I notice you own the web site yowell.com. I'm interested in purchasing
this from you. What would be your price to sell this web site?
James Yowell
It would be real nice if the user could choose the language on your web
surf page, then simply click-off, or hide, that language reminder in
page, "<http://start.fedoraproject.org/>"...
Having those little useless indelible reminders forever in ones face,
makes one feel a little like the Internet is a bit of full-diaper
mindless little stinky baby.. It is not conducive to human intelligence
and growing intellect.. It is detrimental to human stability in a small
way.. but all those little things add up.. It seems humanity is
devolving... We need to repair those little things that pull humanity
down to hell, starting with these very tiny things...
http://www.fastmail.fm - Accessible with your email software
or over the web
After several tries to "Interpret" the Characters on The CAPTCHA I'm unable to Register at
Although I'm a Linux Newbie (but a fervent deffender of The Freedom of Code and Expression) I have read something about that Fedora is the unique Linux release that won't have any Intellectual Property or Patents Problems to develop a Real Free and Open OS... so I am very interested to learn and support the Project.
Can You, Please, provide me another easier way to register (or take a look on the Capcha Algorhythm)...?
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.
Dear Sir,
I am fedora user. I want to run a community on fedora in punjab,
india. please send the information about this and please help me run these
fedora community.
Harpreet Singh
Punjabi .University