(Ben is on vacation, so I announcing this on his behalf.)
== Summary ==
Stop producing and distributing the Modular and Everything i686 repositories.
== Owner ==
* Name: Kevin Fenzi * Email:
== Current status == * Targeted release: [[Releases/31| Fedora 31 ]] * Last updated: <!-- this is an automatic macro — you don't need to change this line --> {{REVISIONYEAR}}-{{REVISIONMONTH}}-{{REVISIONDAY2}} * Tracker bug: <will be assigned by the Wrangler> * Release notes tracker: <will be assigned by the Wrangler>
== Detailed Description ==
With the dropping of the i686 kernel package it's no longer possible to directly install Fedora 31 or later on i686 hardware, however, it is still possibly to upgrade older releases as long as we continue to provide a repository. This will leave those users with an old possibly vulnerable kernel installed.
The only other use/need for the repostories is to allow maintainers to debug and test fixes for multilib shipped packages, but the koji buildroot repo can be used for this use case.
== Benefit to Fedora ==
* users won't try and upgrade old i686 installs with insecure kernels. * compose times will be decreased (no more gathering i686 packages up and running createrepo on them). * Updates push times will be reduced. * disk size on mirrors will be reduced.
== Scope == * Proposal owners:
** modify pungi-fedora to no longer produce i386 repo for Everything and Modular, modify bodhi config for f31+ to not make i386 repos for updates/updates-testing. ** modify mock to use the koji buildroot for i686 for f31+ for those few users that need to build i686 packages locally.
* Other developers: n/a
* Release engineering: [ 8529]
== Upgrade/compatibility impact ==
i686 users will not be able to upgrade, and will have to move to another supported arch.
== How To Test ==
* Confirm that there are no trees under or * Confirm that there are no trees under or * Confirm that mock can init a chroot for fedora-i386-31 using the koji buildroot repository.
== User Experience ==
* Users will get updates and rawhide and rc composes faster.
* Users will not be able to upgrade to a insecure Fedora configuration.
== Contingency Plan ==
i686 trees will just continue to be composed and published. Users can upgrade to them (with an old kernel from f30).