Daniel's posting of 29 March is not in line with the role of Planet Fedora.
Here are my reasons and comments
Daniel, good day from Canada
I read your blog posted today on the Fedora Planet site. While I
semi-agree with your blog, you have no deep concept of racism. Just look
at the United States, where the blacks are held back, where gerrymandering
is effective in blocking their votes, and where there is a plethora of
Charter schools (private schools setup and funded by redirection of tax
dollars from the public school systems). And where the current President
has banned muslims from 7 countries, except those countries in which he has
a personal investment.
The USA is racist. The UK really wants to control immigration and laws.
They have a limit on the number of immigrants that they can absorb and
provide "citizen" education in UK values and laws. So far, other than
your posting, I have not read about discriminating laws against the
existing citizens or immigrants. The EU was caught unprepared for the large
influx of people fleeing bombings and civil wars. These people are
accustomed to their religion and their legal practices (Sharia). In many
cases they want England to adopt Sharia law.
The Fedora Planet is definitely not the place to have posted a copy of your
blog. Fedora Planet is for subjects and activities related to Linux, with
preference given to items related to Fedora.
Your blog should be removed from Fedora Planet. Otherwise, FP will be
inundated with similar blogs from more countries than you have fingers and
toes. It is a political statement. It belongs on your blog site or with
other places where your commentaries are welcome.
Regards from Canada
Mr Leslie Satenstein,
Skype: lsatenstein
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