We need some help for the following:
1. Some short-term Python fixes, documentation clean-up, etc. to get the Google Summer of Code project we did through Moin Moin merged into the 1.6 trunk.
2. Ongoing maintenance of this Wiki to DocBook conversion code.
This is a great chance to get involved in some upstream work for our Wiki-of-choice; to help out the Documentation Project tremendously; and to help out the overall Fedora Project when we all benefit from upgrading to the 1.5+/1.6 Moin Moin.
A current status is found here:
Here is the history of the project:
The status page has a task list, that needs to be moved to the Moin Moin main Wiki and then worked on. If you are interested in doing or collaborating on this project, please contact us through fedora-docs-list. Questions to the mailing list, or come by #fedora-docs and we'll see what you need.
thx - Karsten