The change complete (testable) deadline for Fedora 34 changes is
Tuesday 9 February. At this point, changes should be in a testable
state. Please indicate this by setting the tracker bug for your change
Other upcoming schedule milestones:
* 2021-02-09 — Fedora 34 branches from Rawhide
* 2021-02-23 — Change completion deadline (100% code complete)
* 2021-02-23 — Beta freeze begins
For more information, see the schedule[1]
Ben Cotton
He / Him / His
Senior Program Manager, Fedora & CentOS Stream
Red Hat
== Summary ==
Right now Anaconda allows usage of boot options both with the 'inst' prefix
(inst.stage2=) and without (stage2=). We would like to ignore the use of
Anaconda kernel boot parameters which do not contain the 'inst.' prefix.
== Owner ==
* Name: [[User:jkonecny| Jiří Konečný]]
* Email: <jkonecny(a)>
== Detailed Description ==
Anaconda allows you to use kernel boot parameters with and without the
'inst.' prefix right now (e.g. inst.repo= / repo=). However, specifying
boot parameters without the 'inst' prefix has not been recommended for
years and has been deprecated since Fedora 33. We (Anaconda team) would
like to make it an official requirement now that users must specify the
'inst.' prefix all the time.
The reason for this is frequent parameter conflicts with other projects. We
already had a few issues with conflicts in the past, such as if the user
ran an installation with `debug`. In that case the installation boot would
enable debug mode for the kernel and also for Anaconda which is probably
not what the user intended.
Another reason is to make it readable at first glance what belongs to
Dracut (rd.), kernel (no prefix) or Anaconda (inst.).
== Feedback ==
We have sent mail about doing the deprecation on Fedora 33. The only issue
there was why the prefix is 'inst.' and not 'anaconda.'.…
== Benefit to Fedora ==
This change should make crystal clear what kernel boot parameters are
processed by the Anaconda installer.
It will also avoid conflicts with other kernel boot parameters.
== Scope ==
* Proposal owners: Remove support to process arguments without the 'inst.'
prefix and require the 'inst.' prefix for kernel boot parameters consumed
by Anaconda.
* Other developers:
All configurations using the not-recommended solution without prefix will
have to change the invocation of the kernel boot options consumed by
Anaconda. These users are already warned since Fedora 33 after boot.
This should not be a problem for ISOs we ship because they already use the
recommended 'inst.' prefix everywhere. However, it will probably touch some
custom PXE configurations and other custom ISO configurations which are
prone to this, because users often want to save typing and not explicitly
write the 'inst.' prefix. Fortunately, most of these configuration changes
shouldn't be that hard to change.
* Release engineering: [ #9889]
* Policies and guidelines: This should not be required. All the
documentation should use the recommended 'inst.' prefix already.
* Trademark approval: No (not needed for this Change)
* Alignment with Objectives: No
== Upgrade/compatibility impact ==
If your custom infra configuration is not updated then new Fedora
installations could not install correctly. Most probably the ISO will not
boot (use of 'stage2=') or your repositories won't be used (use of 'repo=').
== How To Test ==
# You need a Virtual Machine and ISO for testing.
# Boot the installation using the ISO and try Anaconda specific kernel boot
parameters. See here to find out the list
# Parameters without the prefix should be ignored and with the prefix
should be used.
== User Experience ==
Users of Fedora official ISOs should not be impacted because all the Fedora
official ISOs should already use the recommended prefix.
== Dependencies ==
Don't know about any packages impacted by this change.
== Contingency Plan ==
* Contingency mechanism: The Anaconda team will revert code changes and get
back support for boot parameters without the 'inst.' prefix.
* Contingency deadline: Final Freeze
* Blocks release? No
* Blocks product? This won't require changes for any specific product.
== Documentation ==
I don't think we need to document this change other than in Release Notes.
As mentioned before, the solution without 'inst.' prefix has not been
recommended for years and it should not be used anywhere in the official
Ben Cotton
He / Him / His
Senior Program Manager, Fedora & CentOS Stream
Red Hat
Greetings everyone. As you know from our last announcement, we had
pushed our changes for out another week. That was
going to be today.
Unfortunately, the mass rebuild is still submitting changes and we
aren't fully ready yet anyhow, so we are going to move the change out
another week, to 2021-02-02.
We will send an announcement when we start the changes.
Thanks for everyone's continued patience.
Dear maintainers.
Based on the current fail to build from source policy, the following packages
will be retired from Fedora 34 approximately one week before branching (= 1 week
from now).
Note that some listed packages are orphaned and hence may be retired even sooner.
The packages in rawhide were not successfully built at least since Fedora 32.
This report is based on dist tags.
Packages collected via:…
If you see a package that was built, please let me know.
If you see a package that should be exempted from the process, please let me
know and we can work together to get a FESCo approval for that.
If you see a package that can be rebuilt, please do so.
Package (co)maintainers Latest build
boo elsupergomez, orphan, tpokorra Fedora 31
sugar-flipsticks callkalpa, chimosky, pbrobinson, tuxbrewr Fedora 31
sugar-getiabooks callkalpa, chimosky, pbrobinson, tuxbrewr Fedora 31
sugar-infoslicer callkalpa, chimosky, pbrobinson, tuxbrewr Fedora 31
sugar-ruler callkalpa, chimosky Fedora 31
sugar-starchart callkalpa, chimosky, orphan Fedora 31
sugar-view-slides callkalpa, chimosky, pbrobinson, tuxbrewr Fedora 31
No packages require the above mentioned packages.
Affected (co)maintainers
callkalpa: sugar-ruler, sugar-infoslicer, sugar-starchart, sugar-getiabooks,
sugar-view-slides, sugar-flipsticks
chimosky: sugar-ruler, sugar-infoslicer, sugar-starchart, sugar-getiabooks,
sugar-view-slides, sugar-flipsticks
elsupergomez: boo
pbrobinson: sugar-view-slides, sugar-getiabooks, sugar-flipsticks, sugar-infoslicer
tpokorra: boo
tuxbrewr: sugar-view-slides, sugar-getiabooks, sugar-flipsticks, sugar-infoslicer
== Summary ==
Introduce Fedora Kinoite as a variant of Fedora alongside Fedora Silverblue.
== Owner ==
* Name: [[User:siosm| Timothée Ravier]] (travier AT redhat DOT com)
* FESCo shepherd: [[User:Ngompa| Neal Gompa]] (ngompa13 A gmail D com)
== Detailed Description ==
Fedora Kinoite is an immutable desktop operating system featuring the
KDE Plasma desktop. It is based on the same technologies as Fedora
Silverblue (rpm-ostree, Flatpak, podman). Fedora Kinoite is to the
Fedora KDE Spin what Fedora Silverblue is to Fedora Workstation.
We chose the Kinoite name for the following reasons:
* KDE based projects traditionally start with a 'K'
* Kinoite is a blue mineral (
thus referring to both the 'silver' and 'blue' part of Silverblue and
the blue color of the KDE logo.
* "Kinoite" means "There is a tree" in Japanese
thus referring to the 'tree' in 'ostree'.
== Benefit to Fedora ==
This will make Fedora more attractive to users that are interested in
immutable OSes and underlying technologies but would prefer to use the
KDE desktop environment. This should also strengthen Silverblue as
more effort may be put into fixing the issues in the shared
== Scope ==
* Proposal owners:
** The KDE SIG will submit the [ Pungi
changes] needed to add this new variant to the compose.
** The KDE SIG will submit the changes to add a new sub-package to
[ fedora-release].
** The KDE SIG will maintain the Kinoite specific rpm-ostree config in
the [
workstation-ostree-config repo].
* Other developers: N/A (not a System Wide Change)
* Release engineering: Submitted as [ #9952].
* Policies and guidelines: N/A (not a System Wide Change)
* Trademark approval: The "Fedora Kinoite" trademark has been
[ approved]
* Alignment with Objectives: N/A
== Upgrade/compatibility impact ==
N/A (not a System Wide Change)
== How To Test ==
This edition has been built and made available as an unofficial
preview and can be tested with the instructions from this
[ Fedora Magazine
== User Experience ==
Current limitations (last updated 2021-01-18):
* No rpm-ostree support in Discover (graphical package and update
manager). A Season of KDE is in progress to work on that.
* Partial Flatpak support in Discover.
* [ KDE applications are not
yet available as Flatpak from the Fedora registry].
== Dependencies ==
N/A (not a System Wide Change)
== Contingency Plan ==
Report to the next release.
* Contingency mechanism: N/A (not a System Wide Change)
* Contingency deadline: N/A (not a System Wide Change)
* Blocks release? N/A (not a System Wide Change)
* Blocks product? N/A
== Documentation ==
A lot of the known issues impacting Fedora Kinoite are shared with
Silverblue and their resolution is the same:
It is not clear for now if Kinoite specific documentation is needed
but a landing page with pointer to known issues might be good.
== Release Notes ==
Fedora Kinoite has been introduced as a new variant of Fedora Linux
featuring the KDE desktop environment and the same technologies as
Silverblue (rpm-ostree, Flatpak, podman).
Ben Cotton
He / Him / His
Senior Program Manager, Fedora & CentOS Stream
Red Hat
Hi all,
While working on master to rawhide change [0], we made changes to
fedpkg and other tools, while we thought of coordinating about when to
release it (post mass rebuild) fedpkg-1.40-2 got released with the
changes in F33 and rawhide. This has issues with processing new repo
requests [1].
I am working on a fix to consider new repo requests with 'rawhide'
branches as if they are made for 'master' branches. While we fix this
and send an update to fedscm-admin tool, if you see an error with your
new repo requests, change the branch name to master in the tickets
filed against fedora-scm-requests repo [2].
Thanks for understanding.
== Summary ==
Fedora 34 will include the latest upstream GNOME release, GNOME 40
== Owner ==
* Name: [[User:kalev| Kalev Lember]], [[User:mclasen| Matthias Clasen]]
* Email: klember(a), mclasen(a)
* Product: Fedora Workstation
* Responsible WG: Workstation WG
== Detailed Description ==
As usual, Fedora 34 will include the latest available upstream GNOME
release. This time, the GNOME release includes
some noteworthy changes, and the purpose of this change proposal is to
draw attention to them.
* GNOME is changing its versioning scheme, and the coming GNOME 40
release is the first one with following the new scheme
* GNOME 40 includes GTK 4, which is a new stable release of GTK. With
the release of GTK 4, upstream GTK considers GTK 2 to be end-of-life
* The GNOME shell overview is being redesigned for GNOME 40
== Feedback ==
This upstream issue
tracks ongoing work on finalizing
the GNOME shell redesign, and incorporates a lot of upstream feedback.
== Benefit to Fedora ==
Fedora stays in sync with upstream and gets the latest features and bug fixes.
== Scope ==
* Proposal owners:
** Complete the GNOME shell redesign work upstream
** Adapt GNOME welcome tour to new design
** Update GNOME packages to GNOME 40 releases as they appear
* Other developers: N/A
* Release engineering: [ #Releng issue number]
* Policies and guidelines: N/A
* Trademark approval: N/A
* Alignment with Objectives: N/A
== Upgrade/compatibility impact ==
Upgrading from GNOME 3.38 to GNOME 40 should be seamless for users.
== How To Test ==
Install Workstation, make sure that the desktop and all apps are
usable. Participate in GNOME 40 test day (TBD).
We are continuously keeping GNOME in Rawhide (and Branched once it's
branched from Rawhide) up to date as upstream releases development
snapshots, leading up to the final GNOME 40 release. Everybody can
participate in the testing by installing Fedora development releases
on personal desktop computers and reporting regressions.
For issues that are not Fedora-specific, the best place to report
issues and reach developers is usually at
== User Experience ==
The most noticable user experience change will be when interacting
with the GNOME shell overview, which has been
rearranged to be more spatially coherent and engaging, while still
providing the same basic features: search,
windows, workspaces and applications.
One noteworthy change is that GNOME shell will start in the overview
after login. The GNOME welcome tour that
was introduced in Fedora 33 will be adapted to work in this scenario.
== Dependencies ==
== Contingency Plan ==
GNOME 40 will be released in March 2021 and fits well into Fedora 34
schedule. In case of issues with individual modules that aren't either
released in time or aren't deemed suitable for Fedora 34, we'll
continue using the GNOME 3.38 versions of these modules.
If the GNOME shell redesign cannot be successfully completed upstream,
we either follow what upstream releases in GNOME 40
or carry the redesign as downstream patch, pending a decision in the
working group.
* Contingency mechanism: The Workstation WG evaluates the GNOME 40
prerelease first before beta freeze and reverts individual changes as
needed, and then does another evaluation before the final freeze.
* Contingency deadline: beta freeze
* Blocks release? Yes
* Blocks product? Workstation
== Documentation ==
The new GNOME versioning
Upstream blog posts about GTK 4:
Upstream blog posts about the GNOME shell redesign:
We are considering writing a Fedora magazine article around the same
time that the GNOME shell redesign becomes available
in rawhide.
== Release Notes ==
Ben Cotton
He / Him / His
Senior Program Manager, Fedora & CentOS Stream
Red Hat