Here are the latest changes to the Fedora Packaging Guidelines:
Some rpm versions pass pathnames to the automatic filtering macros, so a
section has been added to the guidelines to help packagers deal with it:…
For a while, Fedora considered mono packages to be
architecture-specific, and installed assemblies to %{_libdir}. However,
after discussions with upstream, we now consider mono packages to be
architecture (and platform) independent. This means that mono packages
should be correctly installed into the GAC in /usr/lib or installed into
As a notable exception, any ELF binary libraries generated in a mono
package must be correctly installed into %{_libdir}, because these files
are architecture-specific.
Also, even though we consider mono packages to be architecture
independent, they must not be marked as "noarch". Although the
assemblies are the same, the files may differ due to strings referring
to the build architecture.
It was decided that gnome shell extension packages should have the
prefix gnome-shell-extension (with no "s" on the end).…
The section in the Fedora Packaging Guidelines concerning libexecdir has
been improved and expanded:
The Fedora Java Packaging Guidelines have been updated to reflect the
latest macros for Maven 3.
These guidelines (and changes) were approved by the Fedora Packaging
Committee (FPC).
Many thanks to Christian Krause, Aleksandar Kurtakov, Petr Pisar,
Stanislav Ochotnicky, and all of the members of the FPC, for assisting
in drafting, refining, and passing these guidelines.
As a reminder: The Fedora Packaging Guidelines are living documents! If
you find something missing, incorrect, or in need of revision, you can
suggest a draft change. The procedure for this is documented here:
Hi, folks. The Test Day cycle for Fedora 16 will open shortly, and we're
putting out the call for anyone who has an idea for a Test Day. There
are many open slots on the schedule - - and if they all
fill up or you would like to run a set of Test Days on related topics,
we can organize events outside of the scheduled Thursday windows too.
It's often a good idea to have a Test Day for a major change or new
feature you're introducing to the distribution, but we can run a Test
Day on just about any topic. There is a full guide to organizing Test
Days available - - and the QA
team is happy both to help you run a Test Day and to butt out and let
you run it yourself, whichever you prefer! If you're interested in
running a Test Day, please contact QA via the test mailing list, file a
ticket in QA trac - - and/or pencil
in your event on the schedule, create a Wiki page based on the template
(see the SOP for details), and get down to work. Thanks!
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
IRC: adamw
A few friendly reminders:
* The Feature Submission deadline for Fedora 16 is *tomorrow*, July 12.
The current process for submitting a feature for Fedora 16 can be seen
* Feature Freeze comes quickly after the Feature Submission deadline, on
July 26. Please note that at this point, Features should be
*substantially complete and in a testable state.* For more information
on the Feature Freeze policy, please read:
And finally.... for those of you interested in seeing how the Feature
List is shaping up for Fedora 16, it is up to date with the latest and
greatest approvals from today's FESCo meeting.
This is where I'm going to put on my Gentle Reminder Hat, and give
everyone a chance to go into their individual feature pages and update
their percentage complete, and update their "Last Updated" date, which I
will apply to the main FeatureList page. Your efforts here are
appreciated, and help a number of groups understand how close you are to
completion, or conversely, if you are at risk of not making deadlines.
If percentages don't start getting updated, and "last-updated" dates
aren't getting touched, I'll be reaching out to folks individually, but
I would prefer to see that people take the initiative and keep those
things up. Otherwise I have to get out the not-so-Gentle-Reminder-Hat,
and frankly, I don't look very good in that one.
Communication is the key here. If you believe you are *at risk* of not
making the Feature Freeze, please update your feature page accordingly.
The rest of the schedule, as always, can be seen here: