Ive been on this list for a while, and have noted that its been somewhat
quiet. So i've just googled Ardour seeing it mentioned and it looks
great! Ive kept googling, and there seems to be a hole where FC6 is.
Like many probably I currently run FC6, and according to most references
up to FC5 is supported, although there is a couple of mentions of FC7.
Do the packages exist for FC6, and if so, where? Can anyone recommend a
couple of good apps to take a look at?
I also have a couple of musically inclined friends who I recently built
a PC for, and set it up with FC6 and Windows. It lives in the room with
their keyboards, midi and other music gear etc, and now they have
accidentally trashed the windows install and say that FC6 runs great and
they're happy to keep using it only. They say its better for uni work
and the interface is easyer to use than 'doze. They just wish Cubase or
Sibelius ran on it. I'd love to get some good linux music apps on there
for them to try (and have a bit of a play with myself)!