Okay campers, I'm here to try to jump start a discussion on what we
can do to encourage people to participate in the upcoming Fedora
election season.
Lets see what we can do to encourage people to participate in the
upcoming elections which will be held in Dec or Jan ( depending on F10
schedule changes) This time around we are having multiple elections
at the same time. Doing it this way allows us to make a concerted push
to increase the community awareness of all the elections/votes. For
reference see:
So what sort of things can we do? And when should we start doing them?
As a start is there a general need to raise the awareness of the
election and voting process we are using?
Can we generate general interest material covering topics like:
Why vote? How do you qualify for voting? What's this range voting stuff?
And where do we want to put material in an effort to increase awareness?
I've been persuaded into thinking we should try to start doing
whatever it is we want to do about a month before the elections, to
increase candidate as well as voter turn out.
There's probably more elaborate things to do as well. Below are my
more detailed thoughts on ideas I've heard or I've been actively
thinking about myself. Yes, I know its long...but this time I gave
you fair warning. If you have other ideas on what to do, feel free to
jump in to the thread.
Community Q/A:
This is the one thing I've been thinking about a lot myself. I think
we can try to encourage people to ask questions they want the
candidates to answer as a way to frame the election and give all the
candidates a better idea of what the voting community cares about.
It's sort of a two part problem. One we just need to get people out
there to ask questions. I think this comes down to communicating why
each election matters. Can we do that as a marketing campaign? Can we
"sell" the election process?
And second, we need a way to organize those questions and resulting
candidate answers so they are easily found. I've been talking to
people specifically about how to organize some sort of community to
candidate q/a. Nigel seems to have taken the bait and has a plan on
how to integrate community questions AND nominations into the voting
app for all elections.
Try to ignore my overly complicated suggestion, and take a look at
Nigel's response on this ticket:
He says he may be able to have this in place by early November. If
this becomes available he also suggests we could open up q/a and
nominations 3 to 4 weeks before the elections. If this functionality
becomes available this could be a focus for a "get out the vote"
This was talked about a lot in the post-Board election fab discussion,
and it was generally agreed that encouraging people to nominate others
would help increase the candidate pool, because some people are not
inclined to self-nominate. How do we go about encouraging people to
nominate other people? I don't know exactly beyond blogging about it
Nigel is way ahead of me on this and is already thinking about trying
to support nominations in the voting app to reduce the administrative
overhead. See: https://fedorahosted.org/elections/ticket/23
IRC Debate:
Another idea floating around is organizing a candidate debate for each
election. I can't take credit for this idea. It should be doable. My
main concerning is how to generate the questions/topics for a debate
format. This loops to my personal focus on trying to find a way
generate questions from the community for candidates to answer. If
you've got an idea on how to run a candidate debate for any of the
elections, feel free to chime in.
Meet the Candidate Videos:
If candidates wanted to make introductory videos can we organize a
space for candidates videos that makes it easier for people to find?
Okay that's it from me. Thoughts?
Touting my own horn. To be clear, this is a derivative and not a
official project.
Digg It:
"The Red Hat community engineer behind the Fedora Games and Fedora Xfce
media spins, Rahul Sundaram, had announced the release of Omega 10 Beta
this past weekend. Omega is a desktop/mobile Linux distribution that is
based upon Fedora but includes packages from the Livna RPM repository.
The Omega 10 Beta release is roughly equivalent to the Fedora 10 Beta to
be released tomorrow, but integrates multimedia support not found in
Fedora along with delivering other added functionality."
On Mon, Sep 29, 2008 at 06:53:34PM -0700, Jesse Keating wrote:
> On Tue, 2008-09-30 at 06:41 +0530, Rahul Sundaram wrote:
> > Is there going to be a link to Fedora 10 Beta release notes? Is there a
> > list of major bugs and pending issues?
> >
> Good point, the announcement should point to the release notes, (as well
> as the get.fedoraproject.org page) and the release notes should have the
> list of known issues on it.
That page with the cached/static URLs is here:
Paul W. Frields http://paul.frields.org/
gpg fingerprint: 3DA6 A0AC 6D58 FEC4 0233 5906 ACDB C937 BD11 3717
http://redhat.com/ - - - - http://pfrields.fedorapeople.org/irc.freenode.net: stickster @ #fedora-docs, #fedora-devel, #fredlug
In light of trying to pump up the marketing and the bug reporting, here
is a Beta release announcement:
Thanks to Steven Moix for the original (in French[1]), which I adapted
for English. Blame for the "Beta contest" is entirely on me.
[1] http://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-fr-list/2008-September/msg00097.html
Fedora 10 Beta: Cambridge's foundations are laid
Just on the heels of the Fedora Project's fifth anniversary, the Beta of
Fedora Linux version 10 (code-named Cambridge) is now available:
There is also a Beta contest! Test five things in the Beta that are
important to you as a user. If you find a bug *and* report it, you get
the free attention of a package maintainer on a problem personally
important to you!
Do your part to make Fedora 10 that much better.
Among the new, fun, and interesting features:
* New NetworkManager with connection sharing
* Improved printer handling
* Remote virtualization and easier virt storage
* Sectool, an auditing and security testing framework
* RPM 4.6, the first big RPM change in several years
... and more ...
* New version of PackageKit for managing software, with more fixes
and enhancements (which benefits all distributions)
* New version of PulseAudio (which benefits all distributions)
* Kernel 2.6.27, including better support for WiFi
* Better support for the EFI for Apple Macintosh hardware
* Faster graphical start-up by Plymouth, replacing the venerable
* Better support for webcams through the hard work in kernel
2.6.27 (which benefits all distributions)
* New icon theme "Echo", to be completed with the theme graphic
"Solar" in the Fedora 10 release
* Gnome 2.24
* KDE 4.1
* Adding the NetBeans IDE
* Eclipse 3.4
* Automatic installation of multimedia codecs
* Better HDTV support in X.org
* "Sugar" graphical environment (from OLPC) available for use,
testing, and development
A more complete list and details of each new cited feature is available:
Karsten Wade, Community Gardener
Dev Fu : http://developer.redhatmagazine.com
Fedora : http://quaid.fedorapeople.org
gpg key : AD0E0C41
On Mon, Sep 29, 2008 at 03:41:42PM -0700, Jesse Keating wrote:
> On Mon, 2008-09-29 at 15:16 -0700, Karsten 'quaid' Wade wrote:
> > In light of trying to pump up the marketing and the bug reporting, here
> > is a Beta release announcement:
> This looks good to me. Are the links within validated with
> Infrastructure to handle the load, and valid content?
In answering that question, I believe there is an Infrastructure SOP
for release that has the links automatically load balanced and
expected by our intrepid sysadmins.
Paul W. Frields http://paul.frields.org/
gpg fingerprint: 3DA6 A0AC 6D58 FEC4 0233 5906 ACDB C937 BD11 3717
http://redhat.com/ - - - - http://pfrields.fedorapeople.org/irc.freenode.net: stickster @ #fedora-docs, #fedora-devel, #fredlug
One thing I kept reading in recent time on fedoraforum.org is how much
of a disconnect people felt between the marketing message for F9 and the
reality. "If they had just said it's a beta X.org and beta KDE, suck it
up, it would have been easier. But they invited all these new users
with slick shiny promises and let them down."
I'm going to try to address this head-on in the release documentation,
with sections that highlight potential and known problems. I'm not sure
what to do about the marketing message except to note that we don't want
to undermine our success through over-hype.
- Karsten
Karsten Wade, Sr. Developer Community Mgr.
Dev Fu : http://developer.redhatmagazine.com
Fedora : http://quaid.fedorapeople.org
gpg key : AD0E0C41
"Fedora gets bonus points for being one of the first to make putting a
persistent Fedora 9 on a USB drive possible with a few clicks in
Windows. The live environment is pretty snappy for its kind, and all but
the heaviest apps (OpenOffice, for example) are included for toying with."
"Who would like it: Anyone who likes their Linux on a USB stick (with
persistent data and setup), and anyone looking to try out a general
purpose Linux distribution without having to monkey around with too many
Great to hear from you Varun,
I have sent 31 CDs of Fedora to Rajan. Hope he can help as he is from
himanchal pradesh too.
Rajan please help them.
About Fedora T-Shirts, you must contact the Fedora ambassadors. If you
want me to send you, I can but, I can't provide them for free as we sell
them in order to sustain our group.
If something I can do. I will really be happy.
On Thu, 2008-09-25 at 18:35 +0530, varun patial wrote:
> Hello Sir,
> My name is Varun Patial and I belong to Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh in India. I have been working on Fedora for the past 3 years. I am pursuing my B.Tech in Computer Science Engineering from National Institute of Technology,Hamirpur where I am the system administrator of a GLUG-NITH server (www.glug-nith.org) which is currently hosting Fedora-mirror (ftp://fedora.glug-nith.org) TLDP and GNU mirror. I am also the administrator of GLUG-NITH mailing list. GLUG-NITH has, for the last 4 years, been working for the cause of promotion of the idea of using LINUX as an operating system among the students of NIT Hamirpur.
> I read you post on fedora-ambassadors mailing list regarding the Software freedom day. So I thought of sharing our experience of SFD with you.
> On 20th we celebrated software freedom day(SFD) in our college.
> We didn't expected many people since it being a holiday and also people were off to their home just after periodical exam. even we put the notice just one day before as everyone was busy in periodical.
> The event consisted of
> 1 Introduction to glug-nith and campus ambassador program started by SunMicrosystem in our college.
> 2 A detailed step by step installation of fedora 9 and openSolaris build 79.
> 3 Distibution of openSolaris dvds to everyone.
> We started at 4:30 in the evening with some 35 people, mostly new faces from 1st year. We started the session with the introduction to glug-nith and the ideology behind it, the opensSource concept and its learn and share philosophy!
> We had plans of warping up everything within one hour, but people kept pouring in and within half an hour some 65 people were their in the seminar hall! infact we had to stand throughout the session as their was no chair left.
> Student were quite interested and they did come up with lots of basic but interesting question!
> In the end we distributed the dvd of opensolaris . It all took more than 2 hours but needless to say it was really great and much more than what we expected.I am also sending some of the pics in attachment.
> We tried to get fedora DVDs but all went in vain. So if you can help us with fedora installation DVDs , i will be grateful to you.
> Also tell me how can I order a Fedora T-Shirt.
> Regards
> Varun Patial
> Get an email ID as yourname(a)ymail.com or yourname@rocketmail..com. Click here http://in.promos.yahoo.com/address
"How could Red Hat do such a thing? Long-time users like me were calling
it total madness and surely a recipe for disaster. History has proven me
wrong. Today, Fedora is a successful and popular Linux project that
proves the community model can work"
"Over the course of the last five years, the Fedora Project has tried to
live up to its founding vision with no less than 9 full distribution
releases and has millions of users.
A key to Fedora's success has been that each distribution release really
has pushed the envelope forward on Linux."
Today we talked strategy. Our summary points are:
* Strategy for the next six to nine months:
** Publicize features more
** Come up with more stories about people and projects
** Use the feature pages and other existing processes
** Add appropriate tools and processes
** KISS but effective
The task list is now updated with tasks for press, release
announcements, and talking points. Any other release-specific tasks
need to get on here now?
You can see a log of today's meeting here: