about how the visual design can best achieve the requirements.
17:29 < ricky> We can talk to them on IRC in #fedora-design any time though - not sure how many of the active people on the mailing list are on IRC though
17:30 < stickster> ricky: There are a couple options; one is to simply have discussions happen on the fedora-websites-list. In other words, Websites is the focal point for involved people bringing different skill sets in.
17:30 < hiemanshu> ricky: i said meeting for that reason, so people know about it and take the effort to attend in
17:31 < hiemanshu> it**
17:31 < ricky> stickster: That's kind of what I envisioned in the cross-team effort that I think websites is :-)
17:31 < stickster> ricky: I'm seeing that we're a half-hour in -- so if you have other business to cover don't feel like you have to hold this topic open for my and caillon's sake, although we're happy to stay as long as you require
17:31 < stickster> ricky: I was throwing you a bone there, see?
17:31 < ricky> Hehe :-)
17:32 < ricky> OK, so is everybody good on this then?
17:32 < hiemanshu> stickster: dont spoil the little boy :)
17:32 < hiemanshu> ricky: yup
17:32 < onekopaka> ricky: yep
17:32 < ricky> Cool
17:32 < ricky> #topic Tasks
17:32 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-websites to: Tasks (Meeting topic: Fedora Websites)
17:32 < ricky> One tiny little update with my talk with docs
17:33 < ricky> I just recently found out about http://docs.fedoraproject.org/installation-quick-start-guide/
17:33 < ricky> I think if that got translated into a lot of languages like the installation guide, it might be something better to point to from get-fedora
17:33 < ricky> #link http://docs.fedoraproject.org/installation-quick-start-guide/f11/en-US/html…
17:33 * nb would like to proceed to blogs asap.... i must be leaving soon
17:33 < ricky> That has Live CD install instructions (which is what we're pushing as the default way of installation)
17:34 < ricky> And screenshots, which I like :-)
17:34 < ricky> OK, nb - do you want to talk about blogs?
17:34 < hiemanshu> ricky: i heard a person complain about no live cd install guide
17:34 < nb> ricky, sure
17:34 * nb does not have a whole lot to report, we are deployed to production, FAS auth is working, thanks to sijis
17:34 < nb> we are working on making SSL work
17:35 < nb> the only easy solution I can think of is make value1/2 listen on port 443 for SSL
17:35 < hiemanshu> nb: pretty much same as last time we spoke?
17:35 < nb> and have the proxy connect to it using SSL
17:35 < ricky> And that's an idea that we're not crazy about in Infrastructure :-(
17:35 * onekopaka still doesn't know what to do about that HAproxy-side
17:35 < nb> it detects the connection is not ssl, and so it starts a redirect loop because it is trying to redirect to https://blogs
17:35 < nb> ricky, yeah
17:35 < ricky> My suggestion would be to talk to other wordpress sysadmins
17:36 < ricky> Either that, or dive into the code, and figure out how to fake wordpress-mu out
17:36 < ricky> Well, preferably the first one first, since they might have an answer to the second :-)
17:36 < hiemanshu> ricky: from being a wordpress admin for quite long, you cannot fake anything until it supports it
17:36 < onekopaka> I did submit something to Barry's WP contact page.
17:36 < nb> ricky, i will work on one or both of those ideas, i meant to last week but was otherwise occupied. I was elected last week as President of CAcert so I've been kind of busy
17:36 < nb> onekopaka, who's barry?
17:36 < ricky> Haha, congrats
17:37 < onekopaka> nb: "Systems Wrangler" for Automattic.
17:37 < nb> ricky, yeah, i wasn't even nominated for the board until the morning of our SGM (Special General Meeting)
17:37 < hiemanshu> nb: Congrats mate
17:37 < nb> someone mentioned why wasnt i on the list of candidates, i was like well, noone nominated me
17:37 < hiemanshu> nb: back to blogs please ;)
17:38 < ricky> OK, so apart from asking Barry, I guess we can see if there are any more sysadmin-types on their IRC chanenl
17:38 < ricky> **channel
17:38 < hiemanshu> ricky: #wordpressdev
17:38 < nb> hiemanshu, yeah true
17:38 < nb> ricky, and #wpmu
17:38 < hiemanshu> ricky: oops wrong link
17:39 < hiemanshu> nb: the channel closed down
17:39 < ricky> :-(
17:39 < ricky> I guess it's part of the merging with wordpress?
17:39 < nb> #wpmu is not closed
17:39 < nb> people are still there
17:39 < ricky> Oh
17:39 < onekopaka> #wordpressdev is?
17:39 < ricky> Oh, heh
17:40 < nb> oh ok
17:40 < hiemanshu> yup #wordpressdev
17:40 * hiemanshu remembers visiting it a couple of weeks back
17:41 < ricky> OK. If it's easier to do it with 100% https externally with http from haproxy though, I'm all for that too :-)
17:41 < hiemanshu> /msg alis list *channelname* (within the *) works to find a list of channels in FreeNode
17:41 < hiemanshu> ricky: i dont like the idea of faking it
17:41 < ricky> OK, so does anybody have anything else on blogs?
17:41 < onekopaka> nope.
17:41 < hiemanshu> you ll need to edit core files
17:42 < hiemanshu> which is what me mainly need
17:42 < onekopaka> except
17:42 < onekopaka> I have HAProxy on my server
17:42 < onekopaka> same version as in infra
17:42 < hiemanshu> onekopaka: i said wordpress faking
17:42 < onekopaka> so we can test configs
17:42 < ricky> hiemanshu: The changes would be worth sending upstream though
17:42 < onekopaka> hiemanshu: I know.
17:43 < hiemanshu> ricky: most people dont fake it, they leave it in HTTP or get a proper server to use it with
17:43 < hiemanshu> onekopaka: so wordpress faking would require core file changes
17:43 < onekopaka> hiemanshu: I know.
17:43 < ricky> Yeah, but having one server with it exposed to the outside is not proper for us :-)
17:43 < hiemanshu> unless we can do it in another way
17:43 < onekopaka> hiemanshu: but I was going to say something.
17:43 < ricky> But anyway, if it involves modifying code, make sure the modifications are good, and work to get them included upstream
17:43 < hiemanshu> ricky: so FAKING is not we want, so rule that out
17:44 < ricky> It might be good to ask ahead of time so that you don't step on their toes with the merging into wordpress
17:44 < hiemanshu> ricky: why would people in wordpress include it?
17:44 < hiemanshu> they dont want people to use FAKE SSL
17:44 < ricky> Because it's a common setup to have a reverse proxy to an app server
17:44 < onekopaka> ricky: not this way.
17:45 < onekopaka> ricky: people will more likely use nginx, which is what wp.com uses.
17:45 < ricky> mmcgrath and the folks in #fedora-admin have years more sysadmin experience than I do, so they say it's common, I believe him :-)
17:45 < ricky> s/him/them
17:46 < ricky> Anyway, until then:
17:46 < onekopaka> http://barry.wordpress.com/2008/04/28/load-balancer-update/
17:46 < ricky> #task Make a clear notice on http://blogs.fedoraproject.org/wp/ that it's not 100% ready yet and warn people NOT to login without SSL
17:46 < onekopaka> they do have a proxy > app server infra.
17:46 < onekopaka> but it's not with HAproxy
17:47 < onekopaka> it's with nginx.
17:47 -!- Sonar_Guy [n=Who@fedora/sonarguy] has quit "Leaving"
17:47 < ricky> OK, but is proxy -> app http or https?
17:47 < onekopaka> ricky: I tried to ask, but I can't find out.
17:48 < hiemanshu> ricky: an httpd change would serve us better than a WPMU change
17:48 < onekopaka> ricky: and who knows? maybe nginx sends through the fact that it's ssl.
17:48 < hiemanshu> onekopaka: #nginx
17:48 * hiemanshu will be back in a few
17:49 < ricky> Well, we're sticking with haproxy for the near future, so it's probably better to concentrate on getting things to work with that
17:49 < onekopaka> back to what I tried to say
17:49 < onekopaka> I have HAProxy on my server so we can test configs without screwing up the infra ones.
17:50 < ricky> OK, then let us know if you have any luck with the setup we need.
17:50 < ricky> So does anybody else have anything else on blogs?
17:50 < onekopaka> I haven't had luck and that's the problem
17:50 < onekopaka> I don't know people who know all the options of HAProxy.
17:50 < ricky> Also, does anybody want to take that task real quick after the meeting?
17:51 < onekopaka> because the documentation doesn't help.
17:51 -!- susmit [n=susmit(a)] has joined #fedora-websites
17:51 -!- susmit [n=susmit(a)] has quit Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)
17:51 < ricky> Oops,
17:51 < ricky> #action Make a clear notice on http://blogs.fedoraproject.org/wp/ that it's not 100% ready yet and warn people NOT to login without SSL
17:52 < ricky> onekopaka: Can you get that ^?
17:52 < onekopaka> I guess.
17:52 * hiemanshu is back
17:52 < ricky> Cool.
17:52 < hiemanshu> ricky: what task?
17:53 < ricky> Look a few lines up :-)
17:53 < hiemanshu> ricky: i see two taks
17:53 < hiemanshu> tasks*
17:53 < hiemanshu> 1)Proxy 2) the action stuff
17:53 * onekopaka is still upset that the theme totally screws the admin bar.
17:53 < hiemanshu> onekopaka: which theme?
17:54 < ricky> onekopaka: Feel free to work on fixes
17:54 < onekopaka> hiemanshu: the blogs.fp.o theme.
17:54 < onekopaka> it's really f'ing anoying
17:54 < onekopaka> annoying*
17:54 < hiemanshu> onekopaka: i can help with that
17:54 < onekopaka> because there's no site admin link in the sidebar
17:55 < onekopaka> I have no idea how the admin bar got screwed up
17:55 < onekopaka> why it gets thrown in the FOOTER.
17:55 < nb> onekopaka, we can add a site admin link
17:55 < ricky> #action Fix the problem iwth the admin bar
17:55 < ricky> OK, we're near the 1 hour mark, so
17:55 < ricky> #topic Open floor
17:55 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-websites to: Open floor (Meeting topic: Fedora Websites)
17:55 < ricky> Anything else to discuss this meeting?
17:55 < onekopaka> and the admin bar is the cleanest way to get to various admin pages.
17:55 < hiemanshu> First off ricky thanks for making the right choice ;)
17:56 < ricky> Thanks to the board for their attention to the get-fedora thing - if there are any questions in the future about the target audience for those pages, we can just tell them to take it to the board :-)
17:57 * hiemanshu will make it a point to read the emails and know what the board wants
17:57 < onekopaka> so back to my local HAProxy story..
17:57 < hiemanshu> onekopaka: yeah go on
17:57 < onekopaka> we need a couple servers that run SSL.
17:57 < onekopaka> I have one.
17:58 < onekopaka> (this is just for testing HAProxy config)
17:58 < ricky> You can always run two on different port
17:58 < ricky> **ports
17:58 < hiemanshu> onekopaka: i can try ask my clients for a couple
17:58 < hiemanshu> asking**
17:58 < onekopaka> ricky: nope. I wouldn't do such a thing.
17:59 -!- sijis_afk is now known as sijis
17:59 < onekopaka> ricky: it was already a pain to get SSL working in the first place.
17:59 < onekopaka> so
17:59 < hiemanshu> sijis: too early for the next meeting ;)
17:59 < onekopaka> it just needs to have SSL, and be willing to be hit by my HAProxy instance
18:00 < onekopaka> my IP, incase you want to track, is
18:00 < hiemanshu> onekopaka: i have a shared web server, not sure if that would work
18:00 < onekopaka> hiemanshu: does it have SSL accessible?
18:00 < hiemanshu> onekopaka: yup
18:00 < hiemanshu> onekopaka: i can give you the details if you want to have a look
18:01 < onekopaka> hmm
18:02 < onekopaka> so
18:02 < sijis> hiemanshu: :)
18:02 < onekopaka> I may be willing to open an account on my mac for you people to obtain access.
18:02 < onekopaka> maybe.
18:03 < onekopaka> so.
18:03 < hiemanshu> onekopaka: would love to ;)
18:03 < hiemanshu> sijis: read the logs, lots of stuff happening
18:04 < sijis> hiemanshu: yup.. will do. gotta fix my monitor resolution though.. i jackked it up :(
18:04 < hiemanshu> sijis: changed it 640x480 huh?
18:04 < hiemanshu> or 320x240?
18:04 < ricky> OK, we're a bit over the hour mark, so I'll end the meeting for now, and we can continue talking here
18:04 < ricky> #endmeeting
18:04 < onekopaka> anyone who would want access would have to send their public key my way.
18:04 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-websites to: The Fedora Websites team maintains the official Fedora Project websites (http://fedoraproject.org/) | Want to help us? Contact the respective leaders listed here : http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Websites#Projects | http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Websites
18:04 < zodbot> Meeting ended Fri Jul 31 18:04:30 2009 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot .
18:04 < zodbot> Minutes: http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-websites/2009-07-31/fedora-websites…
18:04 < zodbot> Minutes (text): http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-websites/2009-07-31/fedora-websites…
18:04 < zodbot> Log: http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-websites/2009-07-31/fedora-websites…
I'm reminding all of y'all that there's a Websites Meeting in about 10
hours (17:00 GMT).
It'll be in #fedora-websites, and if ricky is going to be at the FESco
meeting, I'm going to try to be the chair, so don't be rowdy. ;)
Darren L. VanBuren
On 2009-07-30 01:51:40 PM, Paul W. Frields wrote:
> One of the issues the Board has been discussing recently is the state
> of our various download pages for Fedora. This topic springs directly
> from the process of getting to the heart of Fedora's goals. Along the
> way we've determined that one of the steps we can take is to improve
> the clarity of how we present the Fedora distribution. The way many
> people come into contact with that presentation is through our
> download site, which needs to provide a first-rate experience for
> everyone who uses it. This topic clearly falls into the Board's
> domain, because it's to do not with the production of the Fedora
> distribution, but rather with the way it's presented, and with the
> design of one of the essential public-facing pieces of the project.
> A good, user-centric design must be simple and easy to follow, and
> provide a route for all users to reach what they want. The most
> effective route for new users of the website is usually very different
> than for experienced ones, but all routes must be attractive and
> effective for the people using them. The experience we currently
> provide for both these groups on our download site is not terribly
> attractive or effective, and needs revision. Thanks to some dedicated
> community members, there was some work done to redesign these
> experiences in the past, but for a variety of reasons those efforts
> didn't fully succeed. The Board and I want to see them back on the
> front burner, so that we are providing the best possible presentation
> of the many faces of Fedora, whether that presentation is more of an
> introduction to free software, or intended for experienced users.
Hey, this would be great to discuss at tomorrow's websites meeting if
any of you can make it - it'll be at 17:00 UTC in #fedora-websites on
Freenode (unfortunately this is at the same time as the FESCo meeting).
For those on fedora-websites-list, the full message that I mercilessly
trimmed here is at
On http://chitlesh.fedorapeople.org/FEL/
section: Circuit and PCB Layout
On Tools, the links have wrong names.
Where is Alliance should be gerbv and where is gds2pov should be gEDA.
I could say it's a joke but you simple copy from section above and
forget to change the name. The urls are correct.
Websites and Marketing folks: just a heads-up so you know the stuff that
the two groups will be working on together for this release cycle -
Ricky and I just froze the milestone dates for things the two teams will
be collaborating on (our version is at
https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Marketing_F12_schedule) Here are the
relevant parts for y'all on what Marketing is going to deliver for
Final release slogan is ready for websites/design 2009-09-17 Marketing
creates this, influenced by the Design themes/wallpaper/etc. for the
release. The slogan then (circularly?) affects the Design team's release
button/banner for the website. Need to make sure this lines up with
Design and Website's dates. This date is a start date; the end date
needs to be set in conjunction with Design.
All desired website changes taken to websites team 2009-09-15 The
Websites team has a 09/29 feature freeze, so we need to make sure any
features/changes we want (text, images, page restructuring, etc...) have
been approved by them by that date. This means that two weeks prior,
Marketing should know exactly what changes we'd like to see on the
websites, that all those changes should be tickets filed in the Website
team's Trac, and that each change should have a Marketing delegate
working on it from within the Websites team.
(For Marketing's reference...)
Groups we (Marketing) have synced with: Websites, Design
Groups left to sync with: Docs, Ambassadors, News
...that is all. Thanks for your time!
I've updated the F12 schedule according to the meeting
that Paul, John, and myself had today.
We've got some dates and such to coordinate with various teams (cc'd
here) before Monday in order to make sure our calendars sync up. One of
the things we'll be talking about at the Marketing meeting tomorrow
(https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Marketing_meetings) is how to make sure
that each Marketing + OtherTeam coordination happens this week - some of
these connections already have delegates, others have people who
probably should be, others are wide open.
The notes below are very, *very* much drafts, and only starting points!
It's also entirely possible that I've put *too* much in the notes below
(that figuring out something shouldn't be Marketing's job, or its
focus). Patches welcome.
Design: We should make sure we get you a release slogan in time, and
give fast enough feedback/final-slogan turnaround based on your designs
that you can make release buttons/banners with time to spare. Also need
to see what sort of work we need to coordinate in order to make spiffy
Ambassadors kits.
Docs: We should commit to those 1-page shiny release notes you wanted,
and find other good points during the cycle to check in with each other.
We also need to talk (possibly with News) on who'd like to do what
portions of talking points and in-depth feature profiles. (How can we
market our documentation as awesome, too?)
Ambassadors: We need to schedule a briefing for you folks to happen once
the talking points are ready - but most importantly, we need to learn
how we can listen to you better so that we can make the things you
actually want and *need* to spread the word on the ground. What can we do?
Websites: We should talk - potentially with Design - about how we're
going to coordinate various webpage redesigns and revisions, and how our
respective roles complement each other.
News: We also need to talk (possibly with Docs) on who'd like to do what
portions of talking points and in-depth feature profiles. We should also
figure out what's going on with News and Marketing and Fedora Insight,
so we can schedule in coordination times with other teams if needed.
It all started a few __months__ ago when i visited Max Spevack with
ideas on how to improve the fedora website(s). (fp.o and get.fp.o)
Back then fedora 11 was in the ending stages and there wasn't a lot of
time to do any new things (actually there was no time for that) so it
had to wait till after fedora 11 was released.
After that happened (f11 release) i joined fedora with the idea to
improve there website. Here are the problems i encountered.
- First FAS. I needed to agree on the CLA but the information
requirements are roughly the same as when you order something on a web
shop. They just don't ask a credit card number yet.
- - So i disagree with the side effect that i can't go to the wiki.
- I had mockups of fp.o and get.fp.o that only needed polishing and
making them look right in the current fp.o theme. But it was requested
(read demanded) that i collected feedback...
- After a lot of talking i did collect feedback:
- Right now Mizmo is "making" mockups of that feedback and "some"
other feedback but none of the feedback was discussed which she did
require me to do! kinda odd don't you think.
- I came here to do that website stuff. Mizmo now does it which is
exactly NOT what i wanted
- Also the person all my "work" ends up with is Mizmo. The person i
just don't like is: the same one. That is going (and already has) to
give conflicts!
I could make this list a lot longer with a lot insults or harsh things
to mizmo but i won't do that although in my opinion she does deserver
So where do i stand now? well, it took months to get NOWHERE so i'm
not going to spend more months to get even further in nowhere. The
design team had the chance to get me in, get a decent designer and
coder in but screwed up big time. Work is going extremely slow if
going at all and when i say something (to mizmo) it always seems land
the wrong way..
I've had it with this head design team member thus i won't attend any
future website meetings. I've already had it for a long time how
fedora operates (hints at nautilus spatial view) and i had hoped that
i could in time make a difference in Fedora. Guess that's not going to
happen and i don't mind that.
So, how have those last few months been for me? well, not productive
at all! Talking a LOT and doing extremely little seems to be the way
mizmo likes it. I don't so it was just not funny for me. Other people
might be able to "work" in conditions like that but i like to get out
of it ASAP.
One note to Mizmo:
At the very first moment, and that was ~1 1/2 year ago with "Project
Amber" when i first spoke to you. you where extremely bossy back then
and wanted everything the way you deem right. I found that strange but
just took it for granted. Now the last few months i still notice the
exact same behaviour of you. I hate that kind of behaviour. Boss
someone else around, not me! And learn how to take on sarcasm. It
would be best to just quit being bossy at all.
I feel like i've been very mild in this entire message.
One last request: Delete my fas account please (markg85) and
everything that has markg85 in it.
For fas: Why is there now: "delete my account"?
To the rest of the website team,
Good luck.
That was it from me. Greetings,
16:59:50 <hiemanshu> #startmeeting Websites Meeting
17:00:02 <nb> #topic Who's here
17:00:03 <hiemanshu> mizmo: mchua markg85 ping
17:00:11 * markg85 is here
17:00:12 <hiemanshu> #topic Who's here
17:00:12 <nb> oops, i forgot i'm not a chair
17:00:14 <onekopaka> nb: only chair can do that.
17:00:15 * nb
17:00:18 * onekopaka
17:00:21 * hiemanshu is ehre
17:00:25 <hiemanshu> here*
17:00:36 * sijis is here.
17:00:38 <nb> ricky is probably kind of here
17:00:39 * markg85 is here
17:00:45 * ricky is hereish
17:00:52 <hiemanshu> #topic blogs.fedoraproject.org
17:00:59 <onekopaka> yay blogs.fpo!
17:01:17 <onekopaka> so the thing is
17:01:22 <hiemanshu> First off big round of applause to sijis
17:01:33 * nb claps
17:01:40 * onekopaka claps louder than nb
17:01:43 <hiemanshu> nb: update
17:01:51 * sijis thanks everyone. :)
17:01:55 <nb> FAS auth is finished, basically everything is ready, I
am working on spam plugin
17:01:58 <mizmo> hiemanshu: hi
17:02:01 <onekopaka> the thing is..
17:02:03 <nb> i think we are pretty much ready to deploy
17:02:06 <markg85> don't know for wat but: claps ^_^
17:02:07 <hiemanshu> hello mizmo
17:02:18 <nb> markg85, sijis got FAS auth working for blogs.fp.org
17:02:31 <nb> that's what we were blocking on
17:02:43 <nb> badbehavior caught our first spam today
17:02:45 * onekopaka suggests talking about the spam plugin
17:02:51 <markg85> nice! congrats to you 2
17:03:01 <nb> it will have to be activated by the blog owners,
sitewide activation is not available until 2.7.1 of wpmu
17:03:03 <sijis> markg85: hi, nice to meet you. and thanks.
17:03:11 <onekopaka> nb: there you go.
17:03:19 <nb> ricky thinks this will be ok as long as we document how
to do it clearly
17:03:22 <hiemanshu> nb: we cant update?
17:03:34 <onekopaka> hiemanshu: packaged version is 2.7
17:03:37 <hiemanshu> IIRC 2.8.1 is out as well
17:03:38 <nb> hiemanshu, not available in epel yet, we conceivably
could package it for infrarepo
17:03:43 <nb> hiemanshu, of wpmu or of wp?
17:03:44 <onekopaka> hiemanshu: we can only use packages.
17:03:50 <hiemanshu> nb: WPMU
17:03:55 <onekopaka> hiemanshu: WPMU is not 2.8 yet.
17:04:01 <nb> onekopaka, hiemanshu we can make our own, but we would
prefer to stick with the epel versions
17:04:02 <hiemanshu> onekopaka: sure is, check
17:04:06 <onekopaka> hiemanshu: WPMU 2.8 is the SVN version.
17:04:06 * nb thinks
17:04:09 <nb> thoughts about it?
17:04:25 <hiemanshu> nb: ask the maintainer to push the update
17:04:35 <onekopaka> hiemanshu: trust me, I run my WPMU out of svn
17:04:41 <nb> hiemanshu, update the ticket, it should be assigned to bretm
17:04:51 <hiemanshu> onekopaka: i installed it
17:04:52 <hiemanshu> The 2.8.2 version of WordPress MU is now
available for download:
17:04:58 <hiemanshu> http://mu.wordpress.org/download/
17:04:59 <sijis> i'd stick with EPEL version. we could definitely help
them where needed.
17:05:11 <onekopaka> hiemanshu: maintainer says there's a missing
feature (which we don't know exactly the feature_
17:05:14 <hiemanshu> nb: 2.8.2 is out and it requires no changes
17:05:20 <hiemanshu> to DB
17:05:27 <onekopaka> hiemanshu: sure it does.
17:05:27 <hiemanshu> onekopaka: i ll talk to him
17:05:28 <nb> sijis, bretm was delaying updating because apparently
some change was made in 2.7.1 that he didnt like
17:05:44 <nb> can non-chair do action or is it only chair too?
17:05:47 <hiemanshu> onekopaka: you said 2.8 was not even out
17:05:51 <onekopaka> hiemanshu: it's not.
17:05:53 <hiemanshu> nb: non chair can
17:06:01 <nb> hiemanshu, you want to talk to bretm?
17:06:03 <hiemanshu> onekopaka: check here http://mu.wordpress.org/download/
17:06:07 <hiemanshu> nb: yes i will
17:06:09 <nb> bugzilla works well with him, email not so much
17:06:16 <hiemanshu> .fas bretm
17:06:24 <nb> #action hiemanshu to file bugzilla ticket requesting
bretm to update wordpress-mu
17:06:48 <hiemanshu> #agreed hiemanshu will ask bretm for update and
nb will work on spam plugin
17:06:56 <hiemanshu> Who will work on the blog docs?
17:07:00 <onekopaka> hiemanshu: those should be seperate
17:07:02 <nb> hiemanshu, /me would strongly suggest bugzilla, he seems
to respond to that but ive never gotten an answer to email
17:07:22 <hiemanshu> nb: sure i ll speak to him
17:07:33 <hiemanshu> anything else?
17:07:35 <onekopaka> #action onekopaka to document how to use
WordPress MU for first-time users.
17:07:42 <nb> we may be deploying it pretty soon
17:07:57 <hiemanshu> next topic?
17:08:04 <nb> it would be nice to make any changes to the db after we
deploy because i already gave ricky a db dump
17:08:14 <nb> although i could probably have him re-import the db
17:08:16 <onekopaka> hiemanshu: mmkay, you win.
17:08:23 <sijis> i got some minor changes to the authentication piece
(cleaning stuff up mostly).. but it shouldn't break anything.
17:08:33 <ricky> Not 100% sure if the dump should be used without
cleanup - it might contain test users and stuff
17:08:35 <onekopaka> hiemanshu: I had an out of date checkout
17:08:37 <hiemanshu> onekopaka: whats the latest?
17:08:38 <nb> ricky, it doesnt
17:08:41 <ricky> OK
17:08:47 <onekopaka> hiemanshu: 2.8.2 is in the svn repo
17:08:49 <nb> ricky, all it contains is the ones that have regular fas
accounts under that username
17:08:51 <hiemanshu> onekopaka: :)
17:08:53 <sijis> i know the db has old user data in it.
17:08:59 <hiemanshu> sijis: has the change been tested?
17:09:06 <onekopaka> hiemanshu: "$wp_version = '2.8.2';"
17:09:09 <nb> sijis, i removed the ones taht do not correspond to
production FAS accounts
17:09:19 <sijis> hiemanshu: i haven't uploaded the changes to test it yet.
17:09:25 * nb thinks it only contains admin, nb, onekopaka, ricky, nigelj
17:09:36 <sijis> nb: but the metadata table has some old account ID info in it
17:09:38 <ricky> It also contains password hashes which is kind of
weird. unless it's the "" value.
17:09:39 * hiemanshu had his account deleted
17:09:47 <ricky> Ah well.
17:09:51 <nb> ricky, i can re-dump it anyway, if you prefer
17:09:56 <ricky> Nah, it's all good
17:09:58 <onekopaka> ricky: they're randomly generated.
17:10:12 <ricky> OK, that'll just be a difference from the current
plugin which doesn't do the random stuff.
17:10:22 * nb has not really looked at the current plugin
17:10:25 <onekopaka> ricky: it doesn't do random stuff?
17:10:34 <ricky> Nop
17:10:35 <ricky> **Nope
17:10:38 <hiemanshu> nice
17:10:49 <nb> onekopaka, well, its kind of irrelevant what it stores
in the database because the fas password is what it goes by
17:10:56 <onekopaka> nb: I know.
17:11:26 <hiemanshu> Anything else?
17:11:42 <onekopaka> hiemanshu: I think we're covered here...
17:11:51 <hiemanshu> ok then
17:11:53 <hiemanshu> #topic www.fp.o
17:11:57 <hiemanshu> markg85: update
17:12:09 <markg85> oke
17:12:30 <markg85> well that's only regarding the feedback
17:12:38 <markg85> same for get.fp.o
17:12:56 <hiemanshu> sijis: you know about these projects going on?
17:13:10 <markg85> i would like to discuss each point on the feedback
and see what we is going to be implemented and what not
17:13:18 <hiemanshu> markg85: go ahead
17:13:29 <markg85> oke
17:14:18 <markg85>
http://fedora.mageprojects.com/fedora_feedback_anonymized.txt all,
open that link please
17:14:41 <mizmo> isn't this kind of discussion better suited for the
mailing list?
17:14:42 <onekopaka> markg85: we tend to use .tiny =)
17:14:47 <onekopaka> .tiny
17:14:55 <onekopaka> markg85: like that.
17:15:13 <onekopaka> mizmo: I think meetings are good for this..
17:15:24 <markg85> mizmo, well, i asked that on the mailing list but
no response per point
17:15:26 * hiemanshu nods
17:15:40 <markg85> there was some from you and mchua but not on everything
17:16:04 <hiemanshu> markg85: dont get into complete detail, all
people dont have time
17:16:17 <mizmo> i kind of think the best way to move forward is
simply to use the feedback in the mockups
17:16:19 <mizmo> which is in progress
17:16:44 <hiemanshu> mizmo: you working on the mockups?
17:16:53 <markg85> oke then there is probably nothing to discuss about
it now right?
17:17:03 <onekopaka> markg85: a note that Fedora isn't based off RHEL,
RHEL is downstream of Fedora.
17:17:33 <markg85> onekopaka, it's just the raw feedback, don't look
at me if something is wrong there :P it's what the users said
17:17:36 <onekopaka> markg85: so tell that user that Fedora is
upstream from RHEL.
17:17:47 <mizmo> hiemanshu: yeh ive been working on the get.fpo
17:17:53 * nb thinks RHEL 5 is somewhere around F6
17:17:57 <hiemanshu> onekopaka: users _would_ not care
17:18:00 <onekopaka> nb: yep.
17:18:04 <hiemanshu> mizmo: you want to get that topic out?
17:18:10 <markg85> mizmo, any images so far?
17:18:18 <mizmo> hiemanshu: as the consumer of the info, i just don't
see the point
17:18:26 <mizmo> markg85: nothign to show yet, have a few inprogress mocks
17:18:34 <mizmo> been extremely busy lately
17:19:00 <markg85> ok
17:19:01 <hiemanshu> mizmo: there was on in mailing list complaining
about not finding stuff
17:19:06 <hiemanshu> Anything else?
17:19:09 * sijis sorry.. had to step away
17:19:11 <markg85> next topic?
17:19:22 <hiemanshu> #topic F12 Web Tasks
17:19:25 * onekopaka notes that someone said fp.o needed a search engine
17:19:40 <hiemanshu> .tiny
17:19:50 * nb notes that google site:fedoraproject.org WFM
17:20:03 <nb> well although we do have site:fedorahosted.org too
17:20:22 <onekopaka> .tiny
17:20:58 <markg85> just on a side note.. what's up with those tiny
url's in here. it seems pointless since the full url is just 1 line
17:21:10 <hiemanshu> So who is going to get down with the design team
for the banners?
17:21:19 <mizmo> hiemanshu: im the design team lead :)
17:21:22 <mizmo> hiemanshu: not a worry
17:21:28 <hiemanshu> mizmo: nice i dint know :)
17:21:33 <onekopaka> markg85: just the tradition.
17:21:34 <mizmo> hiemanshu: it's on the design team schedule
17:21:44 <hiemanshu> mizmo: great :)
17:22:15 <nb> it is tradition?
17:22:36 * nb thinks our design team does a great job
17:22:38 <onekopaka> nb: mmcgrath does it for URLs in Infra meetings
17:22:44 * nb claps for mizmo and her team
17:22:47 <nb> onekopaka, oh ok
17:22:52 * onekopaka claps too.
17:22:56 * hiemanshu follows after onekopaka
17:23:04 <hiemanshu> Any takers for the other tasks?
17:23:07 * nb has not been able to make many infra meetings
17:23:23 <onekopaka> #action everyone to thank mizmo & the rest of the
design team for being awesome
17:23:50 <markg85> anyway mizmo, did you find the feedback i gathered useful?
17:24:07 <hiemanshu> markg85: follow the topic :)
17:24:24 <hiemanshu> sijis was supposed to be here for this topic
17:24:31 <markg85> hiemanshu, we are still in the same topic ;)
17:24:42 <onekopaka> markg85: nope, this is F12 Web Tasks.
17:24:44 <hiemanshu> markg85: its been changed :P
17:24:53 <markg85> o lol there
17:25:16 <onekopaka> do we have more to say on this? topic?
17:25:17 <hiemanshu> Well anything else?
17:25:29 <onekopaka> this topic?*
17:25:41 <mizmo> ahh which topic are we talking about now
17:25:46 <mizmo> i looked over the web tasks list
17:25:52 <mizmo> and i couldnt think of anything missing
17:26:07 <hiemanshu> who usually writes the content?
17:26:30 <mizmo> marketing team comes up with the slogan
17:26:40 <onekopaka> ianweller: ping
17:26:44 <mizmo> and then i think we change the 'see the tour' link to
go to the newest tour
17:26:47 <mizmo> which the marketing team also puts together
17:26:49 <sijis> hiemanshu: whoops.
17:26:52 <mizmo> so i guess marketing basically
17:27:00 <hiemanshu> mizmo: aahhh ok
17:27:06 <onekopaka> who should talk to them marketing people then?
17:27:08 <hiemanshu> sijis: you wanted to speak about this topic right
17:27:22 <mizmo> marketing's got the slogan on their schedule
17:27:25 <mizmo> not 100% sure if the tour is
17:27:36 <sijis> well.. i just wanted to konw if anyone reviewed it
and who has what task.
17:27:39 <onekopaka> should we get the wiki czar *thunder* to talk to
the marketing team then?
17:28:17 <hiemanshu> So lets decide who will co-ordinate what task
17:28:46 <hiemanshu> i think mizmo can co-ordinate the first 3 (Design related)
17:29:00 <onekopaka> ianweller seems to be a marketing person.
17:29:38 <onekopaka> now if we could find ianweller..
17:29:56 <nb> ianweller, ping
17:29:59 <nb> .fasinfo ianweller
17:30:00 <onekopaka> oh he's probably at that one thing like mchua.
17:30:01 <hiemanshu> sijis: you want to take up any?
17:30:09 <nb> yep, ian is marketing
17:30:11 <onekopaka> nb: he's at that one thing.
17:30:18 <onekopaka> nb: in Raleigh
17:30:21 <nb> oh
17:30:26 <mizmo> he's at the airport right now
17:30:38 <nb> #info Ian Weller is at "that one thing(tm)"
17:30:40 <nb> lol
17:30:42 <sijis> hiemanshu: i wasn't sure what the POT stuff is.
17:30:53 <onekopaka> mizmo: heading back to Kansas?
17:30:59 <onekopaka> he's*
17:31:01 * nb has too much of a sense of humor today, lol
17:31:03 <hiemanshu> well onekopaka can help you with that
17:31:13 <hiemanshu> sijis: ^^
17:31:29 <sijis> ok.. i'll work with onekopaka with that.
17:31:29 <mizmo> onekopaka: yeh, he's not in kansas anymore right now,
but he will be again :)
17:31:29 <hiemanshu> anything else on the topic?
17:31:33 <nb> it's something about translations
17:31:37 <onekopaka> mizmo: ;)
17:32:01 <onekopaka> nb: template that has all the msgids
17:32:24 <onekopaka> hiemanshu: I think we're good on this terpic.
17:32:37 <hiemanshu> #topic User Gallery
17:32:41 <hiemanshu> Well this is my job
17:32:56 <hiemanshu> mizmo: i want you to be a little clear with what
you have in mind
17:32:56 <onekopaka> sijis thinks it's a Facebook thing..
17:33:08 <markg85> hiemanshu, anything to show ?
17:33:09 <sijis> :)
17:33:16 <mizmo> hiemanshu: the idea behind the user gallery is quite
simple. take maybe 3 different fedora users, interview them, and have
user testimonials.
17:33:28 <mizmo> hiemanshu: have a student talk about how they use
fedora to do homework
17:33:32 <hiemanshu> markg85: working on it
17:33:35 <mizmo> hiemanshu: have a mom show how she uses fedora to
work on photos
17:33:36 <markg85> :P
17:33:37 <mizmo> stuff like that
17:33:57 <hiemanshu> mizmo: what about people showing off their
desktops and how they got those?
17:34:16 <mizmo> hiemanshu: a desktop screenshot doesn't really show
what you can do with fedora
17:34:26 <mizmo> hiemanshu: i think it'd be cooler to show something
like this.... (one sec while i grab link)
17:34:31 <hiemanshu> mizmo: something like a User showoff
17:35:07 <markg85> mizmo, what you want is a flickr like thing but for fedora?
17:35:27 <sijis> mizmo: its almost like..."Using Fedora in your daily life."
17:35:46 <mizmo> hiemanshu: something like this
17:36:00 <mizmo> hiemanshu: eg 'these are things that were produced
using fedora'
17:36:15 <hiemanshu> mizmo: ahh i see now
17:36:24 * hiemanshu was a little unclear
17:36:36 <hiemanshu> mizmo: do you want it dynamic or static?
17:36:36 <mizmo> hiemanshu: show how it affects their real life
17:36:45 <hiemanshu> ricky wants it static though
17:36:49 <mizmo> hiemanshu: theres no reason it needs to be dynamic.
better to start out static and expand if needed
17:37:07 <hiemanshu> great, and a form where people can fill and forward to us?
17:37:14 <mizmo> no i dont think that's a good idea
17:37:19 <mizmo> you're not going to get high-quality responses
17:37:25 <mizmo> you need to track good subjects down
17:37:28 <mizmo> and we dont need a lot
17:37:30 <mizmo> 3 should be find
17:37:32 <mizmo> s/find/fine
17:37:44 <mizmo> you could use some of my print work for an artist use
case if you want
17:37:50 <mizmo> we have all sort sof banners tshirts etc we've done
17:37:56 <mizmo> and i can get you high quality photos of them
17:38:01 <mizmo> so then you only have two other cases left to cover
17:38:17 <hiemanshu> mizmo: well we can have more than two cases
17:38:22 <mizmo> jack aboutaboul visited NASA and took some notes on
their usage of fedora
17:38:24 * hiemanshu includes one of a Web Developer
17:38:35 <mizmo> 3 total is probably all we need to start
17:38:40 <mizmo> NASA might be a really cool use case
17:38:44 <onekopaka> yeah
17:38:48 <hiemanshu> yes
17:38:52 <mizmo> hiemanshu: web developer sounds like a great idea too
17:38:59 <mizmo> hiemanshu: maybe find a web developer who uses fedora
as his desktop
17:39:06 <hiemanshu> mizmo: me ?
17:39:25 * hiemanshu is a Web developer
17:39:27 <mizmo> hiemanshu: sure do you have a bunch of websites you
could show off that you made with fedora?
17:39:34 <hiemanshu> mizmo: sure
17:39:43 * onekopaka tends to use his mac to devlop web apps
17:39:48 <mizmo> cool
17:39:50 <mizmo> so you got your cases
17:39:58 <mizmo> just need to do the research for them and get the
screenshots etc you need
17:40:02 <onekopaka> once I get E to compile....
17:40:07 <hiemanshu> Yes i ll do that
17:40:29 <hiemanshu> mizmo: mail me your case as well :)
17:40:45 <hiemanshu> Anyone else on the topic?
17:40:55 <onekopaka> hiemanshu: not from me.
17:41:27 <onekopaka> open floor time?
17:41:49 <hiemanshu> is mchua here?
17:42:04 <nb> hiemanshu, mchua is at thatonething
17:42:06 <nb> i think
17:42:10 <hiemanshu> ah ok
17:42:10 <onekopaka> hiemanshu: she was also at that one thing with Ian Weller.
17:42:20 <hiemanshu> then Open Floor
17:42:25 <hiemanshu> #topic Open Floor
17:42:26 * nb LOL @ all the mentions of "that one thing"
17:42:29 <mizmo> hiemanshu: im happy to answer any questions to help
write the case
17:42:34 <mizmo> hiemanshu: but i do not have the bandwidth to write it myself
17:42:36 <onekopaka> nb: that one thing.
17:42:40 <mizmo> hiemanshu: the link i gave you should be a good start though
17:42:42 <markg85> oke, mizmo, now my question ^_^
17:42:57 * nb has nothing for open floor
17:43:04 <onekopaka> nb: I hope you know what I mean by that one thing
17:43:05 <hiemanshu> mizmo: hmmmm, sure i ll do something and then
probably i ll have some idea on what to write and ask you
17:43:09 <markg85> mizmo, did you use any of the feedback i gathered
in those mockups in progress?
17:43:10 <onekopaka> POSSE, I think it is.
17:43:12 <nb> onekopaka, no i don't
17:43:25 <nb> ooh, i think i heard something about it on ian's blog
17:43:28 <nb> something with redhat
17:43:29 <mizmo> markg85: yes
17:43:29 <onekopaka> nb: it has something weird to do with edumacation.
17:43:34 <mizmo> hiemanshu: cool
17:43:37 <markg85> mizmo, like?
17:43:41 <onekopaka> nb: and Red Hat.
17:43:43 <hiemanshu> well nb what is that one thing?
17:43:52 <mizmo> markg85: i don't have the time to go into detail
right now, sorry. you'll see in the mockups when they're ready.
17:43:59 <onekopaka> nb: and landfill.bugzilla.org
17:44:02 <markg85> probably a bigger download button ;)
17:44:09 <onekopaka> BIGGER DOWNLOAD BUTTON!
17:44:12 <markg85> mizmo, oke :(
17:44:18 <onekopaka> made in Scribus!
17:44:37 <markg85> mizmo, any ETA?
17:45:03 <hiemanshu> onekopaka: whats that one thing?
17:45:37 <nb> onekopaka, HAHA
17:45:37 <nb> https://landfill.bugzilla.org/complaints/show_bug.cgi?id=116
17:45:47 <onekopaka> hiemanshu: it's a thing RHT did about using FOSS
in edumacation
17:45:47 <hiemanshu> markg85: you working on any mockups?
17:46:03 <onekopaka> nb: complaintzilla FTW.
17:46:14 <mizmo> markg85: no
17:46:26 <markg85> hiemanshu, well i did (2 months ago!!) and those
are online on my wiki page (markg85)
17:46:39 <onekopaka> nb:
http://landfill.bugzilla.org/complaints/show_bug.cgi?id=1 =)
17:46:42 <mizmo> markg85: working on mockups for other things for the
feature freeze next week so its been on the backburner
17:46:47 <mizmo> (eg anaconda, selinux)
17:47:14 <hiemanshu> sijis: you here?
17:47:20 <sijis> hiemanshu: yup
17:47:24 <nb> HAHA
17:47:30 * nb should stop cluttering the meeting logs
17:47:35 <hiemanshu> sijis: you have anything to speak ot ask?
17:47:39 <onekopaka> Red Hat really wants me to go to Red Hat Summit.
17:47:42 <hiemanshu> s//ot/or
17:48:03 <sijis> hiemanshu: not really.
17:48:28 <sijis> oh i do.. bringing back blogs.
17:48:29 <hiemanshu> anyone else on anything or shall i end the meeting?
17:48:36 <hiemanshu> sijis: go ahead
17:48:44 <onekopaka> blags.fp.o
17:48:59 <sijis> we are testing for the next couple of weeks, right?
17:49:13 <nb> sijis, i was planning on deploying it as soon as we get
the spam plugin done
17:49:14 <sijis> or.. better yet, how long will we test for?
17:49:17 <hiemanshu> nb can answer that better
17:49:18 * onekopaka thought we were deploying soon...
17:49:24 <hiemanshu> ricky: ping
17:49:25 <sijis> nb: ok.
17:49:42 <nb> like <1 week id say, although i'll convert the pt15 one
into blogs-test
17:49:51 <markg85> mizmo, i kinda have the idea that it's on a very
low backburner.. i started this stuff exactly one day after fedora 11
got released and at the speed things go now it's probably not even
done before fedora 12 or even 13..
17:50:06 * onekopaka thinks we need value1.stg and value2.stg
17:50:06 <mizmo> markg85: you want to take on my to-do list? go ahead.
i'll hear from you in 2044
17:50:13 <mizmo> markg85: seriously!
17:50:40 <nb> onekopaka, yeah, would be nice
17:50:40 <mizmo> markg85: this is one of maybe 40 projects i'm working
on, no exaggeration. it won't take long, i just like to sleep and eat
and spend time with my family too. i'll work it in.
17:50:42 <markg85> mizmo, you don't need to do it! i came here because
i would like to give it a shot
17:50:50 <mizmo> if there's a specific time by which it needs to be in
by, i can get it in by then
17:51:03 <mizmo> markg85: i would much rather prefer to do it, already
have it half done
17:51:35 <mizmo> markg85: and if i understand correctly there is no
rush on it as was brought up at last meeting
17:51:41 <mizmo> markg85: if the priority has changed that i can take
that into account
17:52:16 <markg85> mizmo, well.. a mockup before F12 would be nice :P
17:52:40 <nb> anyone have any thoughts about using badbehavior as a
spam plugin for wpmu?
17:52:51 <nb> or about if we should stick with the packaged version of
2.7 or package our own version?
17:53:00 <onekopaka> package our own version!
17:53:16 <mizmo> markg85: you seriously need to calm down.
17:53:20 <mizmo> markg85: stop being so nasty to me.
17:53:34 <mizmo> markg85: you have quite a nerve to question my
ability to get things done.
17:53:48 <mizmo> markg85: you can take this offline with me if you
feel you need to press the issue.
17:53:48 <hiemanshu> mizmo: its ok, hes like that only :)
17:53:51 <onekopaka> people are questioning mizmo's ability to get things done?
17:54:00 <mizmo> onekopaka: "<markg85> mizmo, well.. a mockup before
F12 would be nice :P"
17:54:16 <hiemanshu> mizmo: calm down and go back to your work
17:54:24 <mizmo> hiemanshu: i'm perfectly calm
17:54:33 <hiemanshu> I am closing the meeting within 30 secs if no one
has anything to say
17:54:36 <markg85> ... you always take the things i say the wrong way
17:54:37 <mizmo> hiemanshu: i just dont understand why im getting attacked
17:54:37 <mizmo> please do
17:54:39 <onekopaka> we all can just CALM DOWN.
17:54:44 <hiemanshu> mizmo: ignore him, hes just like that
17:55:08 <hiemanshu> Ok here it goes
17:55:11 <hiemanshu> #endmeeting
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