Hi folks,
Without access to our usual wallpaper wrangler :( we are a bit behind
for F29.
It looks like the current beta freeze is 08-28, so we should aim to have
a wallpaper ready to package for beta by August 21. That gives us
roughly a month to put something together for beta.
In the interest of time, I did some research and found someone I would
like to propose as the inspiration for the F29 wallpaper. Her name is
Gertrude B. Elion, she was granted many awards for her work not the
least of which is a Nobel Prize; she developed new drugs that are used
in the treatment of AIDS, organ transplantation, malaria, cancer, etc.
If this seems fair I think we should go ahead and start coming up with
visual concepts. We can discuss in the meeting today in a couple of
hours from now.
Generally, I think the 3D rendering process for the wallpaper in F28
worked well, and it would be nice to stick to that kind of workflow
since we can iterate more quickly I think? Interested in your thoughts.