Is there a reference repository with SVGs used by Fedora project?
There are certain optimizations that could be applied to logos, such
as https://github.com/fedora-infra/fedora-packages/pull/407
Hunting these logos across known projects does not leave one with
a sense of accomplishment, because one doesn't know how many
unknown projects with logos are still there.
I would expect projects to copy SVG logos to their own repositories,
and the logos themselves carry source-url field in metadata pointing
to reference repository along with license etc.
The reference repository, structured in any way, but with a /logos/ dir
inside could also have a README.md referencing all projects where
logos are copied.
Is there something like this?
On 11/6/18 12:21 PM, Tom Callaway wrote:
> A hundred million years ago, when dinosaurs roamed Fedoraland, we
> created Badges (then we were all promptly eaten by raptors).
> There were, however, a few ambitious badge ideas that never happened. I
> present them for wider consideration, especially in the context of the
> proposed FAD.
Hi Tom, thanks for sharing this feedback on the list. This feedback was
directly used when planning the upcoming Badges FAD.
> 1) User badges
> Goal: Provide an opportunity for a deeper community engagement for
> Fedora users, and a gentle on-ramp to moving from user to contributor.
> Prompt users to opt-in to local badges during initial setup (if they do,
> have them attach a FAS account or create one).
> Run a local fedmsg daemon which sends notifications of local badges over
> to Fedora Badges.
> Examples "Installed Fedora 29!", "KDE User", "Updater Level 1"
Some of these are likely very far away even now, but I read one way to
accomplish this goal is to integrate Badges into more of the
fast-moving, exciting places where Fedora is innovating.
This idea is related to this goal we identified for the FAD:
> 2) Badge sets
> Goal: Encourage deeper levels of Fedora engagement
> Have a set with five badges, when all badges are earned, you unlock a
> set badge. This can encourage people to do specific behaviors that we
> want them to do (or need more help doing).
This functionality has existed for some years already in Badges, but
there is no documentation to explain how it works or how to set up new
badges (even for admins). It would be nice to finally get documentation
around this written. It could fit into this goal we identified for our FAD:
> 2A) Swag rewards for badge sets
> Complete this badge set, get a Fedora Badger shirt. Or whatever.
Admittedly, this did not make it into the FAD proposal. But if we manage
to get someone like Matthew or Brian in the room, this would be a great
side conversation to have too.
Justin W. Flory
1. The individuals added to the design pagure pre-date pagures ability to add FAS groups. Everyone who has membership in the "design-team" FAS group has the correct privs for the design team pagure. It is a duplicate effort to manage user perms in multiple systems, since pagure got this feature we manage perms for pagure in FAS only and do not manage perms on an individual level unless absolutely necessary anymore. If anyone on the team doesn't have permissions they need and are blocked in any system please let me know, I am happy to help. I haven't seen any complaints to this effect.
2. I don't think creating a separate icon theme is a good use of our limited time. Several of us have Xaviju's Inkscape symbol libraries set up on our inkscapw installs, which includes the gnome symbolic icons that are default in Fedora. I think it's better to just use that.
3. I'm sorry but I do not understand the points you were trying to make in ticket 620. Can you try rephrasing a different way? I can tell you my Fedora account is from 2004 so wherever you pulled account age information from, it's not correct and perhaps needs to be fixed. Let me know if you'd like me to look into that - I would need to know what system gave you that false info.
On December 9, 2018 8:49:02 AM EST, "Cătălin George Feștilă" <catalinfest(a)gmail.com> wrote:
>Sorry I cannot be always on the team meeting:
>I try to supply this with my emails and comments:
>1. Why can you add my account to https://pagure.io/design members?
>Is this a new political into design-team area?
>2. see my comment on :
>3. see my comment on:
>Thank you. Best regards.
Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
We talked about having a hackfest to work on Fedora 30's artwork
(inspired by Fresnel.) See more about that in this blog post of our
meeting today:
Please join us! Here is the whenisgood.net I set up for figuring out a
time to have the meeting - make sure you pick your timezone at the top,
paint in the time blocks you can make, and make sure to sign your name:
What happens during these hackfests? We gather in #fedora-design, talk
a bit about the inspiration for the release (Fresnel and his work), and
pass links back and forth of inspiring visuals we find that relate to
the theme. If time allows, we may start working on some visuals already.
Please feel free to ask any questions, or if you can't make it, drop
your ideas in this thread and I'll make sure to bring them up during
the hackfest.
Haigh a chairde,
We met today! I did a blog post summary of the meeting, which is here:
I've copy-pasta'ed it below, for those who'd prefer to read in this
email rather than visit a website.
Today we had a Fedora Design Team meeting. Here’s what went down
Freenode<>Matrix.org Issues
About half of the team members who participated today used matrix.org
(e.g. the riot.im client). Unfortunately, we noticed an issue with
bridging between these two networks today – both sides could see IRC
comments, but matrix.org comments weren’t getting sent to IRC.
ctmartin recognized the issue from another Fedora channel and figured
out that if we added +v to the channel members using matrix, that would
fix the issue. I am not sure if this is All Fixed Now or is going to be
an ongoing Thing. But that is why our meeting started late today.
If anybody has ideas on how to resolve this in a permanent way, I would
very much appreciate your advice!
Fedora 30 Artwork
For 5 Fedora releases now, the design team has been using a famous
scientist / mathematician / technologist as the inspiration for the
release artwork. We do this based on an alphabetical system; Fedora 30
is slated to be a person whose names begins with an “F.” Gnokii
manages this process, and already set up and tallied the results for
the design team-specific vote on which we chose from the following:
- Federico Faggin (microprocessor)
- Rosalin Franklin (DNA helix)
- Sandford Fleming (Universal Standard Time)
- Augustin-Jean Fresnel (fresnel lens)
As gnokii announced on our team mailing list, the inspiration for the
Fedora 30 artwork will be Augustin-Jean Fresnel. He also gathered the
following set of inspirational images, which all revolve around the
design of the Fresnel lens, which we talked about in the meeting would
be a good central focus / concept for the artwork, whether it’s a
depiction of a lens itself or some form of study of the diffraction
pattern (and “thin-film” rainbow effect”) that inspired its
blue fresnel lens light with smoke
Fresnel Lens HD Wallpaper
Cape Canaveral Fresnel Lens
Blue Cubes abstract wallpaper
The action item we got out of this discussion is that we need to meet
separately, a remote hackfest if you will, to work on the F30 artwork
(as we typically do each release.) This will take place in
#fedora-design on IRC (or Fedora Design on matrix.org.) If you are
interested in participating, here is the whenisgood.net to organize a
time for this event:
Exploring a Fedora logo refresh
For the past few weeks we have been working with mattdm on exploring
what a refresh of the Fedora logo might look like. This work has been
ongoing in design ticket #620. There’s a few issues such a thing
would aim to address – if you’ve ever worked with the current
Fedora logo yourself, these should be pretty familiar (copy-pasta-ed
from the ticket):
- It doesn’t work well at small sizes
- It doesn’t work at all in a single color
- It’s hard to work with on a dark background
- The “voice” bubble means it’s hard to center visually in designs
- The Fedora wordmark is based on a non-open-source font
- The “a” in the wordmark is easily mistaken for an o
- The horizontal wordmark + logo with the “floated” trailing logo
is challenging to work with
- It gets confused with the Facebook logo
The general approach here is a light touch, and not an overhaul. Below
are some of the leading concepts / experiments thus far:
The next step here that we discussed is for each concept, to create
something like “style tiles” for each so we can better understand
how each would play in context – how would it look like with our
fonts, color palette, and what design elements would go with it. That
process may surface some issues in the design of each which we’ll
need to address.
After that, we’ll open up to broad community input – maybe a formal
survey and/or maybe some mini IRC or video chat focus group sessions
and see how folks feel about it, gather feedback, see which concept the
broader community prefers and see if there are tweaks / adjustments we
can make to iterate it based on the feedback we receive.
This is something we’ll continue to work on for the next few months.
If you have feedback on the assets so far, please feel free to leave it
in the comments here, but be nice please 🙂 and note this is still
early stages.
Are you new to Fedora Design? Would you like to join?
This little ticket popped up in our triage during the meeting today,
and is a good one for you to grab. It has a LibreOffice template you
can use, or simply draw from for inspiration. Note the base font should
be Overpass (free font, downloadable at overpassfont.org)
If that’s not your speed, we have a couple of other newbie tickets in
our queue, check them out and feel free to grab one that piques your
Fedora Podcast Website Design
terezahl, the Fedora Design team intern, has been working on a website
design for the Fedora Podcast that x3mboy has created. She showed us a
snapshot of her work-in-progress, and we gave her some feedback.
Overall, it looks great, and we’re excited to see where it goes 🙂
That’s it folks!
If you are interested in participating in the Fedora 30 Artwork IRC
Hackfest, please vote for a timeslot here, ASAP 🙂
Hi all,
The current FAD proposal draft is published on the wiki; feedback and
suggestions are welcome before Friday, Dec. 7th:
We aim to submit this proposal to the Fedora Council for consideration
on Monday, December 10th.
Logistic planning is happening this week. Sayan, Tanvi, and I had a call
this morning to go over logistics. Marie and I are meeting this Thursday
to finalize the logic model, location, and budget.
The goals are divided into primary and secondary goals, where primary
goals is considered "minimum amount for success" and secondary goals are
"nice to have", if we end up with extra time.
Please let us know if you have any feedback or suggestions to the FAD
goals before Friday, Dec. 7th so we have time to work in any suggestions
before we submit.
(P.S – Don't forget to say hello in #fedora-badges on Freenode /
https://t.me/fedorabadges on Telegram to follow along with further
Justin W. Flory