Tom "spot" Callaway wrote:
> On Wed, 2007-10-24 at 15:51 -0400, Warren Togami wrote:
>> Tom "spot" Callaway wrote:
>>> On Thu, 2007-10-25 at 01:28 +0800, Mohd Izhar Firdaus Ismail wrote:
>>>> Package: compizconfig-python-0.6.0-1.fc8 , ccsm-0.6.0-3.fc8
>>>> Request description: Inclusion into Fedora 8 final
>>>> Rationale:
>>>> Compiz Fusion has been one of the major attraction to Linux lately,
>>>> and with Ubuntu already providing CF out of the box, users will expect
>>>> other distros to have it too. There no full featured configurator for
>>>> current compiz-fusion in F-8.
>>>> Impact not accepting:
>>>> Users will have to use gconf-editor to configure compiz-fusion
>>>> manually. Marketing value might be affected.
>>>> Others:
>>>> current compiz in F-8 uses 'glib gconf' as its configuration
>>>> backend, if FedoraProject decided to use libcompizconfig as the
>>>> configuration backend, changes are needed in desktop-effects and
>>>> /usr/bin/gnome-wm to load 'ccp' plugin instead of 'glib gconf'. CCSM
>>>> requires compiz to use 'ccp' for it to function properly.
>>> +1
>> Spot, did you notice that this requires changes to desktop-effects and
>> gnome-session? It sounds like they expect it to be part of the default
>> install, not just an add-on to the compiz of today. Is the desktop team
>> aware and in agreement with these changes?
> Good point, I read this too quickly. :) I pull back my vote, pending
> desktop team signoff.
> ~spot
We could include the requested packages because they alone are harmless,
but not make the suggested changes to desktop-effects and gnome-session.
Mohd, what exact N-V-R's are you requesting? I would like to inspect them.
Warren Togami