On Fri, Mar 30, 2012 at 12:15 PM, Shakthi Kannan <shakthimaan(a)gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I presented an introduction to Publican [1] at the Document Freedom
> Workshop 2012 [2] at the Computer and Statistical Service Centre
> (CSSC) [3], S N Bose Bhavan, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata
> [4], West Bengal, India held between March 28-29, 2012.
Thanks for the report.
You missed:
Arijit Majumder of SAMEER Kolkata conducted the sessions on Libre Office.
We also distributed a number of DVDs containing Floss manuals, Fedora
documentation, FOSS Books and lot more.
All participants were awarded certificates (signed by Mandar, myself
and Shakti).
Slides of the lectures can be downloaded at the GLUG site
A. Mani
A. Mani
I presented an introduction to Publican [1] at the Document Freedom
Workshop 2012 [2] at the Computer and Statistical Service Centre
(CSSC) [3], S N Bose Bhavan, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata
[4], West Bengal, India held between March 28-29, 2012.
Day I
A Mani [5] started the day's proceedings with an introduction to
Free/Libre/Open Source Software, and basic shell commands. We had a
computer lab with Fedora installed where the participants used the
terminal to try out the hands-on exercises.
I then introduced Publican to the audience comprising mostly of
students and faculty. Jared Smith [6] had presented Publican during
FUDCon Pune 2011 [7], and, with his permission, I added more content
and a lab section. The participants were able to use Publican to
create and build documents with Bengali content!
After lunch, Sourav Sen Gupta [8] gave an introduction to LaTeX [9]
and Beamer [10] with his "'Golden Ratio' for Typesetting - A quick and
random introduction to LaTeX and Beamer" presentation. He used the
Kile [11] editor to demonstrate LaTeX markups and for generating PDF
files. I helped the students with the lab session in writing, and
troubleshooting warnings and errors when using Kile with pdflatex.
I also met and spoke with two physicists, John Smolin [12] and Damian
Markham [13], who had come to present at another workshop on
"Information and Security in Quantum World" [14]. John Smolin is an
avid Fedora user!
Day II
The first session on the second day was by Jit Ray Chowdhury [15] on
Moodle [16] CMS. He started with the basics of installing Apache,
MySQL and PHP on Fedora, followed by creating a simple HTML, and PHP
page. Participants then learnt how to install Drupal, Moodle and
configure the same.
Prof. Nagarjuna [17] then started his session on why document freedom
is essential, and gave an introduction to Emacs org-mode [18], with
examples. I also met Krishnakant Mane but couldn't attend his
(post-lunch) session on "LibreOffice and Screen Readers" as I had to
leave early to catch a flight.
Thanks to the organizing committee: Prof. Mandar Mitra [19], A Mani,
Partha Pratim Kundu, Malay Bhattacharya [20], and Tanmay Basu for the
wonderful hospitality, and to Red Hat for sponsoring my travel.
The publican presentation is available at:
Few photos taken during the event are available in my /gallery:
[1] Publican. https://fedorahosted.org/publican/
[2] Document Freedom Workshop 2012.
[3] Computer and Statistical Service Centre. http://www.isical.ac.in/~cssc/
[4] Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata. http://www.isical.ac.in/
[5] A Mani. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Amani
[6] Jared Smith. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Jsmith
[7] FUDCon Pune 2011. http://fudcon.in/
[8] Sourav Sen Gupta. http://souravsengupta.com/
[9] LaTeX. http://www.latex-project.org/
[10] Beamer. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beamer_%28LaTeX%29
[11] Kile. http://kile.sourceforge.net/
[12] John Smolin. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_A._Smolin
[13] Damian Markham. http://www.infres.enst.fr/~markham/
[14] "Information and Security in Quantum World" workshop.
[15] Jit Ray Chowdhury. http://www.jitrc.com/
[16] Moodle. http://moodle.org/
[17] Prof. Nagarjuna. http://www.hbcse.tifr.res.in/people/academic/nagarjuna-g
[18] Emacs org-mode. http://orgmode.org/
[19] Prof. Mandar Mitra. http://www.isical.ac.in/~mandar/
[20] Malay Bhattacharyya. http://www.isical.ac.in/~malay_r/
Shakthi Kannan
I attended and also gave a lightning talk at RubyConf India 2012 [1]
at the Hyatt Regency, Pune [2], Maharashtra, India between March
24-25, 2012.
Day I
The keynote was delivered by Charles Oliver Nutter [3] on JRuby, and
Ruby virtual machines. This was followed by the recorded video keynote
by Yukihiro Matsumoto [4] on Ruby, its history, and his focus on Ruby
for embedded and scientific computing for the next couple of years.
mruby for embedded systems will be an interesting project to look
forward to this summer.
I then attended the talk on "Using Ruby to Craft and Test Beautiful
Command Line Applications" by Nikhil Mungel and Shishir Das, who gave
useful examples on how to construct meaningful and helpful command
line tools. Abhishek Parolkar [5], founder of BigData.sg, spoke on
available Ruby tools, and architectures for processing large volumes
of data in the "Ruby for the soul of Big Data nerds" talk.
Post lunch, I attended the session on "Responsive Design: now 90%
easier with SASS!" by Arpan CJ, who also designed the RubyConf India
2012 website. He explained how Sass [6] is useful in creating web
sites that can be quickly made to fit different display dimensions and
resolutions across phones, tablets, and PCs.
Steven Deobald [7] presented on "Clojure is my favourite ruby". He
gave wonderful programming construct examples for Ruby and Clojure,
and why he enjoyed Clojure more than Ruby. For the last talk of the
day, I attended Sandip Ransing and Shailesh Patil's talk on "VoIP on
Rails in India" where they had developed a call centre Rails front-end
application that uses Adhearsion [8]. They have an internal LAN setup
for call centres: Rails application -> Adhearsion -> Asterisk -> PRI
(Primary Rate Interface) -> PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network).
There were quite a number of lightning talks at the end of the day.
One from flipkart.com, where they mentioned that they use a service
oriented architecture with JSON over HTTP, along with RabbitMQ,
Padrino and JRuby.
Day II
The second day began with a keynote by Mikel Lindsaar [9] on "How to
win", where he emphasized on defining a purpose/reason to do anything
and everything. Chang Sau Sheong [10] presented on using Ruby and R
tools for doing population simulation in his "Sex, Money and Evolution
- Simulation and Data Analysis with Ruby and R" talk. Niranjan
Prabhakar Sarade gave an overview of the internal data structures
present in the Ruby MRI virtual machine source code in the "What lies
beneath the beautiful code?" talk.
After lunch, I attended the "Smells and patterns in test/spec code"
talk by Sidu Ponnappa and Aninda Kundu where they discussed the
different patterns and smells of test driven code, and their
implications. Karunakar presented on "Large scale Ruby project,
challenges and Pitfalls", sharing his experience on managing and
maintaining large scale Ruby projects. For the last talk of the day, I
attended Matthew Kirk's [11] talk on "'method_missing' Should be
Missing" where he talked about the overuse of method_missing, "monkey
patching", and eval from his experience.
Lightning talks were scheduled for the second day as well, and I was
happy to present "nursery_rhymes.rb" [12]. Few photos taken during the
event are available in my /gallery:
[1] RubyConf India 2012. http://rubyconfindia.org/
[2] Hyatt Regency, Pune.
[3] Charles Oliver Nutter. http://blog.headius.com/
[4] Yukihiro Matsumoto. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yukihiro_Matsumoto
[5] Abhishek Parolkar. http://parolkar.com/
[6] Sass. http://sass-lang.com/
[7] Steven Deobald. http://blog.deobald.ca/
[8] Adhearsion. http://adhearsion.com/
[9] Mikel Lindsaar. http://lindsaar.net/
[10] Chang Sau Sheong. http://blog.saush.com/
[11] Matthew Kirk. http://matthewkirk.com/
[12] nursery_rhymes.rb. http://shakthimaan.com/downloads.html#nursery-rhymes-rb
Shakthi Kannan
Document Freedom Workshop'2012 is on 28th and 29th of March'2012 at
ISI Kolkata.
It is also a Fedora event.
All students have been exempted from paying any fees subject to their
carrying a valid ID card.
We also have an additional lecture by Krishnakant Mane on the 29th.
(Very few seats left)
A. Mani
A. Mani
A two full-time Document Freedom Workshop' 2012 will be held at ISI,
Kolkata on the 28th and 29th of March'2012.
The focus will be on documentation related tools. It is organised by
GLUG Kolkata in collaboration with ISI Kolkata. It is also a Fedora
For details and pre registration, please visit
A. Mani
A. Mani
Hi All,
The GSoC 2012 is here. Potential mentors, if you are interested in
getting something done, please add it to this page.
Students can also add ideas, it will probably find a mentor.
Also, please keep in mind that the organization application deadline
is 9th March, so we have about a week.
[1] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Summer_coding_ideas_for_2012