I'm sending this on behalf of Dave Lawrence and the bugzilla team at Red Hat. Fedora uses this instance of bugilla too.
Please forward this on to people or groups I missed.
Thank you, John
The Red Hat Bugzilla team is happy to announce that the release of the next version of Red Hat Bugzilla will occur on July 26th, 2008. The next version will be based on the upcoming upstream 3.2 code base soon to be released.
For previewing the next release please go to:
We encourage everyone to please go to the above site and provide any final testing and feedback where possible. Please verify that the features you have come to reply on day to day in our current Bugzilla are still available and working properly. Please use the new UI and make sure that you can accomplish the same tasks. Do not worry about making changes, this is a test snapshot and is not live data. Also emails will not be sent for changes so do what you like. Also please make sure your stored queries/reports/whines still work and display as expected.
Some notable changes since 2.18:
Ajax optimizations on searching and displaying bug Improved needinfo actor support Changed guided bug entry UI enhancements XMLRPC API: New API plus compatibility with old API. (please verify your scripts that use XMLRPC against the test system before the release date)
There are numerous other changes behind the scenes that we haven't listed. The goal is to make sure that functionality that people have come to expect in 2.18 is possible in the new system.
There are also numerous new features/fixes that are part of the upcoming 3.2 release provided by the upstream Bugzilla community. For more detailed information on what has changed since the last release, check out the Release Notes.
We have done extensive work at laying out what we feel the requirements are to maintain feature parity with our current system as well as compiled a list of feature enhancements that people would like to see in the next release. Our goal is to deliver a working bugzilla with the bare essential requirements similar to what is currently being used in our current 2.18 system. After that we will begin work on enhancements as time and resources permit. To view the final release requirements list please refer to our Bugzilla 3 Tracking bug at https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=406071.
Please file any enhancement requests or bug reports in our current Bugzilla system at bugzilla.redhat.com. File them under the Bugzilla product and relevant component with the version 3.2. Also send questions to bugzilla-owner@redhat.com. With everyone's help we can make this a great release.
Thanks The Red Hat Bugzilla Team