> Have you checked that the outputs are not muted or at 0 volume in alsamixer?
I forgot to check alsamixer. But the settings in --does not work--
4.0.4-201.fc21.x86_64, are the same as in --does work--
3.18.9-201.rt5.fc21.ccrma.x86_64+rt (only 3. kernel I have available).
It looks like I can set all the parameters on the Scarlett (except
sample rate?) with alsamixer, so I don't need to use Windows to set
up the device, sweet.
-- Jeff
On 06/27/2015 01:39 PM, Jeff Sandys wrote:
>* I do not get any audio output with my Focusrite Scarlett 18i8 with any
*>* of the 4. kernels from Fedora or CCRMA. The audio input works and all
*>* the audio I/O ports are visible in jack and pulseaudio. Audio output
*>* still works with kernel 3.18.9-201.rt5.1.fc21.ccrma.x86_64, the only 3.
*>* kernel left on my computer.
*>>* Where should I submit this bug?
*>>* Thanks,
*>* Jeff