Currently the website focuses on the x86 version of fedora and the
x86_64 version is hidden so unless the user knows that he is searching
for it, he will just download the x86 version.
We should promote the x86_64 as the default choice with a visible link
"For older PCs and Netbooks click *here*" (More information)".
In F11 effort was made to change the default x86 arch from i386 to
i586 to gain extra performance, but benchmarks that I have done back
than have clearly showed that you gain much more from moving moving to
Not only that you have access to more registers MMX, SSE and SSE2 can
be used unconditionally.
Besides this x86_64 allows the use of more memory and memory prices
are dropping significantly lately. (Desktops running 12GB of RAM is
nothing impossible or overly expensive now).
Please don't let this end up in ix86 vs x86_64 flamewar.
Yes they are cases where x86 is the better choice (when memory and
diskspace are limited, but that exactly is covered by "older hardware
and netbooks")
So please consider changing the default to x86_64.
CC me when replying.